How to get URL link on Twitter App, running around screaming THERE ARE NO RULES thinking they had the house to themselves is no easy way to stop the collapse of a nation. There is no path that doesn’t involve risk and sacrifice. You cannot comfortably upend a society. continue to ask why, exactly, we don’t just not go to work on Wednesday. Yes, it’s a harmful thing for a lot of people, but one considers that that is precisely the point, and maybe we should think about just staying home on fucking Wednesday and crashing their markets.) this point, they could pull him and replace him with someone else but how many people you think they got that *aren’t* in some skeevy boys’ club? Any new nominee would be immediately dragged into Kavanaugh’s wake, so it’d have to be an actually chaste kind of dude or a lady when speaking to us as political actors I find that frequently, even older people who know that I’m speaking in good faith will get frustrated that I have zero trust in the leaders they’ve always supported bring me the woman whose career wasn’t derailed when she wrote about the Lolita Express clarify, I have been 36 for just over three weeks now, so I think I am technically no longer “young” mean when it’s your job to spot things particularly