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This thread is to arm fellow European British with essential info about our POSSIBLE future relationship with the WTO and what it would mean for the UK in a no deal situation. Use it to rebut Brexiteer disengenuity and nonsense on the matter - facts matter. /1
WTO RULES state that you can’t treat other nations more favourably in trade deals. So, the EU be in breach of their own international Treaties to accept the Chequers Accord. This is highly unlikely; they’d have to make these same allowances for more than 50 other countries. /2
Central to WTO rules is, to trade favourably, then a country must have a hard border to control good entering & leaving the country (as ratified by all 164 WTO members). S.10 of the EUWA18 makes this impossible: the UK can’t create a hard border in Ireland (protecting the GFA)./3
Read 6 tweets
[Ref illegality & corruption THREAD 👇👇]

Been asked to summarise the Susan Wilson (@Suewilson91) v Prime Minister case. This thread gives the basics of the pleadings and relief sought. /1


#VoteLeaveBrokeTheLaw #FBPE #WATON #FBR @abcpoppins #StopBrexit
There is a principal issue underlying the case that poses a simple question: is a lawful, free and fair vote one of the constitutional requirements of the UK? It's asked after 2 Electoral Commission (EC) Reports found that illegality & corruption dogged the ref campaign. /2
Let me make this clear. The EC findings were to the criminal standard of proof (beyond reasonable doubt) & serious offences were committed by the designated campaign for leaving the EU (& others), in breach of the statutory framework established by Parliament for the ref. /3
Read 14 tweets
2. A fundamental principle of the common law is that votes can be declared void for substantial irregularity. If irregularity affects the result of an election it is by itself enough to compel the tribunal to declare the election void.
3. The result doesn't need to be affected. Only a ‘substantial departure’ from the rules, or the election being ‘conducted so badly that it was not substantially in accordance with the law’ is needed to void the ballot.
Read 9 tweets
1/ The Chequers Accord was dead before it was written. There are important factors that verify that statement and it is important for both Remainers and Leavers to come to terms with that reality. This thread explains what I mean.

#FBPE #WATON @theresa_may @jeremycorbyn
2/ The 4 pillars of the EU are indivisible. The EU and other States can't cherry pick those pillars (people, goods, services and capital). IF the EU decided to allow the UK to split the freedoms it would also have to make the same allowances for 50 plus other countries.
3/ In order for the EU to accept the Chequers Accord they'd be in breach of their own international Treaties. This is extremly impropable. Not just that, WTO RULES state that you cannot provide a better deal for one nation over others.
Read 8 tweets
As far as I am concerned, the time to convert Leavers is over. Thread. 1/
2/ Since the referendum we meticulously collated facts, enlisted people who know their stuff - from politicians over scientists, business owners, teachers and healthcare professionals.All walks of life, all nationalities represented in modern Britain
3/ We presented facts, figures, estimates, graphs, cartoons.... you name it. Even songs and breakfasts. We reached out and stayed patient when we were yelled at and called enemies of the people. Some people were assaulted.
Read 7 tweets
Hearing reports that many #FBPE are getting shadow banned or short bans on twitter & don't understand why. This thread is intended to help you protect yourself. 1/n
1) What is a shadow ban? It is basically when you tweet & twitter don't send it to anyone at all. It happened to me at the weekend. Just silence. No notifications, & all you get on your home page is recipes for carrot cake. They can do a partial one. A full one is scary. 2/n
If it happens, ask a few friends to find you & retweet you, this helps send the message that people DO want to see what you send - it helps. 😀

Why do these things happen? Basically bc you are being reported for breaking the rules. 3/n
Read 14 tweets
1.#A50Challenge disputes the govt's claims that a 'decision' to leave the EU has been made 'in accordance with [our] constitutional requirements'. The underlying assumptions of that decision haven't been tested in court. THREAD explaining why the ref result isn't a decision #FBPE
2. In 2011 the Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Act was legislated during the 1st Cameroon govt. It was unique as it was a 'madatory' referendum. The same administration legislated for the Referendum Act 2015 as an 'advisory' ref; 2011 bound parliament 2015 didn't.
3. The 1975 ref process was different. It was, what's termed as, a post-legislative ref. In other words, Parliament voted for EC membership, then legislated for the Referendum Act 1975. The assent of the people (67% to 33%) then made that result binding; theoretically.
Read 12 tweets
What the hell will it take to bring down the corrupt @Conservatives government?

Here's an evolving thread listing Tory atrocities (in no particular order).

#fbpe #waton #abtv #indyref2 #notinmynameTheresaMay
Read 47 tweets
If Xenophobic Rhetoric & Media Bias are a good reason to put the issue of Hungary & Poland on the agenda of the Euorpean Council

how come the EU is doing nothing about the same things happening during the referendum that led to #brexit?
Why did the EU accept A50?
Intimidation - Is the killing of a member of Parliament enough?
Opaque campaign financing - Have been asleep lately? Have you heard about the financing scandal of the leave side in the UK?

att. to:
@JolyonMaugham @StevePeers

I think it is time that the UK issue is put on the agenda of the European Council and A50 should be suspended.
Read 4 tweets
I've seen a few tweets recently from #AntiBrexit campaigners feeling a little on the down side... A little fatigued and weary of this big battle we are fighting. #FBPE #ABTV
I have been feeling it too. First of all I want to say very emphatically that it's OK to feel this way. Any feelings about being one of ca 20m people sidelined, abused, denied and rejected are totally valid. #FBPE #ABTV
This is an important point. We're not just "moaning". We have been systematically marginalised and silenced. It's no small thing. #ABTV #FBPE
Read 9 tweets
It's excruciatingly embarrassing that our press has pumped out so much bilge about the EU that .@EUlondonrep had to have a page on its website dedicated to "A-Z of Euromyths".

As it's Friday, I've picked out my top-ten stupid stories by the British press on the EU #Thread
In at N°10 in the Brit EU-#FakeNews Hit Parade: The S*n claimed the EU wanted to ban BAGPIPES. I'm sure Her Majesty the Queen would have had something to say about that, of whom more anon...

#BrexitShambles #FBPE #WATON #ABTV #BrexitIdiocy
At N°9 in the Brit EU-#FakeNews Hit Parade: The Daily Telegraph, which is now almost as bad as red-tops for fake news when it comes to the EU, claimed the EU wanted to ban that most famous of British icons, the doubled-decker bus.

#BrexitShambles #FBPE #WATON #ABTV #BrexitIdiocy
Read 16 tweets
This is gonna be long, but I think it's worth it. A well-regarded twitter poster, let’s call him Giorgio, has recently publish a thread stating among other things as follows. “The pathways to stopping or delaying Brexit are blocked.
But once the mandate is discharged, the pathways to UK rejoining, or being in a close association agreement with EU, within the single market and customs union, will be open, with no obstacles.”
This approach annoys me for two reasons, one because Giorgio seems to be attempting to cajole Remainers to put all activity on hold until we actually leave the #EU.
Read 17 tweets
1. It is time it is made clear that one limb of our constitution - the judicary - will be thrown into legal chaos on exit day. No ifs, no buts, no coconuts! We all know civilised society depends on a functioning legal system; we're unlikely to have that. #FBPE #lawlessBrexit #FBR
2. Brexit has created divisions in Parliament and the public domain. Regardless of whether someone is Pro-EU or Pro-Brexit, there are far-reaching aftereffects relevant to the UK’s exit that must be addressed to ensure continuity and legal certainty on and after exit day.
3. The UK leaving the EU poses a significant challenge not simply for the Government and Parliament but also for the legal systems in the four Nations; it is a legal undertaking of a type and scale that is unique and unprecedented. Its a nightmare. #ABTV #WATON
Read 10 tweets
It looks likely that both Conservative and Labour will try to force hard brexit through without a #finalsay or #optiontoremain.

How do we respond?
Thread for discussion! #waton #fbpe #stopbrexit
1/ Problem: If we have a fragmented collection of smaller efforts and parties, we will never get the gravity. We need a single political entity which stands solely for saving the country - an Emergency Alliance to Save Britain.
2/ This alliance could be formed from @libdems, @TheGreenParty , @theSNP, @Plaid_Cymru, @Renew_Britain, with help from all the campaigning groups: @ofoc @ffs @bestforbritain etc. but most importantly, MPs from Conservative and Labour who prepared to jump ship to join the effort.
Read 13 tweets
Follow the money…
and the link to SCL…

Canada office listing on SCL archived site link to Cambridge Analtica via office information tab…

#DUP #AggregateIQ……
The invoices are being burned so here's an archive of them…
Read 13 tweets
Still on track with my predictions from last year.
1/ Gov most successfully managed to stall negotiations while throwing a mirade of conflicting promises around to keep us entertained. At the same time the distractions increase in outlandishness>
2/ Russia, Irish Border chaos (I do not believe for a second they do not have a plan for this), throwing in random arms deals to keep up appearances. All the while: Davis did not visit Brusssels once this year, EU had to suspend negotiations, ..>
3/ All this with 4 months left until summer recess. In September it will ve too late for anything but either hard or no Brexit. We have not heard any substantial suggestions from Gov for a few weeks now, and we have stopped being demanding because...>
Read 4 tweets
a. The HoLs Constitution Committee stated the EUW Bill ‘risks fundamentally undermining legal certainty’. The statement echoes concerns that are reverberating through the UK legal system whilst being overlooked in the Brexit debate. Here are the issues:
b. The Committee’s view echoes mine: crucial sections of the Bill are ‘conceptually flawed’ & that ‘retained EU law’ should form part of an Act of Parliament on Brexit day in order to safeguard legal certainty.
c. There is an insidious fallacy from Brexiteers that we are returning sovereignty to Parliament and 'taking back control' of our laws. The harsh legal and constitutional reality of the Bill demonstrates this to be nothing but a fetish. We will be doing nothing of the sort. #FBR
Read 20 tweets
1. The EU (Withdrawal) Bill the most important bill Parliament has deliberated for decades; its a constitutional and legal minefield. At present, my job is to amend several modules on an LLB Law course to prepare for Brexit. This thread highlights some issues.

2. The EUW Bill does 3 things: repeals the ECA 1972; turns existing EU law into UK law; and gives govt Ministers the power to amend, discard and replace 'retained EU law' (EU laws converted into domestic law by the Bill). The latter equates to unprecedented Executive power.
3. The Bill's crucial for Brexit to happen, not least because the ECA 1972 has acted as a conduit for EU laws to be enshrined in domestic law for over 40 years. We've not the time to replace them with new legislation between now & March; a cut-and-paste approach has been adopted.
Read 16 tweets
1/ Yes there is more to it than GDP. Silver lining of #Brexit is it has woken up all of us Brits who are proEU. Before EURef we did not need to be active or engaged. Now we bloody well do because the future of our country is at stake. #FBPE #WATON #REMAIN #StopBrexitSaveBritain
2/ irony of #Brexit is that it has created a massive pro EU grassroots across the U.K. Millions of British people who are just if not more passionate, determined, committed & angry as any #Leaver or #Brexiter. #FBPE #WATON #StopBrexitSaveBritain #remainernow #FinalSay #StopBrexit
3/ Why are #Remainers so committed to stopping #Brexit? More reasons than you could give in a series of tweets. First & foremost we believe it is catastrophic to our country & we therefore have a duty to stop that damage to our country #fbpe #WATON #StopBrexit #REMAIN #FinalSay
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Read 22 tweets
THREAD: Why we’re speaking with a single voice and why Brexiters still can’t make their minds up about what they want nearly 2 years on.

#FBPE #WATON #ExitFromBrexit

We speak with a single voice because we had the temerity to have a plan from the start: remain in the EU.

You won the vote and you still can’t decide what it is you’re after.

We speak with a single voice because we like well-researched facts based on critical thinking.

You dabble in baseless populism and nationalism.

Read 15 tweets
The Tory #Brextremist attack on the Civil Service parallels Trump's attack on the FBI. It comes after the Tory & press attack on judicial oversight of government in the Article 50 case, and in a context dominated by right-wing press disinformation.
#StopBrexit #FBPE #WATON /1
What we appear to be witnessing is a concerted attack to undermine the institutions and practices that underpin democracy. Democracy relies on a basic degree of truthfulness, without it there can be no meaningful debate. The Right is relentlessly attacking truth.
#FBPE /2
The Tory reaction to the Article 50 court case shows that they have no respect for legal checks on government power. Doubtless the same dislike of the Rule of Law over government accounts for their loathing of the ECJ and #ECHR.
#FBPE /3
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There are NINE THOUSAND parish councils in England. By the end of February we could have NINE THOUSAND referenda and NINE THOUSAND rejections of Brexit #FBPE #WATON #PCSB #LibDems @acgrayling
In the coming days, we will be posting a full HOWTO on organising your parish council to stop Brexit. Please promote the cause, and organise locally - and add #PCSB to your username! Five characters that could make the world of a difference #FBPE #WATON
In this thread I will be posting a quick and easy guide to stopping Brexit with your parish council. I will use the example of Wembury Parish Council but this applies equally to any parish council. #PCSB #FBPE #WATON #ABTV
Read 10 tweets
So, while we are resting on the #FBPE-laurels after a hot chase of #WATON, a few very preliminary thoughts on #Brexit and #genre. As my handle indicates, I came to #Twitter with an intent to talk about genre #research, but I have ended up talking about Brexit instead. 1/
Or is that indeed "instead"? A central finding of #genrestudies is that #genre is well nigh omnipresent in human culture, cognition, and communication. Thus, we think, react, and act in genre patterns, and we all have a surprising aptitude for understanding and using genre. 2/
Thus, it may never have entered your mind while discussing #Brexit (or, hopefully, the lack thereof) that you are constantly using and discussing #genre. But you are. Allow me to show you. 3/
Read 37 tweets

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