Linda Tirado Profile picture
author, writer, photographer. backwards in heels and half blind to boot. some cute teddy bear wildlife who is actually the deadliest hunter in its biome.

Jul 21, 2018, 13 tweets

Y’all there is already a dance routine going

Today is gonna be awesome.

Jazz hands. There are jazz hands. You guys don’t even know how entirely overexcited I get by people having entirely unabashed fun. I’m losing it over here.

And I was worried the rain would put a damper on things. They’re just gonna dance in ponchos

These people came out here screaming “who’s got the power” at max decibels and it is GLORIOUS #disabilitypride #chicago

I have never spontaneously wanted a bunch of balloons to use as wings before

This, friends, is a parade #disabilitypride #chicago

You guys the library gave me a pen as swag and now this: #disabilitypride #chicago

By the way I look like this today if you’re out come and say hey! #disabilitypride #chicago

#disabilitypride #chicago

I now own two pens, a cup, a shopping bag, and a foldable frisbee

You can’t just give a writer pens and not expect them to be in a brilliant m for hours

That was meant to be “mood” thanks autocorrect #disabilitypride #chicago

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