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Aug 21st 2018
So @uklabour Front Bencher @barrygardiner in this tweet (to fellow Labour MP @BenPBradshaw) seems to think there aren't really any leave voters who are pushing to reconsider #Brexit with a #PeoplesVote

Why don't we examine why that's completely false.

A #remainernow Thread

So Barry could start here,…

This is the stories page of which (so far) has four excellent longer videos of leave voters who are now passionate about a #PeoplesVote and want to #StopBrexit

Alternatively @BarryGardiner could go here

Here is the #remainernow in the news section, where we upload stories regretful leavers get on print media. This is just what we have uploaded since launching last month but some great articles. #PeoplesVote

Read 13 tweets
Jul 1st 2018
Unite Members:

57% backed #PeoplesVote
24% leave voters backed #PeoplesVote

West Midlands car workers:
“Only now have voters started to see through the initial referendum campaigns and truly understand the implications & costs of leaving the EU."…
Unite union:

"open to the possibility of a vote on any deal the Tories come back with"

"members fears that the Tories' in-fighting and destructive red lines will bring ruin to their jobs and communities"

Unite Statement:…

Great speech by Julie Ward MEP on why she marched with #WomenForEurope for a #PeoplesVote

Women and the young will be the most affected by #Brexit

Read 50 tweets
Jun 22nd 2018
When #ProjectFear becomes #ProjectFact... Has the penny started to drop?

This isn't just a remainer thing BTW. If I was a leaver and I read that tweet I'd be PRETTY worried and pissed off TBH
These are our so-called "betters" who are in charge. They were told. They were told THREE YEARS ago that this could happen. The sheer arrogance as they dismissed this with a flick of the hand as one might a fly: "#ProjectFear", they sneered
Read 14 tweets
Jun 21st 2018
So @theresa_may says she is going to deliver the “brexit people voted for”.
I have a few questions about how she is going to do that and in asking them I will be assisted by just a small sample of people that voted leave who are pretty clear she won’t.
So @theresa_may what brexit will you deliver and which people will it please?

Firstly, whatever it is, it won’t be the brexit that 16.4 million opposed in 2016, nor what was wanted by @The3Million EU citizens that or so many @BritishInEurope that were denied a vote!
.@theresa_may will it be the brexit that all those who voted leave in protest against the establishment/the Tory party (like these ⬇️ guys).

Does this mean you are going to reform our electoral system in brexit so we have PR and U.K. politics becomes less London centric?
Read 20 tweets
May 26th 2018

On fatherhood and its link to why we must ensure we #stopbrexit and the #Remainernow campaign.

Early on Thursday my 2nd daughter was born & she is doing well.

Any of you who are parents will appreciate the feelings of pride & affection I have experienced for the last few days. Many will also appreciate the desire as a father to give your child the best future you can 2/14
My 1st child was born in the build up to the #EUref and turned 3 months of the day of the vote.

As a result of being a new father, being complacent & having never been political before, I didn’t campaign in 2016 apart from sharing many of anti-brexit articles on Facebook! 3/14
Read 15 tweets
May 17th 2018
An insight into the mind of a Brexiteer...
2/ A plumbing crisis led to an older family member insisting that what a plumber told him many years ago was gospel despite another plumber physically proving tonight that he was wrong all these years...
3/ This led to raised voices with the plumber as said family member was insistent that the new plumber was wrong despite all evidence suggesting otherwise.
Read 8 tweets
May 15th 2018
@neil_parish Neil Parish, MP for Tiverton & Honiton
You voted to initiate Article 50.
Ken Clarke did not.

Before you decided to vote for initiating Article 50 did you think to ask if
Her Majesty's Government had a plan ❓

If not, who is at fault? 🤔

@neil_parish Neil Parish, MP for Tiverton & Honiton
You voted for A50, Ken Clarke didn't.

Which unworkable customs plan will you be supporting, ready for the June summit?

1. Customs Partnership 🦄
2. Maximum Facilitation 🦄
3. Backstop…
@neil_parish Neil Parish, MP for Tiverton & Honiton
You voted for A50, Ken Clarke didn't.

What are your plans for the Falkland Islands, that relies on the Single Market to export 94% of it's fish to the EU, being 41% of it's economy?…

Read 13 tweets
Apr 20th 2018
Sometimes voting can seem far too meaningless. For Remainer Now people, it might seem monumental. But democracy means review, oversight, and the option and processes to change our minds and course as a country if we need and want to. Remainer Now peeps, want to come to the Lords?
We've booked a room in the House of Lords, and have a bunch of peers of the realm eager to hear from you. If you can come to London on Tuesday 24th April, and can get to Westminster between 12 and 2.30pm, we'd love to have you. Get in touch.
To clarify, this event at the Lords is only for #Remainernow people. A number of #bregretter ladies and gents are already attending but the Lords are keen to hear as many stories as possible so please do reach out if you can attend.
Read 3 tweets
Mar 10th 2018
1/ Yes there is more to it than GDP. Silver lining of #Brexit is it has woken up all of us Brits who are proEU. Before EURef we did not need to be active or engaged. Now we bloody well do because the future of our country is at stake. #FBPE #WATON #REMAIN #StopBrexitSaveBritain
2/ irony of #Brexit is that it has created a massive pro EU grassroots across the U.K. Millions of British people who are just if not more passionate, determined, committed & angry as any #Leaver or #Brexiter. #FBPE #WATON #StopBrexitSaveBritain #remainernow #FinalSay #StopBrexit
3/ Why are #Remainers so committed to stopping #Brexit? More reasons than you could give in a series of tweets. First & foremost we believe it is catastrophic to our country & we therefore have a duty to stop that damage to our country #fbpe #WATON #StopBrexit #REMAIN #FinalSay
Read 10 tweets
Feb 27th 2018
A short thread on #RemainerNow-acceptance. To my pleasure, I have noticed that when someone declares herself or himself a @RemainerNow the recepetion from the Remainer-community and particularly the #FBPE communitiy has been largely enthusiastic. 1/
However there invariably seem to be somebody that is so furious about the whole Brexit ordeal that they fire all cannons upon meeting a #Remainernow. I find that at the same time completely understandable and a very dumb move. 2/
It's completely understandable because Brexit is such an enormous act of stupidity on a national and international level that it must get tempers rising. In particular, of course, tempers with continuous remainers who have seen Brexit for the shambles it is from the start. 3/
Read 16 tweets
Jan 12th 2018
Here is Jon, her voted leave but now has seen the lies of the #leave campaign become clear & is a #RemainerNow
Respect @jonnywoo34 -so many feel like you! Thanks for speaking out & keep doing so!
Let’s hope MPs have courage to put country before party & start opposing #brexit
Here is #remainernow Jon again with a great post (and mini thread) on his #bregret and how #leavers should look at those still advocating #brexit and ask if they share their values!
Top work @jonnywoo34 keep speaking out, your courage will encourage overs!
I urge people to read this great thread from #remainernow Jon (for more see ⬆️). In it he explains his reasons for voting leave & what he has realised since.
Thanks for taking the time to do this @jonnywoo34 hopefully it can encourage others!
Read 11 tweets
Dec 26th 2017
Delia here decided to talk about her #brexit regret first thing Christmas morning. She sets out her reasons for her #leave vote in a number of tweets which I will thread below. All good reasons but now wants to #Remain - reason 1 ⬇️ #FBPE #stopbrexit
The good thing that Delia has done is being brave in coming forward on such a divisive issue. She has joined so many that are coming forward in saying she is a #remainernow - here ⬇️ is reason 2 for her original vote.
As Delia says here ⬇️ as someone who works in & cares about the #nhs she wanted to give it £££ (completely understandable) but like others she wasn’t aware this promise would not be honoured nor was she aware of the complexities like the Irish border!
Read 5 tweets
Dec 16th 2017
.@stephen501 is another #leave voter who wishes he had the chance to vote again now the facts of what #brexit means are becoming clear. Good on you for coming forward Stephen, you are one of millions, just need others to show the same humility! #remainernow #finalsay #fbpe
Here is more from Stephen following his visit to Germany. Highlights the ideologues lies that EU will give us a good deal as they need us more than we need them.
Here is another tweet from #remainernow @stephen501 after he regretted his leave vote he wrote to his MP. Hopefully he can also help persuade other leave voters he knows to do the same now #brexitreality is hitting!
Read 11 tweets

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