Sue Gibson Profile picture
Good Trouble and Oxford comma enthusiast. Captcha-verified human member of ACT*UP #ExpectUs she/her or they🏳️‍🌈

Jul 3, 2018, 27 tweets

The necessary convos are happening!

The other side of the sign

The “guy in blue” was a parade organizer who wanted the parade to proceed but didn’t appreciate the crowd applauding the arrest.

People needed an opportunity to talk about this and educate each other.

This action is succeeding wildly.

Minds expanded.

She has been doing this work since 1989.

A little fun here.
She spent over three hours in jail and has lived in Jefferson City since 2004.

Yeah, that parade theme tho...

She should have known better...

Ashley seems to want to be sober.

Be careful what you wish for! She’ll have you in the street with her!


“Stahp it with y’all’s mad little faces” gon’ me my new catch phrase.
And the news gonna have their field day with it July 4th and 5th on @KRCG13 because @ZavalaA is on the case.

And on this entire thread, I have forgotten to add #FreeOurFuture #AbolishICE #ShutDownSessions

Threat. Documented.

“One old lady.” Wearin’ it proudly.

In the street since 1989. Where were you?

Oh, no; not silent regarding @PPFA @PPMO_Advocates @PPSLR @PPGreatPlains @PPact
Just not saying what you hope to hear.

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