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Jul 13, 2018, 9 tweets

Thank you @RepRaskin for reminding us that except for Jeff Sessions, virtually every Republican regularly & routinely expressed negative opinions about Trump that were similar to the views of Peter Strzok as expressed in private texts.

Listen & imagine what the GOP said in texts

Let's subpoena the text messages of Republicans #StrzokHearing

"Trump is a pathological liar"

Let's subpoena the text messages of Republicans #StrzokHearing

Trump: a phony & a fraud. "His word is as worthless as a degree from Trump University."

Let's subpoena the text messages of Republicans #StrzokHearing

"What Trump did today was a moral disgrace"

Let's subpoena the text messages of Republicans #StrzokHearing

"Trump is a con artist"

Let's subpoena the text messages of Republicans #StrzokHearing

“Textbook definition of a racist comment.”…

Let's subpoena the text messages of Republicans #StrzokHearing

Lifelong Republican Max Boot ...

Can you imagine what Republicans were saying in private texts?

Trump is the least qualified & most danger candidate in American history

Let's subpoena the text messages of Republicans #StrzokHearing

Mueller must have something good on Rand Paul.

Here he is mocking Trump.

Like Lindsey Graham, Paul hated Trump.

Then they golfed w Trump & flipped like a couple of Mitch Gaylord twins.

Let's subpoena the text messages of Republicans #StrzokHearing

Republicans' mind-blowing hypocrisy in their attempt to protect Trump or perhaps each other from charges of treason or necrophilia? I don't know.

Mitch Gaylord himself. Watch!

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