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Oct 7th 2018
This November 6th, I am calling on Republicans, Independents & #WalkAway Democrats to turn out in support of @POTUS and #VoteRed. Let's help @realDonaldTrump continue his agenda to #MAGA. We ALL win when we MAGA. We ALL benefit from jobs, record low unemployment & tax cuts.
Come Nov 6th, we need to finish reclaiming our country by showing up in record numbers to #VoteRed. Let's send our biggest msg yet to Dems, Liberal Media & the World, that we support @POTUS & we want to continue to #MAGA. Let's give @realDonaldTrump the tools he needs to do it.
Dedicate yourselves to helping get the word out every day between now and Nov 6th. Encourage your friends, family, co-workers & neighbors to #VoteRed. Don't forget the store clerk, or whomever else you encounter. Take Nov 6th off to volunteer at the polls or drive voters to vote.
Read 24 tweets
Oct 7th 2018
Oh we aren’t done here. There are too many causalities of this political war and just because their names stop trending doesn’t mean we’ve forgotten. #ClearTheirNames
#GenFlynn #JusticeKavanaugh #RonnyJackson
Start by firing @jontester he released an unverified “memo” calling @USNavy Admiral the “Candy Man” all based from claims coming from: wait for it... an unhinged feminist! Claims were so outrageous Obama admin disagreed! #ClearTheirNames #VOTEDEMSOUT pick @MattForMontana 🇺🇸
See we let @SenatorTester get away with it because #RonnyJackson resigned BUT he only did because he said position was too important to be stalled, now we know how right he was. To this day libs like @tedlieu say Jackson should have his medical license revoked! #ClearTheirNames
Read 3 tweets
Sep 30th 2018
Dear @SenWhitehouse
You’re a former AG since when are allegations referred to the PRESS and not the @senjudiciary investigators what a joke. 48 hrs later your precious constituent recanted. All good @FBI is investigating the false claim now. #ConfirmKavanaugh #WakeUpRI
Furthermore you seem transfixed on investigating Kavanaugh’s “penchant for drunkenness” in fact at the hearing you seemed horrified that teenagers would be drinking, which is rich considering your own son is confirmed drunk. #ConfimKavanaugh
Don’t care how blue #RhodeIsland is the State deserves anyone less phony and condescending than #SheldonWhitehouse not everyone can have mommy and daddy clean up our messes. #VoteDemsOut
Read 5 tweets
Sep 16th 2018
Seeing all the homeless in tents all over downtown Los Angeles is horrible. Then I missed a turn and came across this! This is shocking! How can the city allow this to happen? It’s like a third world country. It goes in for blocks like this! #VoteDemsOut2018 #California
@KamalaHarris this is what you left California with? #KamalaHarris #JerryBrown #VoteCaliforniaDemsOut
Unbelievable that this is happening in California. #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder
Read 6 tweets
Sep 15th 2018
#EvelynRodriguez wasn’t just “hit by a car” the driver of the car had torn apart her daughters memorial located in the same location she and a friend were murdered by MS-13 two years ago. The driver murdered Evelyn. #AngelMoms #BuildTheDamnWall…
The entire incident was recorded😓 WHO tears down a memorial for two teenage girls that were beaten and stabbed to death?! #RIP
Read 5 tweets
Aug 22nd 2018
Let us NOT forget the victims of illegal aliens, & the crimes they committed on Americans! #DemsLibs do you see brought against us? #QAnon #WWG1WGA
#DominicDanielDurden Sheriff Dept, 911 dispatcher, 30. His death is d/t the failure of the Obama immigration system, according to his mother.
Grants life was worth 2 packs of cigarettes to 1 dreamer.
Read 32 tweets
Aug 2nd 2018
You can’t make this s**t up @SenWarren @SenatorCarper @SenWhitehouse @SenBlumenthal are demanding an investigation from the Department of Defense IG into who’s toured Air Force One. These people are insane, what a horrific waste of resources. #VOTEDEMSOUT
WHAT do you think giving tours to campaign donors was for? You are a further embarrassment to the VA Committee Blumenthal the @DeptofDefense has better sh*t to do like defend the Country.
The whole damn world has had a tour of Air Force One?! THIS is what you worry about? OMG. ENOUGH.
Read 5 tweets
Jul 30th 2018
🙏 Dear America,


Do you want to help President Trump Make America Great Again?

So do I...

Here's how I decided to help @realDonaldTrump #MAGA

I opened my ears, I listened to what Trump said. He told us that he needs more Republicans. So I...

Found a Republican @Ron4California to help that was being shadow banned by Twitter, while his Democrat incumbent opponent Karen Bass was not. 🤔 I thought to myself how unfair this was and asked myself what could I do that would make THE MOST difference in helping him win...
The first thing I thought of was donating to his campaign, which is always a great way to help someone. So I donated $10, but even after donating, I still felt the need to help him more. Well I'm not rich enough to fund his campaign, so I decided to...
Read 8 tweets
Jul 20th 2018
ICYMI: democrats in the Senate would rather risk war than give peace a chance

Derangement Syndrome towards POTUS @realDonaldTrump has officially arrived in the U.S. Senate
#WalkAway from democrats & #VoteDEMout to #MAGA
In less than 24 HOURS, Democrats went from pretending to be concerned about foreign interference in our elections, to defending San Francisco for allowing non-citizens to vote illegally #VoterFraud

#WalkAway from democrats
Russians are coming into America illegally

Some Russians join violent gangs & murder people of color

Russians are registering to vote in our elections ILLEGALLY

Maybe if we changed "illegal aliens" to "Russians," democrats would actually care
STOP #VoterFraud
Read 9 tweets
Jun 25th 2018
🚨@AGBecerra @ericgarcetti @tedlieu @KamalaHarris @SenFeinstein you need to focus. Why the hell does @UCLA lease a baseball field on property donated to @DeptVetAffairs your big solution is to let them sleep in their cars there? Hell no.
You have 388 acres DONATED and the $16.5 million dollar deal with #UCLA is supposed to include facilities for #Veterans but it’s stuck in limbo over an environmental study?GTFO @AGBecerra needs to file a lawsuit against someone other than @realDonaldTrump and fix this
Why did the VA pay $11 million for parking fees with #WestsideServices you are all ABSENT and @tedlieu you can talk about your service all damn day but you never mention this travesty. #VoteDemsOUT
Read 6 tweets
Mar 13th 2018
@POTUS Trump colluded with American people to #MAGA

The House Intel Committee concluded that Trump went out every single day to touch the hearts & lives of the working class & thats why @realDonaldTrump WON

LETS NOW #KeepAmericaGreat
@POTUS Trump has replaced Secretary of State Rex Tillerson with former CIA Director Mike Pompeo

He also hired Gina Haspel as the first female director of the CIA

Trump treats the Presidency like a business & if youre not doing your job, YOURE FIRED

(1)The Felonious "Littering" of 7,000 pairs of shoes by #MarchForOurLives #NeverAgain "Forced Protestors" Needs to STOP Manipulating #USA Youth into these Criminal acts

Next "Protect" like this dont say #Metoo that you Participated
Read 161 tweets

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