RunningTheRace Profile picture
#EyesOnHim ✞

Jun 27, 2018, 73 tweets

!!New Q!! 06/27/18 00:05 Q says there is chatter about trains and buses and to be vigilant!! #Q #QAlerts #QAnon @FalseFlags #BeVigilant @realDonaldTrump

Anon Comments/Research/Theories/Memes/News!! From the board!! #Q #QAlert #WalkAway #AllForALarp #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump

Anon Comments/Research/Theories/Memes/News!! From the board!! #Q #QAlert #WalkAway #AllForALarp #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump

!!NEW Q!! 01:18 Q links to Reddit post re. @POTUS signing the hat of Patriot with WWG1WGA! See below! Q says that fist pumps re: POTUS/Q encounter = Keep up the good fight, Patriot & will be a very common theme, known only to you! Feel proud!
#WWG1WGA #Q #QAlert #QAnon

Anon Comments/Research/Theories/Memes/News/POTUS Tweets!! From the board!! #Q #QAlert #WalkAway #AllForALarp #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump

Anon Comments/Research/Theories/Memes/News/POTUS Tweets!! From the board!! #Q #QAlert #WalkAway #AllForALarp #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump

Anon Comments/Research/Theories/Memes/News/POTUS Tweets!! From the board!! #Q #QAlert #WalkAway #AllForALarp #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump

Anon Comments/Research/Theories/Memes/News/POTUS Tweets!! From the board!! #Q #QAlert #WalkAway #AllForALarp #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump

Anon Comments/Research/Theories/Memes/News/POTUS Tweets!! From the board!! #Q #QAlert #WalkAway #AllForALarp #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump

Cernovich calls Q a LARP! @GenFlynn From the board!! #Q #QAlert #WalkAway #AllForALarp #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump

Anon Comments/Research/Theories/Memes/News/POTUS Tweets!! From the board!! #Q #QAlert #WalkAway #AllForALarp #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump

Peter Strzok arrives on Capital Hill for closed door hearing!! #Q #QAlert #WalkAway #AllForALarp #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #StrzokTestimony @realDonaldTrump

Anon Comments/Research/Theories/Memes/News/POTUS Tweets!! From the board!! #Q #QAlert #WalkAway #AllForALarp #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump

Anon Comments/Research/Theories/Memes/News/POTUS Tweets!! From the board!! #Q #QAlert #WalkAway #AllForALarp #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump

Anon Comments/Research/Theories/Memes/News/POTUS Tweets!! From the board!! #Q #QAlert #WalkAway #AllForALarp #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump

Anon Comments/Research/Theories/Memes/News/POTUS Tweets!! From the board!! #Q #QAlert #WalkAway #AllForALarp #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump

Anon Comments/Research/Theories/Memes/News/POTUS Tweets!! From the board!! #Q #QAlert #WalkAway #AllForALarp #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump

Anon Comments/Research/Theories/Memes/News/POTUS Tweets!! From the board!! #Q #QAlert #WalkAway #AllForALarp #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump

Anon Comments/Research/Theories/Memes/News/POTUS Tweets!! From the board!! #Q #QAlert #WalkAway #AllForALarp #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump

Q Clock!! Anon Comments/Research/Theories/Memes/News/POTUS Tweets!! From the board!! #Q #QAlert #WalkAway #QClock #AllForALarp #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump

!!NEW Q!! 11:45!! Anon posts @DonaldJTrumpJr tweet and says it seemed as if it was a marker!! “Democratic Party of JFK dead!” Q sends direct message to TPTB that if they continue to proceed down this dangerous path only know that we are prepared! #QAnon #Q #QAlerts @POTUS cont.

You should know this based on earlier drops re: SA / Nat Guard / MIL Assets activate US soil.
The game is over when the public knows!! You should know this based on earlier drops re: SA / Nat Guard / MIL Assets activate US soil! Cont. #TheGreatAwakening #QAnon @realDonaldTrump

The fight to keep the LIGHTS OFF is all that matters to you.
You underestimated their resolve and their ability to free-think away from the pipeline narrative. We will DECLAS.
We will shine LIGHT! #Q

No amount of money, influence, or power can stop this. Our rights to secure and protect at all costs then become justified.
We stand at the ready!! RED WAVE. WHITE SQUALL. IN GOD WE TRUST!! #GreatAwakening #InGodWeTrust #WWG1WGA #QAnon @realDonaldTrump

!!NEW Q!! 11:58 Q replies to last drop & tells TPTB if they’re smart (stupid) they know what just occurred at Russia mtng. Attempts to frame Russia/POTUS/failing will soon be exposed! Attempts to keep POTUS from Putin failed! Bolton+Putin should scare you! #QAnon @realDonaldTrump

Enemies are allies and EVIL has no place here! America is no longer for sale! 🇺🇸 The age of taxing our citizens across the whole world while entry to our markets is FREE is OVER! The world will UNITE in this cause! #GreatAwakeningWorldwide #WWG1WGA #QAnon @realDonaldTrump

This fight is about Good vs. Evil and Right vs. Wrong!! Forced immigration pushers will be exposed to show why they pushed for it! Read the Bible!! God WINS!! ❤️Amen Q!!! #Q #QAnon #GodWins @realDonaldTrump

!!NEW Q!! 12:17 🇮🇷 Q reminds the good people of Iran that are currently battling their 'installed' regime for FREEDOM, that we stand with them!! TRUE RULE, THE PEOPLE HAVE THE POWER! RISE UP and DEMAND THEY BE REMOVED! #QAnon #UnitedWeStand @realDonaldTrump

At some point military generals will act w/the will of the people simply because their soldiers ARE THOSE SAME PEOPLE and have no choice!! We stand with you and are monitoring the situation closely.
Stay safe!
God bless!! #QAnon #StandWithIranianPeople #FreedomFighters @POTUS

!!NEW Q!! 12:31 Q gives an overview of Strzok testimony!! It was filled with lies as you can read below! He declined to answer incriminating questions! They weren’t buying the lies he was selling and openly told him that they won’t accept his answers!! #QAnon @realDonaldTrump

!!NEW Q!! 13:09 Q posts President Trump’s tweet stating that the Strzok hearing should be covered live and not hidden behind closed doors!! #TransparencyNow #QAnon #Truth #StrzokHearing #TruthBelongWithThePeople @realDonaldTrump

!!NEW Q!! 13:20 Q responds to Anon post of SC Justice Kennedy’s letter to POTUS dated June 27th!! Q asks if it was his choice and reminds us that Kennedy was the swing vote!! We won’t have that issue anymore!! Locked & Loaded!
RBG is next!! Hallelujah!!! #QAnon #Q #SupremeCourt

!!NEW Q!! 14:57 Q posts Trey Gowdy’s statement that he won’t be filing for re-election to Congress nor seeking any other political or elected office but instead he’ll be returning to the justice system! Q asks if he should be added to the list! (For SC Justice ?)#QAnon @POTUS

Anon Comments/Research/Theories/Memes/News/POTUS Tweets!! From the board!! #Q #QAlert #WalkAway #AllForALarp #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump

Anon Comments/Research/Theories/Memes/News/POTUS Tweets!! From the board!! #Q #QAlert #WalkAway #AllForALarp #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump

President Trump joins student leaders from colleges and universities!! #Q #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump

President Trump statement on SC Justice Kennedy!! #Q #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump

!!NEW Q!! 15:58 Q says nothing POTUS has done, while under constant attack (see some of his major accomplishments below) has been good enough for the left & they cry, Impeach!!… #QAnon #Q #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #WalkAway #FakeNews @realDonaldTrump

WHAT A WONDERFUL DAY!! We BELIEVE Q!! Wonderful indeed!! #Q @POTUS

President Trump Welcomes President of Portugal!! #Q #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump

!!NEW Q!! 16:01 Q corrects an error from previous drop! GPD should have been GDP!! It’s okay Q lots going on!! ❤️#QAnon #Q #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #WalkAway @realDonaldTrump

!!NEW Q!! 18:21 Q posted a link to article by Sara Carter (link below) about Strzok testimony today and asks if it sounds familiar!! It sounds like what Q told us earlier today!!… #QAnon #Strozk @realDonaldTrump

!!NEW Q!! 18:22 An Anon asks Q not to post now because they’re listening to some ND guy talking before Trump speaks! Q says, “You have time, just landed!” Q is onboard the flight with POTUS or it’s POTUS posting!! #QAanon #Q #NotALarp #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump

!!NEW Q!! 18:36 Q replies to his post re. Strzok testimony & says Goodlatte on Fox “FBI attorney instructing PS not to answer.........answers re. texts not believable.” Q asks if that sounds familiar! Yes, Q already told us!! Rest assured JUSTICE will be served!! #Justice #QAnon

!!NEW Q!! 18:46 Q posts a picture from the North Dakota Rally with lots of Patriots up front with Q shirts on and says, “We see you, so many VIPs @ the rally!” #QAnon @VIPAnons #WWG1WGA #GreatAwakening @realDonaldTrump

!!NEW Q!! 19:08 Q posts another picture of Patriots with Q shirts at ND Rally! Q says they’re Patriots one and All! #Winning #WWG1WGA #Baker #NoDeals #PainComing #QAnon #GreatAwakening @realDonaldTrump

Anon Comments/Research/Theories/Memes/News/POTUS Tweets!! From the board!! #Q #QAlert #WalkAway #AllForALarp #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump

Anon Comments/Research/Theories/Memes/News/POTUS Tweets!! From the board!! #Q #QAlert #WalkAway #AllForALarp #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump

Anon Comments/Research/Theories/Memes/News/POTUS Tweets!! From the board!! #Q #QAlert #WalkAway #AllForALarp #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump

Anon Comments/Research/Theories/Memes/News/POTUS Tweets!! From the board!! #Q #QAlert #WalkAway #AllForALarp #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump

Anon Comments/Research/Theories/Memes/News/POTUS Tweets!! From the board!! #Q #QAlert #WalkAway #AllForALarp #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump

!!NEW Q!! 20:26 Q posts a link to a sickening article about one of HRC campaign officials who was arrested for child rape!! Q asks if it’s a Coincidence? No!! Arrest them all!! #ThesePeopleAreSick #ThesePeopleAreEvil #Pedogate #ReleaseTheVideo #Q @POTUS…

Anon Comments/Research/Theories/Memes/News/POTUS Tweets!! From the board!! #Q #QAlert #WalkAway #AllForALarp #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump

Anon Comments/Research/Theories/Memes/News/POTUS Tweets!! From the board!! #Q #QAlert #WalkAway #QClock #AllForALarp #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump

Anon Comments/Research/Theories/Memes/News/POTUS Tweets!! From the board!! #Q #QAlert #FreeIran #WalkAway #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump

Anon Comments/Research/Theories/Memes/News/POTUS Tweets!! From the board!! #Q #QAlert #WalkAway #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump

President Trump’s Rally in Fargo, ND!! Link here: #QAnon #MAGA #WWG1WGA #GreatAwakening #WeThePeople @realDonaldTrump

Anon Comments/Research/Theories/Memes/News/POTUS Tweets!! From the board!! #Q #QAlert #WalkAway #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump

Anon Comments/Research/Theories/Memes/News/POTUS Tweets!! From the board!! #Q #QAlert #WalkAway #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump

Anon Comments/Research/Theories/Memes/News/POTUS Tweets!! From the board!! #Q #QAlert #WalkAway #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump

Anon Comments/Research/Theories/Memes/News/POTUS Tweets!! From the board!! #Q #QAlert #WalkAway #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump

Anon Comments/Research/Theories/Memes/News/POTUS Tweets!! From the board!! #Q #QAlert #WalkAway #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump

Anon Comments/Research/Theories/Memes/News/POTUS Tweets!! From the board!! #Q #QAlert #WalkAway #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump

Anon Comments/Research/Theories/Memes/News/POTUS Tweets!! From the board!! #Q #QAlert #WalkAway #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump

Anon Comments/Research/Theories/Memes/News/POTUS Tweets!! From the board!! #Q #QAlert #WalkAway #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump

Anon Comments/Research/Theories/Memes/News/POTUS Tweets!! From the board!! #Q #QAlert #WalkAway #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump

Anon Comments/Research/Theories/Memes/News/POTUS Tweets!! From the board!! #Q #QAlert #WalkAway #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump

Anon Comments/Research/Theories/Memes/News/POTUS Tweets!! From the board!! #Q #QAlert #WalkAway #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump

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