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Jul 30th 2018
#YazidiGenocide survivor: I was pregnant and taken as sex slave with my five years daughter by SuNn! Neighbors.
After ISIS killed my husband and almost all members of our family I decided to suicide,I took poison but didn’t die, I lost my unborn baby.
I was sold many times @POTUS
ISIS fighters would offer us as gifts. In the evenings, they would get together and trade Yezidi women, and have their fun with us,” Samiyah recalls.

‘I ran for a day and a night’: Yazidi girls share blood-curdling stories of ISIS slavery. #YazidiGenocide @TarekFatah
2)A woman who spent 3 years as ISIS slave and a girl who was only 5 yrs when taken are among the lucky few to have returned home, while 100s of Yezidi girls remain in captivity.
Samiyah was pregnant when Islamic State militants attacked her village in 2014
#YazidiGenocide @POTUS
Read 12 tweets
Jul 15th 2018
Solidarity with Yezidis who have been under ongoing Genocide since 2014.
Yezidis are ethno religious group one of the oldest religions in world
They have faced 74 Genocide campaigns by Muslims.Yezidis are neither Kurds nor Arabs.
They’re not Muslims
#YazidiGenocide took place in Iraq and Syria.
It started in 2014 and has been ongoing since then.
One of the oldest religions faces extinction.
They have been targeted for their beliefs.
They were killed,kidnapped,burned,raped,enslaved and forced to leave their homeland
Four years of ongoing Genocide and it’s going to be five years and still 3100 Yezidi women and girls in ISIS captivity.
West leaders are busy to welcome their Citizens IS fighters instead of helping to rescue victims and welcome them for new life.
Read 3 tweets

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