Many of these abhorrent racists have been let off by Labour, are free to peddle their revolting views about Jews to the public.
1: Alan Bull, who was selected by @uklabour as a candidate, in the full knowledge he is a Holocaust denier. He was supported by @PeoplesMomentum Director Shawcroft.
1/ Today @UKLabour will debate adopting these 4 examples of antisemitism, that they even have to debate them them shows the party institutionally antisemitic:
2/“Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel than to the interests of their own nations”
Dual loyalty trope, popular since Medieval times-having a resurgence from antisemites when describing Jews who won’t disavow Israel or prostrate their “Anti-Zionist” credentials
Yet in 2018 you can be shown to have met Holocaust deniers and the peddlers of blood libel.
To have supported a Nazi-style mural in East London. To have organised conferences comparing
Aug 26, 2018 • 6 tweets • 6 min read
1. Tracy Kelly is a member of @UKLabour & a @jeremycorbyn supporter. She has a number of @facebook profile pages, she manages quite a few FB Pages & is the founder & admin of some FB Groups.
She’s also a virulent antisemite. 2. Britain is the People @facebook Page has 102,000 likes and pumps out antisemitic bilge like this. Remember this page is run by an @jeremycorbyn supporting @UKLabour member
Aug 15, 2018 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
1/ Last night @jeremycorbyn told yet another lie to @Channel4News about his visit to Tunis. It was not shown on TV but it was in the full interview which was posted online. Most won’t have seen or picked up on this.
2/ He repeated his previous lie that he was honoring those killed in the Israeli attack on Tunis only and then adds a brand new one - he says of the Israeli attack ’It was unprovoked’.
Aug 3, 2018 • 9 tweets • 6 min read
1. Today @jeremycorbyn said that anti-Zionism isn’t racism. Shall we see what other world leaders & academics say about that? (You might not agree with them politically so no ranting please - they are on the right side here).
2. Emmanuel Macaron. French President. “We will not surrender to AntiZionism because it is a reinvention of antisemitism” @jeremycorbyn knows better... apparently 🙄
Aug 1, 2018 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
1. Troll time! As some of you know, we round up our trolls in one go and tweet them out!
“We are cowards who are paid trolls and are damaging the fight against antisemitism” 2. Rothschilds tropes aren’t antisemitism 🤦♂️
We should be exposing the Tories
We have shape shifted into @mishtal (this is an amusing one as most people know were far better looking) Oh and we are all far right.
Jul 29, 2018 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
1. A brief round up of our trolls from yesterday and today. You would think, they’d come up with something more original once in a while, rather than we are being paid by Israel. Mind you, being told to “hang” ourselves was new.... 2. Yet more accusations of being paid or working for the Israel lobby to bring down @jeremycorbyn. Holding all Jews responsible for the actions of the Israeli government is a prominent antisemitic theme amongst @UKLabour members.
Jul 27, 2018 • 5 tweets • 4 min read
1/ So it’s Shabbat - we thought the trolls might have eased up, not a bit of it. A few we missed from yesterday and today’s haul.
We are “a bunch of racist Tories”
Some cockamamie which we don’t understand that we are “antisemitic” and not the antisemitic meme. 2/ Followed by:
“Zionism is a racist political ideology” (no worries for this account that we pray to Zion every day)
“Zionists are racists under the IHRA”
We have nothing to do with antisemitism only “apartheid”
Jul 20, 2018 • 71 tweets • 44 min read
1. Ahad voted against permission for a new @marksandspencer store because he felt that M&S are "Zionists who kill Palestinians" Dipu is quite unpleasant, he also hounded the members of the Holocaust Memorial Day org so badly, the Jewish members walked out…2) Lord Ahmed, blamed a "Jewish Conspiracy" for his imprisonment for a fatal motorway crash. Ahmed resigned from…
Jul 19, 2018 • 5 tweets • 8 min read
@stephenpollard It is probably a number of things.
1.@LabourAgainstAS report based on the IHRA and the most frequent transgression is “Israel is a racist state”. (They’ll confirm this please. 2. The numbers of @UKLabour expressing these 4 examples of antisemitism are huge.
@stephenpollard@LabourAgainstAS@UKLabour 3. It is an open secret that @UKLabour compliance unit can not cope & they need to drastically slash the numbers of complaints. 4. @JennieGenSec & @GordonNardellQC quite possibly wrote this “code of conduct” both have extremely interesting relationships with antisemites and are
Jul 15, 2018 • 23 tweets • 20 min read
1. A thread on @JennieGenSec Facebook friends. WARNING ⚠️ graphic images & racist content.
This comment was left on the new General Secretary of @uklabour’s FB page for over 24 hours.
“Poor Yids are not Jews”
#LabourAntisemitism2. In May, copying @jeremycorbyn@JennieGenSec closed her FB account, and started a new one. Something which will raise suspicions. What did she have to hide on that old account?
We have shown she has large issues with the Jewish community.
1. A thread on the proposed changes by @UKLabour@JennieGenSec & @jeremycorbyn to the internationally accepted definition of antisemitism. Labour antisemites often tell Jews where we come from, how we should express our religion & our politics. 2. They dictate to Jews almost everything to do with our ethnicity, this is called denying Jews self determination. They @UKLabour members do this under the guise of being “pro Palestinian” but really it’s because of their visceral hatred of Jews.
Jul 10, 2018 • 19 tweets • 14 min read
1. Thread on @JennieGenSec the general secretary of @UKLabour who is now dictating to Jews, what to find antisemitic, yes you got that right a white, middle aged middle class woman dictating to an ethnic minority what to find racist. #LabourAntisemitism2. @JennieGenSec has a bit of form for throwing the Jewish community under the bus. During her time @unitetheunion Formby was apparently moved from her position as Political Director as “her views on Israel had become an embarrassment”…
Jul 8, 2018 • 15 tweets • 9 min read
1. Some weeks ago @PrivateEyeNews exposed the existence of a Facebook Group run by Ms Tippler & associates, which seemingly had access to the highest levels of @UKLabour2. What they didn’t expose is the apparent involvement of a member of @uklabour’s ruling National Executive Committee in what appears to be another group set up by Tippler (a woman who has previously shared Rothschilds conspiracies).
Jul 5, 2018 • 6 tweets • 6 min read
Yesterday @uklabour changed the world accepted definition of antisemitism
Removing the word Israel
“Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations”
@jeremycorbyn & @JennieGenSec2/ They did this surreptitiously, behind the back of @JewishLabour and @ivorcaplin their chair was duped into believing he was attending a “normal” meeting, when in fact @JennieGenSec had set them up & not given any talking points beforehand.
Jul 2, 2018 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
1/ We always object to the statement popular with @jeremycorbyn fans “but Arabs are semites too so I can’t be antisemitic” statement. Antisemitism was a word invented by Marr & popularised by the Nazis as it made “Jew hatred” sound scientific.
2/ Here’s why Hitler & the Nazis needed some scientists who would say that antiSemitism has a scientific background…
Jun 22, 2018 • 7 tweets • 7 min read
1/Last week @PrivateEyeNews exposed the existence of a secret @facebook group, involved in helping & protecting suspended & expelled members of @UKLabour We’ve known about the existence of this group for months. In this thread we’ll give you details. #LabourAntisemitism2/ One of the Admins of this @facebook group “@UKLabour Party Compliance: Suspensions Expulsions Rejections Coop” is Tippler, she’s not particularly pleasant, and her views on “the Rothschilds” are something to behold. #LabourAntisemitism
Jun 5, 2018 • 7 tweets • 5 min read
1/ A thread, about the obsession antisemites have about our identities.
Why are they so bothered? Well, we can only assume that
a) They are seriously rattled by what we’re achieving
b) They actually believe we are part of a “Jewish” conspiracy. 2/ We’ve been:
* 4 women (who got so much hassle about being us that they had to go to the police & @cst_uk)
* A professor (who also went to the CST)
* Currently we are a blend of @mishtal@RichMillett & @simoncobbs1 - dudes ain’t good looking enough!
May 10, 2018 • 15 tweets • 11 min read
4) @JennieGenSec questioned Baroness Royall’s suitability to lead the party’s investigation into antisemitism at Oxford University Labour Club on the grounds that she had previously visited Israel. Invoking the antisemitic trope If you are pro-Israel, you cannot be trusted to
5) to be objective with subjects involving Jewishness. Those guilty of antisemitic abuse whilst at Oxford (yes we know who) were apparently “close to” @unitetheunion where Jennie worked and their abuse was apparently covered up by @UKLabour on her behest.…
Apr 25, 2018 • 45 tweets • 28 min read
1) Today we start with a long thread, detailing the Labour Councillors and Officers who have made antisemitic racist claims. Note that these are NOT rank and file members, but, people in authority.
2) Ahad voted against permission for a new @marksandspencer store because he felt that M&S are "Zionists who kill Palestinians". Dipu is quite unpleasant, he also hounded the members of the Holocaust Memorial Day org so badly, the Jewish members walked out…