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Jul 12th 2018
Bad News: Mayor's response essentially same as he gave to @KeithPrinceAM June MQT asking about 23 May TfL Board Meeting where @MLiebreich stated TfL Bosses had assured him 3 times had been delivered to Police, Regulator, Investigators
I recently blogged about why Mayor's recent response given to @LondonAssembly Members was "Questionable"… (oh, & BTW @CarolinePidgeon got a similar response in March from TfL MD Surface Transport
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Jun 26th 2018
@RichieVeitch Ta! Wish I didn't have to campaign re #CroydonCrash but @TfL @MayorofLondon REFUSE to respond to my request for investigation why @RAIB @ORR @BTP @SNCLavalin didn't receive @FirstGroupplc TOL Fatigue Audit. @Heidi_LDN?… @CarolinePidgeon @KeithPrinceAM
@RichieVeitch @TfL @MayorofLondon @raib @orr @BTP @SNCLavalin @FirstGroupplc @Heidi_LDN @CarolinePidgeon @KeithPrinceAM It's not like @SadiqKhan doesn't know about it...he was Chair of 23 May TfL Board Meeting when @MLiebreich ask for #CroydonCrash #CoverUp to be investigated so that "lessons can be learned" "won't happen again" @ValShawcross was at the same meeting too.
@RichieVeitch @TfL @MayorofLondon @raib @orr @BTP @SNCLavalin @FirstGroupplc @Heidi_LDN @CarolinePidgeon @KeithPrinceAM @SadiqKhan @MLiebreich @ValShawcross . @LeonDaniels inspired me to look into #CroydonCrash #CoverUp by announcing to SSHR Panel YEAR GO TODAY "An audit of First Group’s fatigue management processes had taken place, these were found to be satisfactory & did not give rise to any concerns."…
Read 16 tweets
Jun 4th 2018

"Many years ago, the then president of The National Council of Churches warned that the danger of the great religious awakening taking place in our country, might become fanatical and be carried into our political and business life!
"Perhaps this was a fair assessment, that is, if you conflate #Christian #Zionism with religious awakening. Unfortunately, these "fanatical" #Evangelicals have 0 faith in the #Christian religion to which they give empty lip service--while paying homage to those who hate #Christ.
"For lack of faith in the actual #Bible, #Evangelicals make Scofield’ Notes, (Scofield! A drunkard and a con-man allied with the Satanist, Darby) --#Evangelicals have turned Scofield’s NOTES into a DIABOLICAL FORCE in our #national life.
Read 177 tweets
Jun 2nd 2018
and report it to John Trayner MD @TheGoAheadGroup London cc'ing TfL's Bus Bosses, @willnorman @CarolineRussell (of @LondonAssembly) @StopKillingCycl & me. The only way to ensure TfL & CityHall don't just #CoverUp for TfL Contractors' #SafetyFail is to shine a light on it.
In my experience, it's clear that TfL => Trade Association set up to protect its Bus & Tram Contractors instead of regulating their Safety Performance. Read @CarolinePidgeon's & @KeithPrinceAM's MQTs sometime & you'll see how far City Hall & TfL go to protect them from #Scrutiny
Read 17 tweets
May 31st 2018
I got to explain #GayPanic and #UselessLesbian to my pysch today 😂

These are terms I just learned (over the last few months myself) that described succinctly, what the heck is going on with my brain.

To unpack these terms, I'm going to start you with Sappho.
“Sweet mother, I cannot weave –
slender Aphrodite has overcome me
with longing for a girl.” –Sappho

To everyone, we've almost all been in this feeling. (i cannot speak for Ace)
Someone we see or meet, and their presence just #dazzles us into #malfunction (however brief)

- it's a pretty common #human #feeling. (again, cannot speak for Ace, and that's ok, y'all are lovely :) )

now here's where #GayPanic sets in... we feel the feels...omg. wow.
and our brains go into... IS THIS DANGER????

I'm sorry to say, our panic does start there.
Read 17 tweets
May 5th 2018
The following two charts are particularly interesting:
1. #Defense #DoD spending on #AI: 2012-2017 (page 5)
2. #Chinese #investment in US #AI companies: 2010-2017 (page 20)
Read 15 tweets

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