Around 20 #NHS staff in a letter told - Theresa May of their “great sorrow and shame” that “hostile environment” immigration policies which she initiated are leading to needless suffering and early death.
Many #British people say "These policies are unethical and inhumane."
“These policies are short-sighted and there is no evidence that they save the NHS money. They place immigration enforcement above public health and effective delivery of healthcare. #TuesdayThoughts
We don't do anything when this happens in the #uk
But we condemn when it happens in #USA
Why Can't we stop this #Hypocrisy?
They say in the #aircrafts - wear your #Oxygen mask first before #helpingothers. Shouldn't V first look in our state of affairs?
Farotade’s case is important because it highlights what appears to be the disproportionate use of paragraph 322(5) and the tactical way the Home Office uses it to enforce removals, even against the advice of their own lawyers. #Listen to your #Lawyers