Clarkisha Kent Profile picture
Nigerian-American. Bi, Black, FAT! She/Her. Creator of #TheKentTest. Author of Fat Off, Fat On (OUT NOW). You can reach me at 🤙🏾

Jul 15, 2018, 6 tweets

I do this because they hate-quote-tweet right wing douches too much and aggressively, like it's singlehandedly gonna impeach Tr*mp and it's annoying and performative and I have no time.

Blocked someone already over this post. Who else wants to step up lmfao 😂

Also for the ignorant and the painfully #FFFFFF, and people with 2.5 followers including their mum, most of us with bigger followings leave out letters in the Orange's name to curb the harassment of people who follow us.

These nincompoops search their names. And so do their stans. I have quality filters. I can also mute or block or w/e or even delete the damn app. But I won't subject my colleagues to that if I don't have too 🤷🏾‍♀️

"Why do you censor Tr*mp's name? He's not Voldemort. The oNly tHinG tO feAr iS FeAr iTseLF"

Great, why don't you take your pasty ass and go dive-in to his trash mentions?

Y'all always want someone else (more marginalized) to do your work. Gtfo.

The same fuckers complaining about this are the same fuckers who will quote snitch or tag the unstable mofo you're referring to in your thread and be GOBSMACKED when they get blocked.

How about you mind your punk ass business??

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