Elemi Fuentes 🇫️🇺️🇨️🇰️ Profile picture
The truth is mightier than the sword. Revolution is in the air.

Jun 26, 2018, 10 tweets

1-I should really have done this a few days ago, but better late than never, right?

Keep this in mind when people tell you how evil you are for being a #Trump Supporter, how #SarahSanders shouldn't be allowed to dine with her family due to her political views.

2-Let's talk about Nathan Larson and his political views. Mr. Larson runs for public office in the US State of Virginia, and apparently has been doing so since 2008 (with little results) under #Libertarian Party & currently #Independent Party

3-Mr. Larson just happened to have served a 14 month jail term due to an act of ‘civil disobedience’, which in this particular case, means threatening to kill the president (#Bush, at the time), but seems #Obama would have done as well

4-Larson main points are:
Protecting gun ownership (isn't that nice?)

This man is all for polygamy (hey, to each their own, right? 🤔)

But he is also all for repelling the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution.
What does that mean?
Glad you ask 🤔

5-It basically means repealing the Violence Against Women Act, their right to vote and, in short, reducing them to property, initially of their fathers, and later of their husbands.

But wait, there is more...

6-Mr. Larson here is a self-confessed #pedophile who actually wants to #legalize #child #pornography and #incestuous #marriages.

My, aren't we nice? 🤔

7-He used to be behind a number of supremacist sites (terminated this year when Huff Post discovered them) that, under the guise of men support groups , were specifically created to incite violence and rape and undermine women (I wonder if he is pals with #ROK & #RooshV? 🤔)

8-In these sites he also wrote masterpieces such as ‘“How to psyche yourself up to feel entitled to rape” and long, graphic descriptions of sexual fantasies with children; confessed attraction for his 3 year old daughter, and even boasted of raping his ex-wife.

9-His wife eventually got custody of the kid and his parental rights were terminated. It seems his first wife was transsexual and after struggling with depression, died by suicide (this makes me a bit uneasy, doesn't it? 🤔)

Mr. Larson has since remarried.

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