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Jul 12, 2018, 29 tweets

#QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #IBOR #PatriotsFight #OIGReport #Unredacted @POTUS
(1) A #QAnon thread on "Tinker, Taylor, Soldier, Spy"
Writing about the "5 eyes", I realized that one of my favorite stories revolves about that, the UKUSA Intelligence Agreement.

#QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #IBOR #PatriotsFight #OIGReport #Unredacted @POTUS
(2) Nowadays, to suggest people read a novel - even this classic by John Le Carré - because I say it's great is like asking them to go to the moon. Not happening.

#QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #IBOR #PatriotsFight #OIGReport #Unredacted @POTUS

(3) Luck has it, in 2011 Tomas Alfredson directed a really excellent version for the big screen - and perhaps you can spare 2 hours for this masterpiece.

#QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #IBOR #PatriotsFight #OIGReport #Unredacted @POTUS

(4) The story is very simple: director of the British Intel agency MI-6 ("The Circus") , Control knows that the Russians have a "mole" deep inside the top of the Agency.

#QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #IBOR #PatriotsFight #OIGReport #Unredacted @POTUS

(5) It can only be one of five people: Alleline, Haydon, Esterhase, Smiley or Bland.

#QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #IBOR #PatriotsFight #OIGReport #Unredacted @POTUS

(6) Control sends trusted agent Jim Prideaux to Budapest, on an unauthorized top secret mission:

#QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #IBOR #PatriotsFight #OIGReport #Unredacted @POTUS

(8) The mission is a disaster, and Sir Percy Alleline succeeds to oust Control, and become the new director.

#QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #IBOR #PatriotsFight #OIGReport #Unredacted @POTUS

(9) Control: [signs his resignation] A man should know when to leave the party...

As he leaves the Circus, Controls takes Smiley with him, turning George's life upside-down.

#QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #IBOR #PatriotsFight #OIGReport #Unredacted @POTUS

(10) The "ace up the sleeve" of Alleline with the Cabinet is his top secret Russian source "Witchcraft", that's delivering what appears to be an immense quantity of top-quality intel.

#QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #IBOR #PatriotsFight #OIGReport #Unredacted @POTUS

(11) The Minister makes it clear: the endgame is to conquer back the American trust, regain the special relationship with them.

That's the UKUSA Intelligence Agreement from real life.

#QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #IBOR #PatriotsFight #OIGReport #Unredacted @POTUS

(12) But, in from Istambul comes "scalphunter" agent Ricky Tarr, with disturbing corroborating evidence.

#QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #IBOR #PatriotsFight #OIGReport #Unredacted @POTUS
(13) Undersecretary Lacon calls Smiley out of retirement, to take matters into his hands.

Oliver Lacon: There's a mole, right at the top of the Circus. And he's been there for years.

#QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #IBOR #PatriotsFight #OIGReport #Unredacted @POTUS

(14) While it may look like a "whodunit" thriller, It is a fine psychological play, on how our hero George Smiley must take stock of his own life in order to fulfill his vital mission.

#QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #IBOR #PatriotsFight #OIGReport #Unredacted @POTUS

(15) Smiley must now retake Control's investigation - the one in which he was initially a suspect.

#QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #IBOR #PatriotsFight #OIGReport #Unredacted @POTUS

(16) Who is the traitor? Percy Alleline, the new boss?

#QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #IBOR #PatriotsFight #OIGReport #Unredacted @POTUS

(19) Or was it Bill Haydon - the man everyone knew had been sleeping with Smiley's unfaithful wife?

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(20) With the trusted aid of agent Peter Guillan, Smiley unravels this mystery in a painful way. Intelligence work is not "James Bond" fun.

#QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #IBOR #PatriotsFight #OIGReport #Unredacted @POTUS

(21) The movie contains monologue by Gary Oldman as a semi-drunken Smiley that's very possibly one of the finest acting moments in film.

#QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #IBOR #PatriotsFight #OIGReport #Unredacted @POTUS

(23) By interviewing old MI6 personnel, Smiley finds out: Witchcraft is a fraud.

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(24) It's Russian embassy aide Poliakov, the KGB operative that's running the Russian mole at the top of the "Circus".

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(25) Ricki Tarr: Everything the Circus thinks is gold is shit made in Moscow.

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(26) When Smiley relays the news to the Minister, we are reminded about what it is all about:

#QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #IBOR #PatriotsFight #OIGReport #Unredacted @POTUS

(28) This is what the British (and Russians) were working for: the UKUSA Intel Agreement. What we call today "The 5 Eyes".

#QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #IBOR #PatriotsFight #OIGReport #Unredacted @POTUS
(29) This was "Tinker, Taylor..." for today.



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