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As a #leavernow I must acknowledge that if #brexit fails it will be my two years of ceaseless remoaning that will be to blame
The people who warned Communists that their ideas would not work in practice secretly worked to sabotage the idea just to be proved right so they were sent to the gulag as a #leavernow I acknowledge that if Nissan closed it will be the people who warned it would happen 2 blame
every attempt to implement Communism was similarly sabotaged by 5th columnists who warned leaders of the people of problems were proved right even police states and labour camps could not irradcate subversive thought crime
Read 9 tweets
I have learnt 2 things about "how history happened" as a result of brexit-so-far. Both of them hit hard & if you are reading this - they apply to you to.
1) What were all the nice people in Germany doing when Hitler came to power & started persecuting various groups?
Those groups being the jews, disabled people, foreigners, people with alternate lifestyles, other political views?
(Use that as a ticklist - tick every one off - bc all are now happening).

bc what all the "nice" people were doing were what you are doing now. 1/n
1) Saying that "comic little man" Bojo or JRM or whoever - is unintelligent & just sooooo funny & won't get elected.

2) If he does get elected he is *BOUND TO* calm down a bit when given some responsiblity bc the world will not tolerate that kind of rhetoric...
Read 22 tweets
1) Was determined to back off Labour & Corbyn this week & support them going forward on #Brexit

But now this, following Corbyn's speech.

Corbyn's team want Brexit. They don't want to listen to the members on a #PeoplesVote & now it's been raised, they are switching position
2) let's just look at the chronology
I) Starmer (but no one else in Leadership) talks occasionally over last 2 years about "exact same benefits" 6 tests
ii) privately, @BarryGardiner describes them as nonsense
@BarryGardiner 3) iii) in run up to conference, probably because they know there is a huge influx of CLP motions asking for an early vote, Corbyn & others start talking about the 6 tests really for the first time.
Read 13 tweets
Don't think I am far off the mark here; Labour nearly lost around 8 million Socialist voters today. Not necessarily because of individuals representing the party, but because of external aligned beings who are supposedly representing us Socialists 1/10
64% of Labour constituencies voted leave in referendum; over 80% of the electorate in the 2017 general election voted on AT LEAST a ticket of respecting the outcome of the 2016 national referendum where the majority voted leave. 2/10
I don't think you have to be a rocket scientist or Einstein to understand the mass consequences if Labour leave wishes were not fulfilled or completely ignored, but it seems there are some who need some degree of clarity on it... 3/10
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1) Thread - why do #FBPE peeps attack Corbyn so much?
Many Labour supporters ask, perhaps with some justification, "why do FBPEers go after Labour? This is a Tory problem!"

Here's my personal reasons. I'm guessing however they probably resonate with others
2) firstly, practical, and this is unfair but just how it is.
There is little traction to be gained by attacking the Tory #Brexit position because a majority of Tory voters will simply not care, they support Brexit blindly and won't change their minds easily
3) Labour support however has always been & is increasingly pro remain. Therefore in terms of changing a major party's position on #Brexit (vital to softening or stopping it) it was always going to be far easier attacking Labour Leadership prevarication on #Brexit than Tories
Read 13 tweets
Little reflective thread. My friend @HaseltonMarlies has been making these poignant, bleak photos of everyday scenes in the UK before it leaves the EU in her #LastMonthsBeforeBrexit series. I've been thinking of where we are now... 1/
I was devastated on 24 June 2016, although I worried Leave might win. In the course of the day I wrote "the UK voted to wreck itself economically to get rid of foreigners". Goodness did I get a lot of grief about that. Lots of people unfriended me, and I unfriended lots others 2/
Including that well-educated (Oxford educated!) white British guy who was joking about that he and others should organize a "leaver's party". Slowly, my anger towards Brexiters has decreased in the a bit over 2 years that followed. However, my anger towards the UK has not. 3/
Read 16 tweets
1/12 I studied law which included UK constitutional and EU law. I had a fair understanding of the implications of #Brexit. 2 years on and becoming a volunteer legal writer for @infacts I have learned SO much more thanks to #Brexit
2/12 It’s been a lot of fun going back to the laws and refreshing my memory as well as building on that.
3/12 It is very important to note that the subject of the UK and EU is very complex and it’s reaches are vast. There were areas that we all were not aware of (#Brexiters and #Remainers) until #brexit became a reality.
Read 13 tweets
👇 We need to Remain in the EU because:
1) The establishment want us to & they always look after the little guy.
2) JP Morgan & Goldman Sachs say it is a good idea.
3) George Soros has tossed £800k into overturning our Referendum, so we must have got it wrong.
4) Richard Branson wants us to & we need to forgive his VAT Fraud, tax avoidance & tax haven lifestyle.
5) We will run out of sandwiches without the EU.
6) We'll have no medicine & planes will fall from the sky, should we leave the trading bloc.
7) We need to get out of NATO, who have served their purpose at keeping us safe for decades. We can start our own EU army & replace it.
8) London has become too big & we should share it with Frankfurt & Paris. The UK is receiving too much income from London.
Read 10 tweets
Ahead of the #SwedenElection it looks as if Sverigedemokraterna may be climbing up from the 3rd to the 2nd biggest party. First of all the good news: cirka 75-80% of Swedes do NOT support them. This fact seems to be getting lost in the hype.
First of all let's not beat around the bush. They have neo-nazi roots and their policies support a nationalistic, racist agenda. They dress it up in fancy words and they wear fancy suits but do not be fooled.
The party have branded themselves as a one that listens to people's concerns - who look after the little people. So let's take a look at that, shall we?
Read 12 tweets
1.This is a thread for my fellow Remainers in the #fbpe movement. There were some threads yesterday which have caused upset in our community and a shaking of people’s confidence. Well I awoke his morning with these thoughts on my mind and wanted to get them down on paper.
2. We have the privilege of having some excellent specialists in their fields fighting by our side, I thank each and every one of them. But it is by THEIR SIDE. They know the technocratic stuff and understand the legalities of treaties and trade deals.
3. But all of that on it’s own is not what will get us a peoples vote and our personal opinions, worldview and knowledge and experience should hold equal weight when considering our own positions.
Read 23 tweets
1. I do not blame #Leavers for believing the lies that were given to them. I do not blame them for believing the years of Right wing propaganda. The originators of those lies, they are the enemy and they want something that is bad for everyone, Remainers and Leaver alike.
2. The originators of those lies want power and the creation of those lies are in themselves proof of guilt. For if #brexit really was best for the country the lies would not be needed, nor would the trolls, nor the illegal funding and methodology, abuse, stalking voters.
3. And now we know the true agenda of those #brextremists, it lies in their doctrine that spurned them to initiate #brexit. It is about control, it's about them having control, it's about them and their corporate paymasters having control. Own everything, own everyone...
Read 7 tweets
This thread is to arm fellow European British with essential info about our POSSIBLE future relationship with the WTO and what it would mean for the UK in a no deal situation. Use it to rebut Brexiteer disengenuity and nonsense on the matter - facts matter. /1
WTO RULES state that you can’t treat other nations more favourably in trade deals. So, the EU be in breach of their own international Treaties to accept the Chequers Accord. This is highly unlikely; they’d have to make these same allowances for more than 50 other countries. /2
Central to WTO rules is, to trade favourably, then a country must have a hard border to control good entering & leaving the country (as ratified by all 164 WTO members). S.10 of the EUWA18 makes this impossible: the UK can’t create a hard border in Ireland (protecting the GFA)./3
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British astronaut Tim Peake took this stunning photo of the UK having trained at ESA.

The European Space Agency (ESA) and the EU have close ties. Many projects are funded by the EU, spreading the cost amongst the nations.

EU rules also allow easy collaboration between European countries, sharing skills and scientific components.

The EU Galileo project will give you quicker and more accurate GPS so that you can get around easier.
Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (UK) built GIOVE-A as part of the Galileo satellite and it was a complete success. The satellite is currently orbiting Earth, transmitting data right now.
Read 4 tweets
The UK car industry has seen its ups and downs in the last thirty years but Nissan has been a part of Sunderland since 1981. The factory has become the UK biggest car manufacturer providing many jobs for locals working at the factory to supporting the wider community.

The factory’s success has been down to the hard work of British workers but helped by the ability to parts into the factory and cars out very quickly. Just In Time (JIT) creates incredible efficient factories with low downtime.
Parts which are not made in the UK can be ordered and delivered with minimum paperwork across EU borders, sometimes as quick as 30 minutes.
Read 5 tweets
[Ref illegality & corruption THREAD 👇👇]

Been asked to summarise the Susan Wilson (@Suewilson91) v Prime Minister case. This thread gives the basics of the pleadings and relief sought. /1


#VoteLeaveBrokeTheLaw #FBPE #WATON #FBR @abcpoppins #StopBrexit
There is a principal issue underlying the case that poses a simple question: is a lawful, free and fair vote one of the constitutional requirements of the UK? It's asked after 2 Electoral Commission (EC) Reports found that illegality & corruption dogged the ref campaign. /2
Let me make this clear. The EC findings were to the criminal standard of proof (beyond reasonable doubt) & serious offences were committed by the designated campaign for leaving the EU (& others), in breach of the statutory framework established by Parliament for the ref. /3
Read 14 tweets
1. Labour Schism: the threat's real if there's not a major shift in #Brexit policy at Conference.
A #BrexitShambles harms UK
A #PeoplesVote is Democratic
A #FinalSay Confirms the Will
#Remain + Current Deal is Best Deal
Prob is the Leadership Stance
1a Big diffs between 1980s & today's #Brexit emergency which play to a new Centrist Grouping not being SDP2..
1. Politicised Remainers
2. Party loyalty less strong
2. Far Right infiltration of Tories
3. Macron
4. LibDems a Catalist with a base
5. Big Funders
A new party is Viable
1b IMHO #Brexit must be stopped before a Gen Elect...time's too short for that & a Ref & this #BrexitShambles can't be sorted in a multi issue GE unless Labour stands full square behind
#Reject #Revoke #Remain #Reform
Read 6 tweets
I love twitter.
If you’re careful and do it right it’s incredibly rewarding.
A fantastic way to engage directly with 1000’s of people and push a message far and wide.
Where else can you respond directly to your heroes and villains, friends and enemies.
It’s also ideal for sowing division.
Bad people are experts at exploiting it.
And here we get to the point.
Don’t help them!
Think about who your enemies/allies are.
If you see a tweet you don’t wholly agree with, but it’s from someone with whom you share common ground.../2
check the context thoroughly!
Don’t just respond with a “yeah but...”
and derail a thread, or raise the temperature, ask yourself how your tweet is going to help.
Polite persuasion/ rebuttal or derision? Leave the anger and hate for the extremists. /3
Read 8 tweets
The most anti-democratic strategy possible is to persuade people not to listen to your opponents. By doing so, you destroy debate. You make an exchange of viewpoints impossible. ‘Project Fear’ is a central tool of propaganda. #FBPE #PeoplesVote
I once read an article in an ancient political magazine on how to bamboozle people. It said that the first rule was to make sure people didn’t listen to your critics. The easiest way was by bringing up alleged errors of judgement by them in the past. #FBPE #PeoplesVote
Everyone makes mistakes, so the tactic of bringing up past mistakes is a sure-fire way of discrediting people. It muddies the waters usefully. What can result is a stalemate in which the current issue gets obscured. #FBPE #PeoplesVote
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To my #FBPE friends, in the event of a #Peoplesvote, please let's not rerun the last referendum campaign and end up with #Brexit again.

We love Europe, we shouldn't be half-heartedly defending it, we should be enthusiastically promoting it.

"It's not perfect but we're better in than out."

"Hardworking EU immigrants are essential to our country."

"Inside the EU we can veto laws and things we don't like, outside we can't."

"We can negotiate hard to get what we want in Europe, outside we can't."

"It's not perfect but it's bloody good."

"It gives us the freedom to work, learn, love & live in an entire continent."

"EU courts give us an extra option to hold our government to account, giving us more control over our own lives."

"The EU are our friends and allies."
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Did someone say #ProjectFear?

Labour are NOT your friends.
They're gaslighting you.

Step away slowly, towards the nearest exit...

Labour are NOT your friends.

Read 4 tweets
I am sick & tired of Corbyn supporters whining that Labour can't oppose the government on #Brexit. If Labour can't oppose a bitterly divided minority government pursuing an utterly bankrupt policy then Labour should dissolve itself and let others do the opposing.
And of course these particular Corbynistas are wrong about the facts. Labour has shown that when it is willing and it is joined by Tory defectors it can force the government into desperately close Commons votes on #Brexit.
Some other Corbynistas say that Labour is letting the Tories self-destruct. That is an honest account of what Labour might be doing. However, that tactic runs one big risk.
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And once more, The #CorbynCult co-opt a #Remain issue: That being the apparent impartiality of certain @BBCNews programmes/platforms & presenters. The cult infested #FBPE, mutated it into #PCPEU, and then branded both branches pointless; sucking the life from #FBPE. #BBCSwitchOff
Alleged Labourite "Remainers" should instead focus on the apparent impartiality of their party's leader. If the alleged main opposition leader actually opposed the Tory govt., the narrative of @BBCNews and other news media outlets would change overnight.
Until the #Remain movement detaches itself from Labour & its supporters, there will be no chance to ever #StopBrexit. Remainers & Corbynites alike may currently have (differing) issues with @BBCNews. That's no reason for Remainers to hitch THEIR wagon to the Corbots' hysteria.
Read 3 tweets
If we vote for anything except for Corbyn's Labour we're Tories, apparently.

I think; No. In fact I think the reason we've got austerity, Brexit, and nearly ten years of political decay is, to some extent, the fault of the very idiots who say this. Let me explain.
Just over a decade ago the UK had a centrist pro-EU and popular leader in Tony Blair. Anyone remember the guy?

Here he is being "strong and stable" in the face of Farage.…
Of course he wasn't perfect. He was Labour leader, yet rich people hadn't been ground into dust. Of course welfare, social service, NHS, police, and other forms of public service spending were ramped up, but still, he didn't eradicate the capitalist pig-dogs. He did all this...
Read 12 tweets
I have a serious problem with what my function is on twitter these days. And I doubt I'm alone. When we started off this whole Remain thing two years ago, there weren't many of us. And we worked night and day to get the message out about the benefits of EU membership.
With no help at all from the mainstream media or political parties, we were often the first to articulate the massive problems which came from triggering A50. Our mission was to educate people, to fight Leave lies, and never to ease up on the pressure.
And to a large extent, I think we succeeded. We made sure Leavers couldn't get away with lying. We kept Remain on the agenda and refused to leave the stage. We fought Kippers, Tories, Gammon and Corbynistas - or at least, those of us did who didn't want a career in Labour!
Read 10 tweets

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