Paul Serran Profile picture
Brazilian Writer and musician Contributor @gatewaypundit Telegram channel:…
243 subscribers
Oct 7, 2018 4 tweets 3 min read
#Electionday in #Brazil #GreatAwakening
Conservative numbers are VERY STRONG in today's vote.

Liberal media is having a meltdown.

If Bolsonaro wins in the first round for president, the left will have been demolished. #Electionday in #Brazil #GreatAwakening
(2) Impeached former predisent Dilma, that miraculously got her political rights re-installed and searched a Senate seat in Minas Gerains, seems to have flopped and ended up in 4th place.
Oct 7, 2018 4 tweets 3 min read
#Electionday in #Brazil #GreatAwakening

Today I voted on the most unapologetic conservative chandidates that I have in my entire life.

My candidate for president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, on the verge of being elected in this first round of voting is NUMBER 17. 👾 halfway through, he is on the brink of victory.
Oct 2, 2018 10 tweets 20 min read
#QAnon #GreatAwakening #TheStorm #WWG1WGA #AskTheQ @POTUS

#QAlert #Incoming Q drops | October 1st


Q | POTUS team | and the AF1 #QAnon #GreatAwakening #TheStorm #WWG1WGA #AskTheQ @POTUS

#QAlert #Incoming Q drops | October 1st

(2) While today was the most direct mention to Q being in AF1, the theme is ongoing since the beggining of the Q drops.
Sep 30, 2018 52 tweets 68 min read
(1) A #QAnon thread about "Panic in DC"


#QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #AskTheQ @POTUS (2) We will read the Q drops to learn about the biggest judicial operation in history, both in scope and size. We will also notice how we Q folks are very well informed, and always ahead of the curve.

#QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #AskTheQ @POTUS
Sep 27, 2018 5 tweets 6 min read
heroes of the #GreatAwakening!

My new #QAnon thread is evolving, but it is still far from ready.

I will make sure it will be worth the long wait.

#TheStorm #WWG1WGA @POTUS #GreatAwakening #QAnon #TheStorm #WWG1WGA @POTUS

on and on it goes! so much material!
Sep 21, 2018 41 tweets 75 min read
#QAnon #GreatAwakening #TheStorm #WWG1WGA #AskTheQ @POTUS

#QAlert #Incoming Q drops | September 20th and 21th

(1) Q's drops get more sensational every day! Let's go.

Panic in DC. Watch Joe DiGenova say that James Baker has flipped on Comey.

#QAnon #GreatAwakening #TheStorm #WWG1WGA #AskTheQ @POTUS

#QAlert #Incoming Q drops | September 20th and 21th

(2) We will have a BIG festival of [0] minute deltas between Q's posts and POTUS tweets.

Sep 18, 2018 20 tweets 40 min read
#QAnon #GreatAwakening #TheStorm #WWG1WGA #AskTheQ @POTUS

#QAlert #Incoming Q drops | September 17th and 19th


Activate ]SESSIONS[ #QAnon #GreatAwakening #TheStorm #WWG1WGA #AskTheQ @POTUS

#QAlert #Incoming Q drops | September 17th and 19th

(2) 💥💥💥💥
Sep 16, 2018 5 tweets 9 min read
#QAnon #GreatAwakening #AskTheQ #QAlert @POTUS


So it's high time for FISA [20] #DeclassifyFISA #Declassify

In the comments below I will bring the links to three threads about this moment we approach. "Fisa Breakdown", "The Hunt for Nunes" and "Spygate"

👾 #QAnon #GreatAwakening #AskTheQ #QAlert @POTUS

(2) #DeclassifyFISA #Declassify

Phony FISA Breakdown.

Sep 12, 2018 9 tweets 14 min read
Sep 10, 2018 36 tweets 45 min read
(1) A #QAnon thread about the Global Child Trafficking networks.

"Spider Webs"

#TheStorm #GreatAwakening #AskTheQ @POTUS (2) One of the most disturbing aspects of studying the Q drops is to learn the truth about the Global Networks of Child Trafficking, and how it shapes the geo-political realities on our world.

#QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #AskTheQ @POTUS
Sep 8, 2018 14 tweets 23 min read
Sep 7, 2018 6 tweets 2 min read
(1) By now, it looks very likely that Jair Bolsonaro will recover from his stab wound, and be elected next Brazilian President. He was stabbed by a rabid left-wing activist, who immediatly said "God told him to do it".… (2) I had only decided to vote for him about 24 hours earlier, due to the fact that he is a conservative and will have a kick-ass finance minister, Paulo Guedes. We need de-regulation, tax cuts, the whole shebang. And we need it now.
Sep 7, 2018 7 tweets 12 min read
Sep 5, 2018 5 tweets 9 min read
#QAnon #GreatAwakening #AskTheQ @POTUS

#QAlert #Incoming


I'd like to congratulate people in my Twitter network for their development in learning to play the game. Barely anyone I interact with took the bait in this latest attack.



#QAlert #Incoming

(2) AF1 pics
Aug 30, 2018 23 tweets 41 min read
#QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #AskTheQ @POTUS

#Incoming Q drops. August 30th.


"Who are they cooperating with?" #QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #AskTheQ @POTUS

#Incoming Q drops. August 29th.


Those cooperating are called for depositions in the House. [2] remaining.
Aug 29, 2018 13 tweets 18 min read
#QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #AskTheQ @POTUS

(1) A short #QAnon thread about "Family". #QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #AskTheQ @POTUS

(2) Some people are lucky enough not only to have a family (that's already quite lucky) but also a family that has awakened together.

But not everyone is SO lucky.
Aug 28, 2018 45 tweets 76 min read
Aug 28, 2018 45 tweets 59 min read
(1) A #QAnon thread about Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III, Attorney General and hero of #TheStorm.

"The silent Executioner."

#GreatAwakening #AskTheQ @POTUS (2) This thread will not cover the whole distinguished career of the man who took the KKK down in Alabama - but, with the Q drop mentions, we will understand some of the plan to prosecute and convict the deep-state "bad actors".

#QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #AskTheQ @POTUS
Aug 25, 2018 5 tweets 7 min read
I had a rough couple of days, and couldn't be very present. But, now, I have a new #QAnon thread on the oven. A BIG one. Preliminary research dug up no less than 25 drop mentions.

The Silent Executioner.

#GreatAwakening #TheStorm #AskTheQ #WWG1WGA #QAlert #ThreadAlert #Incoming I also found 25 POTUS tweet mentions, out of which 12 were from #TheStorm timeline, so I am using them.

#QAnon #GreatAwakening #AskTheQ #WWG1WGA #QAlert #ThreadAlert #Incoming