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Oct 3rd 2018
I have learnt 2 things about "how history happened" as a result of brexit-so-far. Both of them hit hard & if you are reading this - they apply to you to.
1) What were all the nice people in Germany doing when Hitler came to power & started persecuting various groups?
Those groups being the jews, disabled people, foreigners, people with alternate lifestyles, other political views?
(Use that as a ticklist - tick every one off - bc all are now happening).

bc what all the "nice" people were doing were what you are doing now. 1/n
1) Saying that "comic little man" Bojo or JRM or whoever - is unintelligent & just sooooo funny & won't get elected.

2) If he does get elected he is *BOUND TO* calm down a bit when given some responsiblity bc the world will not tolerate that kind of rhetoric...
Read 22 tweets
Sep 21st 2018
So @theresa_may thinks the EU should respect the UK? Why? Why should they respect a country that is implementing a non-binding referendum won through Russian meddling, breaking the law and lies?
Why should they respect a country that triggered A50 without a plan?
Why should they respect a country whose government are being held hostage by the ERG?
Read 23 tweets
Sep 18th 2018
While UK spirals down & out of control, gripped by self-inflicted Brexit-fixated inward-looking dirty-selfish politics, Major Parties talk to themselves with NO results, so far. Yet, every passing day brings new reasons to put Brexit to a #PeoplesVote with the option to #Remain.
#TriggerIsComing to force a #PeoplesVote on #Brexit, with an option to #endthechaos and #Remain. Many MPs are daily more restive over the lack of a truly #MeaningfulVote - another #May mistake that will come back to haunt #Blukip, after ALL their Lies & wastage of time AND money.
The wheels are falling off 'any Brexit' with each passing revelation of FACTUAL REALITY. Anyone who can't see that (regardless of how they voted) is not keeping up! The doubters in Parliament will be swelling in numbers, by the minute.
Read 5 tweets
Sep 6th 2018
Right. I'm ready to call it! The UK government is aiming for the #Brexit negotiations to lead to:

- A Norway deal
- A 'Norway' v '#Remain' referendum.

I'll show my working below!

#stopbrexit #peoplesvote
Why Norway?

Well, the answer to that lies on the island of #Ireland. Due to the GFA, there are not many ways of squaring the circle of having the hard border that is required by the WTO, Northern Ireland remaining in the UK and the UK being outside the customs union.
So the options faced by HMG are:

1 - call a border poll and let Northern Ireland and the Republic reunite as a single entity. While the Conservatives are nominally the Conservative & Unionist Party, there are many who would not share a tear at the loss of NI....
Read 12 tweets
Aug 30th 2018
1. Every day I awaken hoping MPs would just once challenge the validity of a #Brexit that Robs us of Rights & makes us Poorer based on a non-Binding result the votes of only 25.6% of the Ppl, 37% voters & 51.8% of those voting..many of whom now regret it.
But no it's the same old
2. Autocrats of Right & Left more interested in imposing their wills on the Ppl than the current Will of the Ppl, deny us a #PeoplesVote & a #FinalSay with a #Remain option, on the basis it would undermine democracy, disillusion voters & fuel the Far Right. So #Brexit must happen
3. I repeat...the result was non-Binding & backed by only 26.5% of the Ppl 37% voters. But also these 'Democrats' don't just deny a #PeoplesVote ..they choose to ignore the flawed & probably illegal basis upon which the Ref was based. Cambridge Analytica, Foreign interference etc
Read 8 tweets
Aug 29th 2018
1. Labour Schism: the threat's real if there's not a major shift in #Brexit policy at Conference.
A #BrexitShambles harms UK
A #PeoplesVote is Democratic
A #FinalSay Confirms the Will
#Remain + Current Deal is Best Deal
Prob is the Leadership Stance
1a Big diffs between 1980s & today's #Brexit emergency which play to a new Centrist Grouping not being SDP2..
1. Politicised Remainers
2. Party loyalty less strong
2. Far Right infiltration of Tories
3. Macron
4. LibDems a Catalist with a base
5. Big Funders
A new party is Viable
1b IMHO #Brexit must be stopped before a Gen Elect...time's too short for that & a Ref & this #BrexitShambles can't be sorted in a multi issue GE unless Labour stands full square behind
#Reject #Revoke #Remain #Reform
Read 6 tweets
Aug 27th 2018
1. I'll try once again.
@SkyNews @SkyNewsPolitics @Channel4News @BBCNews @BBCr4today etc etc...



Citizens affected disenfranchised

It's not all about the Economy.

#PeoplesVote 4 a #FinalSay & a #Remain option
2. UK citizens at Home & Abroad will lose Rights....…
3. Other EU country citizens in the UK will Lose Rights…
Read 5 tweets
Aug 26th 2018
1. Yes @UKLabour it is nearly beyond time..back your members...back your voters...back the Maj of the Ppl & actively Oppose not Appease.
Your 1st priority is to the Country. #Brexit in any form harms it.
@Labour4EU know it...Unions know it..Momentum too.…
2. Don't let the Govt stall or the @EU_Commission give them more time. Any #Brexit will become a Tory hands the UK to the Far Right & ERG.
The Ref validity is long gone...past its Use By date.
Lies, Illegalities & Rights to be Removed w/o CONSENT.

#PeoplesVote #FinalSay
3. PS Extensions, Renegotiations, Re-entry, Transitions & a Blind #Brexit are Tory #Brexiter & Labour #Lexiter #RedKipper CONS...
All lead to a Tory #BrexitShambles which Removes Rights & Impoverishes the UK...

#PeoplesVote for a #FinalSay with a #Remain #Reform option
Read 3 tweets
Aug 24th 2018
Thread: How are UK online news outlets covering #Brexit in 2018? An analysis, with data and charts!

Part 3: Who’s outperforming the Shadow Cabinet in terms of influencing the #Brexit debate?

Answer: A small handful of Conservative & Labour Backbench MPs...

For previous pieces (and methodology), see:

DExEU vs Shadow DExEU: and

Cabinet vs Shadow Cabinet:
So in yesterday's analysis, we saw how the Labour Frontbench had failed to drive column inches across online news outlets. Today, I look at how the Backbenchers and @LibDems are influencing the #Brexit debate.
Read 24 tweets
Aug 23rd 2018
1. Never forget the Elephant in the Room..never debated not Consented. #Brexit = Loss of Rights.
If we don't stop the #BrexitShambles we know what follows Tories will Remove them outside the protections we currently have under international treaty...…
2. #Brexit is all about deregulation & Removal of Rights & Protections.
The EU doesn't prevent a Govt adding them as a member so why would the Govt wish to leave & repatriate control if not to Remove them?
This has No Consent
#PeoplesVote #Remain option.…
3. I appear to have a hidden grateful, if it's a troll, if #Remainers who can see the comment could give it hell & screenshot it for me so I can block it...😎
Read 4 tweets
Aug 21st 2018
But 75% of our Laws are made in Brussels say the Brexiteers. And they call #REMAIN ‘project fear’? Really?

Let’s take a look:
2/ UK Parliament, you know the one…. its the soveriegn Parliament of the United Kingdom that has the ultimate power to make or end any law in the UK. A fundamental piece of our Constitution.

I digress.
3/ UK Parliament passed 945 Acts of Law between 1993 and 2014, of which 231 implemented EU obligations of some sort, according the House of Commons Library.

Over the same period, it passed 33,160 Statutory Instruments
Read 15 tweets
Aug 21st 2018
Leavers were misled. Fact-based #BrexitRejection drives many to Remain. #TriggerIsComing. #PeoplesVote will follow.
Life is a hard journey. We ALL have to admit IT, when wrong! Only alternative is digging in, ever deeper, to that wrongful position (aka 'bad decision bias'). I say to Leavers, now, take another fresh look and rethink! This is ALL our futures! #TriggerIsComing #PeoplesVote soon!
51.9% v 48.1% in an ADVISORY referendum, held more than 2 years ago, is clearly NOT today's #WOTP, so a #PeoplesVote is NOW a MUST HAVE, re any final EU destination - incl. #Remain. Will that happen? YES! #TriggerIsComing, soon.
Read 4 tweets
Aug 9th 2018
And once more, The #CorbynCult co-opt a #Remain issue: That being the apparent impartiality of certain @BBCNews programmes/platforms & presenters. The cult infested #FBPE, mutated it into #PCPEU, and then branded both branches pointless; sucking the life from #FBPE. #BBCSwitchOff
Alleged Labourite "Remainers" should instead focus on the apparent impartiality of their party's leader. If the alleged main opposition leader actually opposed the Tory govt., the narrative of @BBCNews and other news media outlets would change overnight.
Until the #Remain movement detaches itself from Labour & its supporters, there will be no chance to ever #StopBrexit. Remainers & Corbynites alike may currently have (differing) issues with @BBCNews. That's no reason for Remainers to hitch THEIR wagon to the Corbots' hysteria.
Read 3 tweets
Aug 8th 2018
Just been called a fanatic by a #Corbynista #Lexiter for daring to suggest Labour need to back a #PeoplesVote for a #FinalSay with a #Remain option to thwart the Far Right #Brexit...2 out of the 3 likes he got were from the Far Right.
What have we become?!
Original Tweet...Far Left & Right all over me for daring to back an anti Rigjt Alliance & a Democratic #PeoplesVote for a #FinalSay with a #Remain option
Read 3 tweets
Aug 6th 2018
Cobyn will #Remain part of the problem sadly & his support for #Brexit & denial of a #PeoplesVote a #FinalSay with a #StopBrexit Brexit fails to create clear election
space between Labour & the Tories.
So I'll vote for neither...…
Read 4 tweets
Aug 3rd 2018
IF we do leave the EU, big IF, I predict that there'll be a marked tendency for Remainers to Leave the UK, and for Leavers to Remain, stuck here. Losers perpetually banking on Winners to just suck it up, and blithely bail them out, just #May be disappointed. There, I've said it!
Close relatives who departed these shores in the 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's, 00's, 10's felt they perceived a better future 'elsewhere'. Am beginning to get it, at last! I #May be a slow learner, or just late to awake to the now revealed realities of the UK, and its 'true prospects'.
Of course, there's an easy alternative. Put the latest EU options (realistic ones only, please, including #Remain!) to a new #PeoplesVote - That should inform us as to the current #WillOfThePeople. That'd be a great start! Better late than never!
Read 6 tweets
Aug 1st 2018
1. Oh no you don't @MichelBarnier @guyverhofstadt @donaldtusk ..don't you dare sell out the majority of Brits who want to #StopBrexit & #Remain whether in the UK or in the EU. A #Brexit fudge won't be worth the paper its written on.
Stop pandering to May..she has no mandate.
Read 4 tweets
Jul 22nd 2018
1. All of this was predicted by some 2yrs ago & #Brexit lost when May backed by Corbyn invoked A50 w/o a clue what they were doing.
Gross negligence & a lack of due diligence. The deceitful party political game play since then is a travesty of Democracy.…
Read 5 tweets
Jul 16th 2018
Here are six of the most ridiculous claims from #ProjectFear about the impact of a clean #Brexit on businesses, prices and jobs. I’m paraphrasing to make my points, but all are staples of the #Remain camp. (1/8)
Myth 1. Businesses have become so reckless that they now rely on fragile just-in-time supply chains where even the slightest new friction would be catastrophic, and it would be impossible to adapt them without the massive disruption of relocating. (2/8)
Myth 2. Businesses selling only into the EU are so feeble that they would find it very difficult and costly to start filling in a simple customs return, even though they already manage to deal with all the other paperwork required. (3/8)
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Jul 11th 2018
Blocking accounts (trolls & bots) thread
A lot of #remain ers don't really understand the situation they are facing on Twitter, they see an online debate where #Leave and #Remain put their points forward and whoever has the best logic wins.


#stopbrexit #FBPE #PeoplesVote
That isn't what's happening. At this point #Leave (left or right) don't need to convince people of anything, they don't need to win debates.

All they need to do to win is to stop #Remain from reaching people and the tactics they are using are designed to do that.

Those tactics are to distract, discredit & disrupt Remain attempts to convince people.

They use name calling & insults. This is to discredit #Remain.

Also they hope to goad Remainers into an emotional response so they appear overly motivated and therefore less convincing.
Read 9 tweets
Jul 9th 2018
1/ Thread on our new #Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab:
Raab was a member of a closed Facebook group that called for privatising healthcare and the return of workhouses for debtors…
#StopBrexit #FBPE
2/ Raab was one of a group of Tory MPs including Liz Truss & Priti Patel who described British workers as "among the worst idlers in the world" and called for the emulation of the work ethic (long unregulated hours) and low tax (for the rich) culture to be found in parts of Asia.
3/ Before the referendum Dominic Raab was one of the Tory MPs making it clear that there would be Tory calls for a 2nd referendum (a straight replay) in the event of a #Remain victory. He had the generosity to say that it shouldn't take place for at least 2 years.
Read 6 tweets
Jul 2nd 2018
1. Sick to the back teeth of hearing the PM stating vaccous nonsense in Parl incl that she is implementing what the BritishPeople voted for.

No politician can now say what the People want..she has no right to subvert a false Will of the Ppl to her own Party political interest
2. She states 80% of ppl voted for parties backing #Brexit. This is arrogant rubbish as proven by any research undertaken. Many votes were tactical & a multi issue GE can't be taken as backing a given version or indeed any version. She lost her mandate Labour didn't win one!
3. There's only 1 way to determine the present majority Will of the Ppl & that's to give us a #FinalSay via a #PeoplesVote.
It must be BINDING
It must be BINARY
Accept #Brexit Deal/No Deal OR
#Reject #Revoke #Remain #Reform
Nothing else can be valid
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Jun 16th 2018
I've been doing a bit of number crunching to see what date, with no-one changing their minds, demographics will show that the British people voted to remain. That date is 27th January 2021. On that date, the UK voted #Remain. (1/3)
My workings are here:… My calcs are NOT perfect, but I feel they're a pretty good indicator. (2/3)
Of course, this all assumes that no-one has changed their minds, but as #ProjectFear turns into #ProjectReality it would be pretty mad to think no-one is changing their mind! (3/3)
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Jun 14th 2018
1. Seen quite a bit of anti #FBPE nonsense...mainly from the further left..we've been called a cult by Corbynistas...I'd remind them, cultists worship deities PEOPLE or objects; opposing a #Brexit which is leaving us all Poorer, Weaker with Less Control & Fewer Rights is neither.
2. Using #FBPE doesn't make us anti Corbyn or Labour it makes us anti #Brexit & sadly that means we are in opposition to those who are forcing a flawed #BrexitShambles upon the Ppl & denying the Ppl a #FinalSay a #PeoplesVote to Confirm the Will of the Ppl to leave or to #Remain.
3. Fighting to give the Ppl a #FinalSay nor indeed giving the Ppl a #PeoplesVote doesn't thwart #Brexit nor disrespect merely allows everyone to Confirm if they still want it or now to #StopBrexit &'s called DEMOCRACY as it allows ppl to change their minds
Read 10 tweets

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