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Comic book lover, oenophile, Virginian. Obsessed with/expert on state politics. she/her

Jun 27, 2018, 13 tweets


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So... there goes Roe v. Wade

Gonna miss the ability to make my own decisions about my own body and health

I'd start drinking but honestly I'm a little nauseous just thinking about this

But hell, if you thought electing Democrats to state legislatures was important before, hold on to your butts.

Not-so-#FunFact: 10 states still have (currently unenforced) pre-Roe abortion bans on the books.

Roe gets overturned and abortion becomes suddenly straight-up illegal in Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.…

Four more states -- Louisiana, Mississippi, North Dakota, South Dakota -- have laws on the books that will automatically go into effect and ban abortion if Roe v. Wade gets overturned.…

Of course, there's also the likelihood of federal legislation to restrict or ban abortion getting passed

Oh and I almost forgot about the 5 additional states that have laws expressing intent to restrict the legal right to an abortion to the maximum extent permitted by SCOTUS in the absence of Roe: Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Missouri, Ohio

So, assuming Massachusetts and Illinois move quickly to fix this, that's still 17 states where abortion almost instantly becomes illegal if Roe v. Wade is overturned.

So Guttmacher had some outdated info -- full lowdown on this terrifying situation here:…

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