#CroydonCrash #CoverUp Good News: @MayorofLondon finally responds to my 14May letter re @TfL's failure to distribute fatigue audit to @raibgovuk @railandroad @BTP @SNCLavalin saferoxfordstreet.blogspot.com/2018/05/tfls-f… @christianwolmar @InsideCroydon @samanthajbooth @oliviat_93 @BBCTomEdwards @V0LDN
Bad News: Mayor's response essentially same as he gave to @KeithPrinceAM June MQT asking about 23 May TfL Board Meeting where @MLiebreich stated TfL Bosses had assured him 3 times had been delivered to Police, Regulator, Investigators
I recently blogged about why Mayor's recent response given to @LondonAssembly Members was "Questionable" saferoxfordstreet.blogspot.com/2018/07/croydo… (oh, & BTW @CarolinePidgeon got a similar response in March from TfL MD Surface Transport
And Keith Prince has asked the Mayor another MQT this month following up on my line of inquiry questions.london.gov.uk/QuestionSearch…
The thing is (& this relevant for @ASLEFunion @FinnBrennan @CroydonSean) a Croydon Tram Driver arrested & being investigated for #Manslaughter for 7 deaths &62 injured in 9 Nov 16 Croydon Crash. If @FirstGroupplc TOL #Safety Management Systems were SO BAD 6 months AFTER crash
then WHY? (1) did then-TfL MD @LeonDaniels & individual who led TfL #CroydonCrash investigation announce to TfL's Safety Panel on 26 June 17 "an audit was conducted" "no concerns?" it's in the bloody minutes & reported in @CroydonAd croydonadvertiser.co.uk/news/croydon-n…
then WHY? (2) did TfL's only other Safety Audit conducted in July 2014 have only 1 observation & say it was Well-Controlled? Was TfL's only other Safety Audit of TOL Drivers conducted since it purchased Tram in 2008 just a "Box Ticking" Exercise? What happened btw July14-May17?
THAT is why @SadiqKhan's 11Jul response only begs MORE QUESTIONS: A Tram Driver's being investigated for #Manslaughter. Does TfL suspicious "error" & City Hall obstructive response look like an attempt by them to frame Tram Driver for TfL Managers' & Contractors' #SAFETY FAILURE?
Just like its well-oiled #ComplicityMachine saferoxfordstreet.blogspot.com/2018/01/london… frames Bus Drivers & Bus Crash Victims (pedestrians & cyclists especially) for frequent deaths & injuries increasing YoY from Buses, I'll wager Tram Driver is convicted before Bosses @Unite_Battersea @MalLunam
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