Countess of the Saxon Shore: Eclectic:Museums Professional:Rusty Archaeologist: Hist Buff: Poet/Scribe:Rock/Classics chick seeking euphoria! RT not auto-endorse
Aug 30, 2018 • 8 tweets • 7 min read
1. Every day I awaken hoping MPs would just once challenge the validity of a #Brexit that Robs us of Rights & makes us Poorer based on a non-Binding result the votes of only 25.6% of the Ppl, 37% voters & 51.8% of those voting..many of whom now regret it.
But no it's the same old
2. Autocrats of Right & Left more interested in imposing their wills on the Ppl than the current Will of the Ppl, deny us a #PeoplesVote & a #FinalSay with a #Remain option, on the basis it would undermine democracy, disillusion voters & fuel the Far Right. So #Brexit must happen
Aug 29, 2018 • 6 tweets • 9 min read
1. Labour Schism: the threat's real if there's not a major shift in #Brexit policy at Conference.
A #BrexitShambles harms UK
A #PeoplesVote is Democratic
A #FinalSay Confirms the Will #Remain + Current Deal is Best Deal
Prob is the Leadership Stance #FBPE…
1a Big diffs between 1980s & today's #Brexit emergency which play to a new Centrist Grouping not being SDP2.. 1. Politicised Remainers 2. Party loyalty less strong 2. Far Right infiltration of Tories 3. Macron 4. LibDems a Catalist with a base 5. Big Funders
A new party is Viable
1. Never forget the Elephant in the Room..never debated not Consented. #Brexit = Loss of Rights.
If we don't stop the #BrexitShambles we know what follows Tories will Remove them outside the protections we currently have under international treaty...
1. Oh no you don't @MichelBarnier@guyverhofstadt@donaldtusk ..don't you dare sell out the majority of Brits who want to #StopBrexit & #Remain whether in the UK or in the EU. A #Brexit fudge won't be worth the paper its written on.
Stop pandering to May..she has no mandate. 2.
Jul 22, 2018 • 5 tweets • 4 min read
1. All of this was predicted by some 2yrs ago & #Brexit lost when May backed by Corbyn invoked A50 w/o a clue what they were doing.
Gross negligence & a lack of due diligence. The deceitful party political game play since then is a travesty of Democracy.…2.
Jun 14, 2018 • 10 tweets • 10 min read
1. Seen quite a bit of anti #FBPE nonsense...mainly from the further left..we've been called a cult by Corbynistas...I'd remind them, cultists worship deities PEOPLE or objects; opposing a #Brexit which is leaving us all Poorer, Weaker with Less Control & Fewer Rights is neither. 2. Using #FBPE doesn't make us anti Corbyn or Labour it makes us anti #Brexit & sadly that means we are in opposition to those who are forcing a flawed #BrexitShambles upon the Ppl & denying the Ppl a #FinalSay a #PeoplesVote to Confirm the Will of the Ppl to leave or to #Remain.
Apr 7, 2018 • 5 tweets • 4 min read
1. When will those craven MPs, who fail to put natl interest 1st, wake up to the harsh reality; the #Brexit vote & process was subverted & flawed, the Will of the People unclear & misrepresented & that our country can only end up Poorer, Weaker with Fewer Rights & less Control.
2. There's no way any politician can justify proceeding with this #BrexitShambles w/o at least Retesting the current Will of the Ppl.
W/o offering a Binding #FinalSayForAll on the Autumn Deal + a #StopBrexitSaveBritain option, no #Brexit can be deemed legitimate. #FairVote#ABTV
Mar 22, 2018 • 7 tweets • 5 min read
1. All of this flagged up by #Remain before A50 passed by the CONS & Labour..I remember distinctly our warnings that if it went thru Control passed to the EU27. It goes to prove how much damage both parties are prepared to inflict on our country to impose their ideology on us all
2. This price to buy a Transition that merely allows our politicians to kick the real impact down the road so they can con ppl into thinking things will be fine after #Brexit. If we don't #StopBrexitSaveBritain we'll be out on 29/03/19 & it will be too late to avoid the cliff.
Mar 3, 2018 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
1. You're not alone in this opinion, nor is it an isolated incident.. Recently some correspondents & interviewers are finally beginning to do their job namely to check the facts & offer real challenge to Govt line..but not yet all.
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1. Why the hell all this hand wringing & whingeing on the part of the Brexiters & media about what the EU has presented in the draft legislation...there's no surprises given the duplicity of the UK Govt...the latter signed up to this in Dec & then started to weasel out of it. 2. The UK Govt's stated it wants to cherry pick ..the EU's said consistently NO CHERRY PICKING!
If we want to avoid a hard border we have to have CONVERGENCE of rules & regs; if we want the benefits of the CU/SM we have to remain in them. The CU/SM have compliance enforced by ECJ
Jan 10, 2018 • 39 tweets • 18 min read
1. Worst national leadership in my lifetime forcing through the most damaging, misguided & missold policy I can remember. Ideology & vested self interest replace statesmanship, soundbites replace sound judgement & autocracy subverts democracy. #Brexit harms us irreparably #FBPE2. A flawed Leave campaign based on lies, deceit, disingenuity & over simplification & a #Remain one fought w/o any positivity from the Govt & no real commitment from Labour, whose leader was virtually AWOL, did no justice to #Brexit complexity & betrayed our democratic process.
Oct 31, 2017 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
1. Seen it said the if polls start to show 60% thinking #Brexit should be halted then it may be possible to justify a #FinalSay Ref
2. This is unfair & denies a level playing field. #Brexit's been passed via a non binding Ref by 51.9%..37%of the electorate voting 4 it.