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We are the Nation's first line of defense. We accomplish what others cannot accomplish and go where others cannot go.
Sep 14, 2018 4 tweets 3 min read
Today we released the 2nd set of declassified material in a series of 6 releases of the daily intelligence report President Harry Truman received from CIA & our predecessor organization, the Central Intelligence Group, between 1946 & 1951.

#HISTINT Today’s release includes 245 Daily Summary reports from 11 March to 31 December, 1946.

The material initially focuses on US efforts to stabilize Europe & East Asia after #WWII & broadens to address leadership struggles worldwide & communist expansionism.
Sep 11, 2018 8 tweets 4 min read
A rust-colored steel column recovered amid the rubble of the World Trade Center after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks is a permanent memorial at CIA Headquarters.

#NeverForget The 9000 lb, 17’6” steel column was retrieved from World Trade Center Building Six, the shortest tower at the #WTC complex. It suffered secondary but catastrophic damage when the North Tower collapsed.

In 2011, New York City Port Authority (@PANYNJ) gave the WTC artifact to CIA.
Sep 5, 2018 4 tweets 2 min read
As college students go #backtoschool & begin to think about how their education will translate into a career, we’d like to share the experience of a young officer, “Lynn,” who never thought her unique education & skill-set would be a fit for CIA. A Day in the Life of a Publications Officer

Lynn: “Publications Officer is our fancy name for an editor. My job is to make sure our intelligence products are reflective of CIA style & branding guidelines, properly classified & sourced, & easily readable for non-experts.”
Aug 29, 2018 10 tweets 3 min read
Let’s debunk some misconceptions people have about CIA & the women & men working here. We’re not gun-toting, globetrotting, martini-drinking spies so frequently portrayed on the silver screen. Instead, we're ordinary Americans, doing extraordinary things. Myth: People who work for CIA are spies & agents.

Fact: US citizens who work for CIA are officers, not agents or spies. All employees, from operations to analysts, to librarians & public affairs, are considered CIA officers.
Aug 22, 2018 11 tweets 3 min read
Meet Our New Deputy Director:

Vaughn Bishop never imagined that one day he would be asked to serve as Deputy Director of CIA. “Then again,” says Bishop, “at no point in my career did I ever cease to be amazed at the opportunities offered at CIA.” Bishop is thrilled to work with his colleague & friend, Director Haspel, again. Years ago, when DCIA was a senior operations officer, & Bishop a senior analyst, they worked together on difficult missions from opposite sides of the Agency directorate structure.
Aug 20, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
Last week we hosted Tony Dungy, former head coach of the @Colts & @Buccaneers, & James “JB” Brown, from @NFLonCBS for a CIA Speaker Series event. The CIA Speaker Series was established in 2014 to provide CIA officers with the opportunity to hear leadership insights from private industry and national security thought leaders.
Aug 15, 2018 4 tweets 3 min read
Today we released the first set of declassified material in a series of 6 releases of the daily intelligence report President Harry Truman received from CIA & our predecessor organization, the Central Intelligence Group, between 1946 & 1951. Known then as “The Daily Summary,” the product continues today as the President’s Daily Brief (PDB). Today’s release includes a chapter from forthcoming history of the PDB by our Chief Historian:

Brief history of the Daily Summary:
Aug 7, 2018 13 tweets 6 min read
OTD 1998: nearly simultaneous bombs blew up at US embassies in Nairobi, Kenya & Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. 224 people were killed, including a CIA officer, & more than 4,500 people were wounded.

20th Anniversary of the US Embassy Bombings in East Africa: 10:30AM Nairobi, Kenya: first truck, loaded w 2,000 pounds of TNT, forced its way to back entrance of embassy. Despite a grenade & firearms attack, Kenyan guards & @USMC prevented access to building where it would have exploded in US Embassy basement.
Aug 3, 2018 8 tweets 4 min read
OTD 3 August 1963: First U-2 Flight Off an Aircraft Carrier

After stopping U-2 flights over USSR in May 1960, the IC looked for new ways to use this unique reconnaissance asset. One idea was to modify the U-2 to fly from @USNavy aircraft carriers. U-2 was designed as a land-based aircraft, so launching it from a moving, narrow carrier flight deck posed several problems.

U-2 designer Clarence “Kelly” Johnson made modifications, & 1st test, codenamed Project Whale Tale, occurred on 3 August 1963 off coast of San Diego.
Aug 2, 2018 5 tweets 3 min read
Today, CIA is welcoming more than 35 students from around the country to CIA HQs for our inaugural STEM Camp.

The participants will get hands-on exposure to how a career in STEM can be leveraged at CIA. In honor of our first summer STEM Camp, we posted a story today about the #reelvsreal of technology depicted in the fictional nation of Wakanda.

Wakandan Technology Today: A CIA Scientist Explores the Possibilities
Aug 1, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
President Trump Announces Intent To Appoint Veteran Agency Officer Vaughn F. Bishop as CIA Deputy Director Mr. Bishop worked at CIA for 30 years & will bring deep analytic expertise, complementing Director Haspel’s operational experience. Before retiring from CIA in 2011, Mr. Bishop served in a variety of senior positions, including Vice Chair of the National Intelligence Council.
Jul 29, 2018 5 tweets 3 min read
That Time CIA Used Tiger Droppings as a Covert Tracking Device

#GlobalTigerDay There are only approx 3,900 wild tigers left in the world today. However, during the Vietnam War the Indochinese tiger population was healthy & thriving, providing us a creative way to covertly track movement of North Vietnamese & Viet Cong.

Jul 25, 2018 5 tweets 3 min read
In the summer of 1960, the @USNavy secretly achieved what was once thought impossible – it successfully launched the first signals intelligence satellite in the world.

GRAB: America's First Signals Intelligence Satellite: GRAB (Galactic Radiation & Background) was an ELINT (Electronic Intelligence) satellite system, operational from July 1960 to August 1962. It provided invaluable data on Soviet air defense radar, including info indicating the Soviets had capability to destroy ballistic missiles.
Jul 15, 2018 7 tweets 9 min read
Congrats to #FRA & #CRO, the 2018 #WorldCup Finalists! Follow along during the game as we “pass” along some fun facts from of our#CIAWorldFactBook.

Check out our World Cup special one pagers found under each competing country’s Introduction:

#FRACRO Croatia made its first #WorldCup appearance in 1998 where they came in third. 2018 marks their 5th appearance. (PDF)

Jul 11, 2018 5 tweets 7 min read
Congrats to the 2018 #WorldCup Semi Finalists! Follow along during the games as we “pass” along some fun facts out of our #CIAWorldFactBook about each country.

#ENGCRO England is the largest country in Great Britain & the UK, & the only team in the World Cup Semi-Finals ruled by a queen.

Jul 10, 2018 5 tweets 7 min read
Congrats to the 2018 #WorldCup Semi Finalists! Follow along during the games as we “pass” along some fun facts out of our #CIAWorldFactBook about each country.

#FRABEL France, the largest Western European nation, is slightly more than four times the size of the state of Georgia or slightly less than the size of Texas.

Jul 7, 2018 5 tweets 7 min read
Congrats to the 2018 #WorldCup Quarter Finalists!
Follow along during the games as we “pass” along some fun facts out of our #CIAWorldFactBook about each country.
Check out our #WorldCup special one pagers found under each competing country’s Introduction: England has participated in 15 #WorldCup tournaments, first making an appearance in 1950.
The #threelions won in 1966. (PDF)

Jul 6, 2018 5 tweets 7 min read
Congrats to the 2018 #WorldCup Quarter Finalists!
Follow along during the games as we “pass” along some fun facts out of our #CIAWorldFactBook about each country.
Check out our #WorldCup special one pagers found under each competing country’s Introduction: The Belgium Red Devils have appeared in 13 of 21 #WorldCup tournaments, but have yet to win. They did come in fourth in 1986. (PDF)

Jul 6, 2018 5 tweets 6 min read
Congrats to the 2018 #WorldCup Quarter Finalists!
Follow along during the games as we “pass” along some fun facts out of our #CIAWorldFactBook about each country.
Check out our #WorldCup special one pagers found under each competing country’s Introduction: -Most of Uruguay's population resides in the southern half of the country
-approximately 80% of the populace is urban, living in towns or cities
-nearly half of the population lives in & around the capital of Montevideo

Jul 3, 2018 10 tweets 5 min read
CIA #Museum AotW: Flag that Flew Above the Glomar Explorer

This flag would have witnessed the stand-off of 3 Soviet vessels encircling the Glomar Explorer as they tried to discern why the American ship was anchored in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. March 1968: Soviet sub K-129, armed with nuclear ballistic missiles, sinks.
May 1968: US located sub about 1,500 miles NW of Hawaii.
Recognizing the value of the intel on Soviet strategic capabilities that would be gained if the sub were recovered, CIA agreed to lead recovery.
Jun 26, 2018 5 tweets 3 min read
Throughout the month of June, CIA hosted a series of events, panels, & activities celebrating the progress toward equality for members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender community.
#PrideMonth DCIA Haspel introduced Major General Tammy Smith, the highest ranking & first openly gay general in US history, at a CIA HQ event, stating: “She refused to give in to discrimination, stayed riveted on her goals, & proceeded to blaze a trail that will go down in the history books”