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Jul 6, 2018, 5 tweets

Congrats to the 2018 #WorldCup Quarter Finalists!
Follow along during the games as we “pass” along some fun facts out of our #CIAWorldFactBook about each country.
Check out our #WorldCup special one pagers found under each competing country’s Introduction:

The Belgium Red Devils have appeared in 13 of 21 #WorldCup tournaments, but have yet to win. They did come in fourth in 1986. (PDF)


Brazil has the largest population of all the countries playing in the #WorldCup Quarter-Finals (they have the 5th largest population in the entire world) & their official language is Portuguese.

Brazil is the only country to appear in all 21 #WorldCup tournaments & they have won five: 1958, 1962, 1970, 1994, & 2002. (PDF)

The crossroads of W. Europe, Belgium has 3 different official languages: Dutch, French, & German. Most West European capitals are within 1,000 km of Brussels, home to many international orgs like @EUCouncil & @NATO.

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