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Jul 26, 2018, 35 tweets

Tory attacks: The British Medical Association

Tory attacks: The Speaker of the House of Commons

Tory attacks: former Tory Prime Minister

Tory attacks: The CBI

Tory attacks: Eurovision & Ireland

Tory attacks: The Judiciary

Tory attacks: current Tory Prime Minister

Tory attacks: other Tories

Tory attacks: experts

Tory attacks: transplant donors

Tory attacks: British Universities

Tory attacks: health & safety regulations

Tory attacks: disabled kids

Tory attacks: tax-paying citizen workers

Tory attacks: The UK Electoral Commission

Tory attacks: Tory Ministers

Tory attacks: Kent University Chancellor

Tory attacks: Channel 4 News

Tory attacks: The CBI

Tory attacks: UK businesses

Tory attacks: British Judges

Tory attacks: Indians

Tory attacks: German Kebabs

Tory attacks: Scottish schoolgirls

Tory attacks: UK investments

Tory attacks: Hard #Brexit

Tory attacks: Our #NHS

Tory attacks: Brits who vote in Tory Referendums

Tory attacks: other Tories

Tory attacks: The Bank of England

Tory attacks: Gina Miller

Tory attacks: The Mayor of Ipswich

Tory attacks: citizen rights

Tory attacks: British Steel

Tory attacks: plans to tackle tax-dodging

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