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Brazilian Writer and musician Contributor @gatewaypundit Telegram channel:…

Jul 11, 2018, 5 tweets

#QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #IBOR #PatriotsFight #OIGReport #Unredacted @POTUS

(1) I like to read about POTUS from the Israeli press. It's quite a relief to read people that are actually rooting for OUR team.

So, POTUS "stuns"allies with demand...


#QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #IBOR #PatriotsFight #OIGReport #Unredacted @POTUS

(2) The Times of Israel: POTUS demands increase in spending in NATO countries to 4% in defense, calls Germany a "captive" of Russia for energy dependency.

#QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #IBOR #PatriotsFight #OIGReport #Unredacted @POTUS

(3) Belgian PM took his girlfriend to meet POTUS - but It's sad to see, she can't play the big leags, yet - as FLOTUS dazzles NATO Secretary-General in one of her many languages.

#QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #IBOR #PatriotsFight #OIGReport #Unredacted @POTUS

(4) POTUS had a one-on-one with Merkel. Look at his face :)
Isn't that over the top? I have learned a bit to read into his body posture, and man - I's bet he is happier than the looks.

#QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #IBOR #PatriotsFight #OIGReport #Unredacted @POTUS

(5) The PUTIN summit may be the easiest part of the trip, says

"the mercurial tycoon" 👾


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