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Bruuuuh. It’s not funny but it is. #TrayvonMartinStory
This was some Daily Show level ridiculousness except there's no editing. This guy was just that fucking stupid.
The other amazing part that white people have managed to ignore? If slavery was even ONE of the reasons for a war how can that war be just?

How is that just yadda yadda'd out of the discussion?
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#TrayvonMartinStory The murder of Trayvon Martin is accurately described as a modern day lynching very similar to murder of Emmett Till: the circumstances of the case pointed clearly to murder w/ racist motives but the court system, a white supremacist institution, legalized it
Key to understand the Trayvon Martin case as existing within a long history of lynching as a form of terrorism in the south. Since the end of slavery, its purpose has been to enforce social, economic and political control of free Black populations in America.
Lynching occurs in 2 key steps: 1) the extrajudicial killing and murder of a Black person 2) the legalizing of that murder by the court system. Remember that lynching was a legalized practice for much of the early 20th century. FL's "Stand Your Ground" laws = modern lynching
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