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May 28th 2018
#GovtAtWorkNg AGRICULTURE: Here's a look at some #Agriculture programmes and milestones.

📷 HM @AuduOgbeh at KASCO Fertilizer Plant, Kano on 13/03/ 2017. The Presidential Fertilizer Initiative made fertilizer available & 30% cheaper to farmers, increasing food production #Thread
Dairy Development - the PPPs between FG & Arla/Friesland are yielding fruits; a big boost to milk production for local consumption & empowering dairy farmers especially women. 📷 HM @AuduOgbeh at Friesland Milk Collection Center, Fashola Village, Oyo - 10/7/ 2017 #GovtAtWorkNg
As part of efforts to improve food production, HM @AuduOgbeh inaugurated Seed Inspectors of @NASC_NG Seed Council on 6/11/2017 in Kano. The Inspectors deployed nationwide are tackling fake/adulterated seeds and ensuring that only certified seeds are sold to farmers #GovtAtWorkNg
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