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Jul 15, 2018, 7 tweets

Congrats to #FRA & #CRO, the 2018 #WorldCup Finalists! Follow along during the game as we “pass” along some fun facts from of our#CIAWorldFactBook.

Check out our World Cup special one pagers found under each competing country’s Introduction:


Croatia made its first #WorldCup appearance in 1998 where they came in third. 2018 marks their 5th appearance. (PDF)


Competing 15 times since the first #WorldCup in 1930, #FRA won in 1998. (PDF)


Croatia’s anthem "Lijepa nasa domovino" (Our Beautiful Homeland) dates from 1835. Listen to it in our Gov’t section:


Adopted in 1795, France’s anthem "La Marseillaise" was originally "Chant de Guerre pour l'Armee du Rhin". National Guard of Marseille sang it marching into Paris during French Revolutionary Wars.

Listen to it in our Gov’t section:


Almost 38% of France’s population is between 25 & 54 years old.


The French designation of "Croate" to Croatian mercenaries in 17th century eventually became "Cravate" & later came was applied to soldiers' scarves - the cravat. Croatia celebrates Cravat Day every 18 October.


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