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Oct 3rd 2018
Wylie on Brainwashing : “One thing you want to do is identify the type of person you could exploit and undermine them psychologically. They’d find people who were less resilient psychologically… you essentially tried to exacerbate distrust and paranoia.”…
Cambridge Analytica weaponized propaganda that was spread via operatives planted into Facebook groups. People thought they were talking to their peers. They were fooled. It was a military op.
CA took data that we provided via online surveys, Amazon wish lists, our Facebook posts, shares and Twitter likes and retweets and built profiles to target us. They fed us comments that affirmed our beliefs and comments. They intensified emotions and created division.
Read 6 tweets
Aug 29th 2018
💥6 days after June 9th Veselnitskaya mtg in Trump Tower, ⁦@GOPLeader⁩ McCarthy & ⁦@PRyan⁩ were caught on audio claiming ⁦@realDonaldTrump⁩ and ⁦@DanaRohrabacher⁩ were paid by Putin. Knowing that, why did they support Trump ⁉️…
But, that’s not all. Manafort took notes on his phone about Russia “donations”...
😳Whoa 😲 - Remember the Veselnitskaya “planning meeting” that Giuliani alluded to that Trump might have attended 2 days before? Was he referring to the one Trump had w Brad Parscale 1 day before to discuss #TrumpData ‼️
Read 5 tweets
Jul 30th 2018
😳 @RudyGiuliani: “ Cohen says- and he say’s too much“ that there was a PLANNING MEETING 2 DAYS BEFORE VESELNITSKAYA- MAGNITSKY MEETING‼️
On June 7th after the ‘planning meeting’ Don Jr confirmed the meeting for June 9th by email w the Russians. That night Trump bragged about it at his speech‼️🎩tip @jedshug 👇
🔥On June 8, the day after the Russians received word from Don Jr that the mtg would take place, RU launched DCLeaks where they started loading and disseminating illegally obtained, hacked emails🔥
Read 8 tweets
Jul 24th 2018
💥Trump keeps talking about the DNC server... Why don’t we ask @realDonaldTrump about HIS secret “Trump Tower server” that was communicating w Alfa Bank and Spectrum server during the campaign💥The @FBI should seize Trump’s server‼️
📌Soooo.. about Betsy DeVos’s Spectrum server that has an intriguing “coincidence- connection” to Maria - Putin’s daughter per @LouiseMensch 📌
@haaretzcom said that the Alfa server was actually found in Trump Tower 🤔Does anyone have info on this⁉️
Read 8 tweets
Jul 23rd 2018
💥BOOM💥Anybody else notice how this account has tweets ready to go within a split second of Trump’s morning rants⁉️How does it know what he will Tweet? Parscale knew. He had pre- prepared tweets and memes ready to go on prepared subjects coordinated w Russian bots. #TrumpData
🔥💀🔥Trump’s morning rants are a Brainwashing strategy to get into the heads of people when they first wake up in the morning to set his “thought agenda”
Read 6 tweets
Jul 14th 2018
🔥According to today’s indictment, THE INFORMATION RELEASE WAS TIMED FOR MAXIMUM INPUT- this gave #TrumpData time to prepare memes and pre-prepared tweets that were amplified by bots🔥
Read 3 tweets
May 24th 2018
You know what happened at Trump Hotels marketing?

Kelhios. #TrumpData

I only just realized that part was also relevant. Cc @TeaPainUSA @conspirator0 @gchq @emlas
^ it was not only a Cendyn server **that Alfa Bank built**, it was a hotel marketing server.

And @Trump willfully allowed #Kelhios to operate in their hotels. @erictrump @ivankatrump and @DonaldJTrumpJr all directors. Check date, hashtag here #TrumpData @comey
This ^ is why @RealDonaldTrump tried and failed to scrub @IvankaTrump from both Poker Ventures and TIHM (Trump Int Hotel Management) both show Russian collusion. #Kelhios #daughtergate…
Read 4 tweets
Feb 25th 2018
🔥🔥🔥🔥URGENT 🔥🔥🔥Yesterday I consolidated my older and newest research on RU Special Forces Sleeper Cells (Spetsnaz)- On Tge Ground In US into a Twitter Moment and within seconds, ALL my Moments were labeled “sensitive”- no matter the subject matter.👇cont...👇
At first, I thought it might be the cover photo so I edited my Moment - but that didn’t solve the problem - and besides, my other Moments are different content so I really don’t think that was the issue. If you are following you know I had a serious hack w threats about one topic
I have archived my Twitter Moments and accounts because I have known for a few weeks that the heat was turned up. All of us knew that as Mueller moved closer to Trump we would be more at risk... It’s not just me- it’s a lot of the researchers that have touched a nerve..
Read 35 tweets

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