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Aug 4, 2018, 15 tweets

Hey artist friends! Raise your hand if you know the special pain of juggling 4 or more sketchbooks at a time! How did it come to this?? Got any tips for organizing them?
#sketchbook #artlife #ArtistProblems

I've ended up with a whirlwind of sketchbooks (10+) largely cos I just can't resist a good deal on a good sketchbook. Also several were gifts. And hey they're not for collecting, they're for drawing! I do try to keep them organized though!

For instance this one (a lovely gift from Google!) is my main work notebook. It's full of notes and sketches for various projects.
#sketchbook #sketch

But of course it's gonna end up with tons of random doodles too! I find doodling during meetings is a great way to stay relaxed & focused on the topic at hand. My unconscious mind can wander on the page while my conscious mind can concentrate on the discussion
#Rakugaki #らくがき

Once in a while I'll get really into a sketch. If I have both time and momentum going I don't think "this is my work notebook! This is inappropriate!" I just finish it up where it started.

Maybe I'll clip these out and put them in another sketchbook in the future?

This beauty was a gift from my Alma Mater. I use it as my personal planner. It's mostly detailed notes on my daily schedule. But of course I doodle in the margins a lot.

This thing is with me at all times so sometimes the drawings get more obtuse/personal
#sketch #sketchbook

This is my oldest (and favorite) currently active sketchbook. A moleskine gifted to me by a dear friend. lt's full of personal work and studies. I consciously try to keep it untouched by work-work.
#sketchbook #sketch #moleskine

I tend to do a lot of life/photo studies in this one. Probably because of the larger page size relative to my other sketchbooks. That makes a huge difference!
#sketchbook #sketch #BuddhistArt

Sometimes I'll do a themed drawing challenge with my buddies. This week's theme was "slime monsters" and I ended up exploring how far I could take a slug motif.
#sketchbook #sketch

I tend to get into a better groove with this particular sketchbook. I mentioned the larger page size earlier. I think it's also just overall form factor. Moleskines are such a pleasure to touch. Slender, pliant, yet incredibly sturdy! And they hold graphite and ink so well!

Basically all I want to do is draw faces and buff monsters all day.
#sketchbook #sketch

Here's an example of one of those sketchbooks that's just SO DAMN BEAUTIFUL that I simply couldn't pass it up. Not sure what I'll do with it yet. This one definitely needs one unwavering theme to guide it!
#sketchbook #UnintentionalASMR

This is my other main personal sketchbook. Also a moleskine. Not a conscious choice actually! I have lots more, but the two moleskines just worked out to be the ones I liked drawing in the most! I do a lot of studies in this one.
#sketchbook #sketch #moleskine

Because this sketchbook is smaller and hardcover (but still sturdy! A lot of hardcovers fall apart easily!) I end up drawing in bed with it more often. Form dictates function!

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