Patrick 🍉 🇵🇸 Profile picture
web3 , ex-Google, bullying advocate, #FreePalestine 🔆 God warrior

Aug 1, 2018, 11 tweets

This was my dad's bill for 1 month of chemotherapy at UCLA johnson center. He would've hit his lifetime cap for coverage within 2-3 months without the ACA


Before the ACA, you or your spouse would be liable for these costs even if the person DIED.

This bill doesn’t even include prescription drugs/pharmacy, btw.

This was his bill for ******only the month of June*****

Note: most lifetime caps before the ACA were below $1million..

Kavanaugh is openly hostile to the ACA

People should be made very aware that we will be going back to a world of lifetime caps if Republicans retain control of all 3 branches of government...

Lifetime cap varied by state btw, so some of yall’s experience may be different.

Some of them were per family 😳

I don’t want sympathy. Sympathy won’t help me.

This should make you concerned for people w/ serious health conditions, esp cancer.

This should make you vigilant against politicians and judges (like Kavanaugh) who will gut the ACA and put these ppl at risk again...

This should also make you very angry with POTUS, Ivanka, etc. These blood sucking leeches lied to everyone for the past 1.5 years.

After he was inaugurated, he promised universal hc. Sadly, all we got was a tax cut for the wealthy at the expense of the society safety net🤬

Admin costs: $80,000

...for one month

These are the charges for “outpatient” services for 1 month

Without insurance, this would’ve been out-of-pocket.


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