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We are a digital investigation team who operate under the radar, using OSINT to expose antisemites.

Aug 3, 2018, 9 tweets

1. Today @jeremycorbyn said that anti-Zionism isn’t racism. Shall we see what other world leaders & academics say about that? (You might not agree with them politically so no ranting please - they are on the right side here).

2. Emmanuel Macaron. French President. “We will not surrender to AntiZionism because it is a reinvention of antisemitism” @jeremycorbyn knows better... apparently 🙄

Angela Merkel - Chancellor of Germany describes @jeremycorbyn perfectly (& let’s face it the Germans know a thing or 2 about antisemitism). “Antisemites who hide behind anti-Zionism are guilty of hate speech”

.@BHL one of the world’s most respected & famous philosophers. “antiZionism is the new dressing for the old passion of antiSemitism” - @jeremycorbyn obviously has plenty of salads to dress 🙄

Of course @jeremycorbyn knows better than @stephenharper Ex Prime Minister of Canada. Who said “AntiZionism is a the new Face of antisemitism”

On this subject let’s drop the big hitter, twice PM of Portugal, High Commissioner UNHCR, president of Socialist international & now Secretary General of the United Nations. “The modern form of antisemitism is the denial of the state of Israel” but, @jeremycorbyn knows better 🙄

Manuel Vallis ex PM of France “There is an incontestable link between antiZionism & antisemitism” - but dear old @jeremycorbyn knows better than all these world leaders, he says antiZionsim isn’t antisemitism & his followers swallow his bs.

Professor Robert Wistrich THE WORLD’s foremost expert in antisemitism “AntiZionism has become the most dangerous and effective form of antiSemitism in our time” but @jeremycorbyn still says AntiZionism isn’t antisemitism Corbyn we see you #antisemite

We have many more examples like this. But, all you need to know and apply to @jeremycorbyn is this:

“AntiZionism has become the most dangerous and effective form of antiSemitism in our time”

Which is why he he supports antiZionism. #LabourAntiSemitism

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