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May 30, 2018, 11 tweets

NOW: #EverydayRacism

@JoyAnnReid and @chrislhayes host a dialogue about racism in America in a special town hall on @MSNBC.…

NOW: #EverydayRacism

@JoyAnnReid and @chrislhayes host a dialogue about racism in America in a special town hall on @MSNBC.

. @TTMProject explained to @MSNBC why he made his video. Watch. #EverydayRacism

"We don't have to agree, but we don't have to get ugly."

- @TheRevAl


WATCH: @TheRevAl and Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson discuss #EverydayRacism.

Extended discussion:

Yale student Lolade Siyonbola was sleeping in a dorm common room when another student called the police on her. She says the school has not yet condemned the student's actions.


Why does @TheRevAl march?

To shine a spotlight.


.@DrPhilGoff explains how he believes implicit biases becomes explicit action


Yale student Lolade Siyonbola says Yale has not condemned the student who called the police on her. Editor’s Note: Yale University says at the time of the incident, campus police “admonished” the student who called, and reported the matter to the dean of its graduate school.

During this town hall, Yale student Lolade Siyonbola said Yale hasn't condemned the student who called the police on her. Editor’s Note: Yale says at the time of the incident, campus police “admonished” the student who called and reported the matter to the dean of its grad school

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