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1/Children & young people with autism and learning disabilities who could be living in the community with specialist support are languishing for years in Assessment & Treatment Units, some of them locked up 24/7 in isolation rooms, bec of severe financial pressure on Local Auths
2/ At the same time, private providers running these ATUs are raking in profits, being paid Ā£452m per yr in what has become a market driven provision where autistic and LD people are little more than commodities
3/ This in spite of the fact that caring for them in the community would be far less expensive not to mention far better for the individuals concerned, their quality of life, their security and safety and their wellbeing
Read 20 tweets
Tories buy tweets... headline: tories hire army of tweeters
Tories bankrolled by hedgefund managers... headline: tories bankrolled by hedgefund managers
Tories: lobby to weaken EU climate-change targets...
Read 41 tweets
I am a doctor in the #NHS.
Every scrap of evidence Iā€™ve seen points to total disaster if #NoDealBrexit comes to pass. We must #StopBrexit - here is why. /thread
Thus far Iā€™ve tried to focus solely on the facts, and the facts alone. Informed consent is the bedrock of medicine- I donā€™t believe anyone knew the consequences of leaving EURATOM or the EMA for example when they voted. Feel free to prove otherwise. /1
Itā€™s not my job to tell people what to do. And I am not. If you still think Leaving with No Deal will be good for the NHS after absorbing all of the above, then that is your decision. You are wrong, but itā€™s your right to be wrong. /2
Read 18 tweets
Thread: How are UK online news outlets covering #Brexit in 2018? More analysis, with more data and charts!

Part 4: **Is news outletsā€™ focus on abstract concepts a reason voter opinions are slow to shift?**

(AKA ā€˜Who cares about Brexitā€™s impact on the media industry anywayā€™)
I also did an analytical piece on whether it was plausible that overspending swung the EU referendum result ā€“ if youā€™re interested, itā€™s here:

TLDR ā€“ the answer is ā€œitā€™s certainly possibleā€
Read 21 tweets
ā€œAll the reasons I am now getting involved in campaigning for a vote on the #Brexit deal with the hope to stop Brexit.ā€ @fiocca1983 in @PMPmagToday. @RemainerNow #PeoplesVote @PeoplesVote_UKā€¦
ā€œGrowing up, my family were always going on about how #immigrants are to blame for many things wrong in this country. I took on those views, I was conditioned to think themā€ @fiocca1983 says in @PMPmagToday @RemainerNow #Brexit #PeoplesVote @PeoplesVote_UKā€¦
In 2016 @fiocca1983 thought ā€œWe donā€™t need #EU to trade, we can do deals with the rest of the world instead. 2 weeks to get #Doctorā€™s appointment! Less #immigrants would make that faster for sure!ā€ He tells @PMPmagToday @RemainerNow #Brexit @PeoplesVote_UKā€¦
Read 11 tweets
"#OrganDonation is an altruistic act that should be celebrated..." (p6)

So why not do that, and devote more resources to making donation easier - an approach that has delivered measurable results - instead of a regressive move to #OrganHarvesting?ā€¦
Describing a *significantly narrowing* shortfall (cf. graph, also p6) in available organs is not a justification for a change to #OrganHarvesting; nor are emotive appeals. This reads like #PolicyBasedEvidenceMaking.
"We want... to change the culture around organ donation in this country in the longer term." (p7)

Stopping it being a gift, freely given, and instead the State 'deeming' you to have given permission will certainly change that! Presumption ain't 'donation' and will erode trust.
Read 20 tweets
I find this @Telegraph story today the most bewildering story of #Brexit vs #NHS yet. Will Brexit solve staff shortages? @SteveBarclay says yes. The facts say otherwise. /thread.
Firstly, what was said and where was it said? The @Telegraph and @lauradonnlee seem to suggest Health Minister @SteveBarclay gave these comments in @christopherhope Brexit Podcast. Here:ā€¦ /1
Now I've listened to this Podcast. My favourite bit is where @christopherhope suggests NHS staff have been "holding back" more British nurses and doctors to protect their wages and their interests. I kid you not. Here is the transcript: /2
Read 15 tweets
Random #Brexit thread by middle-aged, white, Northern, working-class guy...
1. Before #EURef I knew little about EU. Decades of negative UK media had made me a bit sceptical. But I was not really ā€œpoliticalā€.
2. Got a Polish partner. Been together 18 years. Long before #EURef sheā€™d started getting snarky comments from folks about being ā€œover hereā€ & ā€œgoing homeā€ etc. This got steadily worse & was kinda shocking.
Read 14 tweets
1st- So we can actually say the home office is not fit for its purpose!

2nd-Well v hav been saying this since a long time now!
Time to do something actually about it!
Why is everyone lying & misleading everyone!
HM #Inspectorate of #prisons -
foundĀ immigrants were being restrained for up to 17 hours.

#HostileEnvironment doesn't stop! Why can't we stop all this!
#Immigrants are #human too.ā€¦
Around 20 #NHS staff in a letter told - Theresa MayĀ of their ā€œgreat sorrow and shameā€ that ā€œhostile environmentā€ immigration policies which she initiated are leading to needless suffering and early death.ā€¦
Read 7 tweets
Tory attacks: The British Medical Association
Tory attacks: The Speaker of the House of Commons
Tory attacks: former Tory Prime Minister
Read 35 tweets
[THREAD] Over the weekend, I ran a poll on initiatives aimed at improving access to #NHS #primarycare. While respondents probably arenā€™t representative of the wider population, I think the results are striking: what people want most is convenience. (1/5)
@harrylongmanā€™s much larger survey of patients of 12 GP practices using @askmygp shows that only 15% of patients prefer face-to-face appointments as the default. (2/5)
Meanwhile, @GPatHand ā€“ while hugely popular with its patients ā€“ breaks the NHSā€™s traditional #placebased funding model.ā€¦ (3/5)
Read 5 tweets
The legacy of @Jeremy_Hunt, UK Secretary of State for Health, 2012-2018.

Just the numbers. /thread
Ā£577m was the NHS surplus in 2012.
-Ā£6 billion is the projected NHS deficit for 2018. /1ā€¦
2015 was the year Jeremy Hunt suppressed NICE guidance on minimum nurse ratios. /2ā€¦
Read 23 tweets
When discussing the #NHS in terms of privatisation I always think it's useful to equate what neoliberals and the private sector are doing to it as akin to a parasite infecting its host. The goal of a parasite isn't to kill its host but to extract energy to allow it to grow. 1/11
Ultimately the parasite seeks to reproduce and spread, much the same as private providers offering and supplying public services has spread and increased over the years. So what is the "energy" these parasites are extracting, and how do they know they won't kill their host? 2/11
The energy source in the case of the NHS is the Treasury, the "energy" itself is the national currency. These parasites know that the currency issuer (government) has an unlimited ability to create the currency, and provided the public doesn't learn this fact, they can 3/11
Read 11 tweets
THREAD : #Brexit ain't what they promised:

1. It's costing us a fortune - not saving the Ā£350m they promised weā€™d save and give to the #NHSā€¦
2. We wonā€™t "take back control", weā€™ll lose it. We used to make Europeā€™s rules. #Brexit means following them without a say:
3. We were the fastest growing economy in the G7. Now, weā€™re the slowest - and thatā€™s before weā€™ve even left.ā€¦
Read 6 tweets
If you have an interest in #AI, #HealthTech or #PatientSafety - then please read this evidence based thread which tells the story of @DrMurphy11 & an #eHealth #AI #Chatbot.

Read on, or see single tweet summary herešŸ‘‡0/44
is not a 'nerd'; he's a pretty typical NHS consultant with an interest in #PatientSafety.

On 6th Jan 2017 a tweet about an #eHealth #AI #Chatbot in #NHS trials caught his attention, so he thought he'd take a look. 1/44

Evidence here šŸ‘‡
Dr Murphy downloaded the @babylonhealth App & tried the #Chatbot with a few simple clinical presentations. It quickly became apparent that the #Chatbot had flaws, raising the question if the App had been validated as a triage tool?

As evidenced byšŸ‘‡ 2/44
Read 45 tweets
I want to address this tweet and the comments that followed. It seems that some of you did not get the point.

#NHS #StopBrexit #FBPE #PeoplesVote
The point is this:

The UK has access to technetium-99m because it's a member of an international treaty facilitating its trade & movement. Without it, treatment & detection of certain cancers is much harder, waiting lists will grow and people will die.

The further point is this:

There are 9.5 months to go until the UK drops out of EURATOM. 9.5 months is not enough to negotiate a brand new treaty or to join an existing one on another continent.

Read 25 tweets
Dad = 3 heart attacks, mystery neurological condition & recent brush with non malignant skin cancer. Over last 30 years, heā€™s had quadruple bypass, 4 x stents, life-saving therapies, drugs & consistent, 1st class care. Cost to him? A small % in taxes. I ā¤ļø the #NHS. @NHSVoices
Mum = Atrial fibrillation for 20+ years, many 999 calls for the times it got out of hand, followed by catheter ablation and regular follow ups by a super-skilled cardiac team. Again, no worrying bills sent, just a small % deducted from her wages during every year she worked.
Me and sibling = yearly checks to ensure weā€™ve not inherited any of the above. A few blips here and there, but so far, so good. ā¤ļø
Read 4 tweets
Words not deeds. Commemorating @Jeremy Hunt: the UKs longest running health secretary. A thread by an #NHS doctor. /1ā€¦
Letā€™s start with his boss.
Words: ā€œThere will be no more pointless NHS reorganisations.ā€ /2
Deeds: Biggest reorganisation of the NHS in history. At an estimated cost of at least Ā£3billion.ā€¦ /3
Read 36 tweets
1/ Vitally need foreign investment has come to the UK because it has been the "gateway to Europe". What happens when the UK becomes a "gateway to nowhere"? The answer is we'll have to slash taxes on business & the rich, and scrap many regulations & workplace rights.
2/ This is why the Tory Brextremists crave the hardest Brexit possible, because the harder the #Brexit the more Britain will be pushed towards becoming a #BrexitTaxHaven, the low tax, low regulation, low workplace rights, low welfare state Brextremists have been dreaming of.
3/ Here's Daniel Hannan revealing his dream of the UK as a "buccaneering, offshore, low-tax nation", and Brexiters Dominic Raab, Liz Truss and Priti Patel calling for Asian style low-taxes (for the rich) and an Asian Style work ethic to kick lazy British workers into line.
Read 8 tweets
This video has had nearly 30K views šŸ‘šŸ»
In it @JessicaOOTC describes her experience of being locked in a psych ward after being diagnosed with #MyalgicE by the Bristol centre

@MEActNetUK #MEAwarenessMonth #pwme #PACETrial #stopGET #MillionsMissing
Despite(/because) her ME diagnosis they interpreted her low weight as anorexia. The gut/digestive issues as a result of ME go ignored. She isnā€™t the only #pwme to have experienced this. It is particularly tricky as an advocacy issue if people are sectioned for ā€˜anorexiaā€™ not ME
It is a high priority for Dr education and I wonder if for new #NICEguidelines we need gut issues included as core to ME, rather than the current wording of IBS as a comorbidity issue?
Locking people in psych wards for this has to stop!
@exceedhergrasp1 @jenbrea @keithgeraghty
Read 7 tweets
Good to see that individual members of the public overwhelmingly share our concerns about current trends in #NHS Gender Identity Services.ā€¦
Also good to see that the public is aware of the number of teenage girls with Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria #ROGD and the cultural pressure on young lesbians and gays to ID as trans. And the call for #NHS to publicise organisations with a more critical perspective.
Well done to everyone who pointed out that current #NHS professional training is provided by lobby groups such as GIRES who have no qualifications, and that training should obviously be provided by clinical professionals.
Read 9 tweets
@neil_parish Neil Parish, MP for Tiverton & Honiton
You voted to initiate A50, Ken Clarke didn't.

The UK is a founding member of the EASA which Rolls-Royce uses on a daily basis.

Will Rolls Royce be moving to Spain due to your vote?ā€¦

@neil_parish Neil Parish, MP for Tiverton & Honiton
You voted to remove the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights & it's
enshrined constitutional protection for:
Citizens rights

Ken Clarke didn't.

@neil_parish Neil Parish, MP for Tiverton & Honiton
You voted to initiate A50, Ken Clarke didn't.

Now that the @Conservatives have
stopped being the: "party of business" and are now the "erstwhile party of businessā€ what should SME's do?

Read 21 tweets
5th July 2018 will be the 70th birthday of our beloved #NHS.

This THREAD argues that it is in severe danger under this #Toryshambles government, with #Brexit posing an imminent & particularly invidious threat.

To #SaveOurNHS we must work tirelessly together to #StopBrexit.
1/ Today's devolved #NHS is a complex federation of tens of 000s of orgs employing some 1.7m workers. It's combined annual budget is just shy of Ā£150bn. It handles, overwhelmingly successfully, almost a million patients daily.

With each box maybe 000s of orgs, & England only:
2/ Unresolved public health issues & a fast-expanding multi-morbid elderly population, coupled with chronic underfunding & the blowback from the butchery of social care since 2010 means the #NHS is pressured as never before.
Read 30 tweets

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