Art-Eater ➡️⬇️↘️🐲👊 Profile picture
Your new fav Twitter account ✌️ Animator & #IndieGameDev I post long informative threads on Art & Animation @ZechaTactics @_LostandFoundCo
Sep 18, 2018 9 tweets 3 min read
RIP Norifumi "Kid" Yamamoto, one of the most talented and explosive fighters to ever step into the ring. He was like a fighting game character come to life, competing at the highest levels of combat sports. He will be missed.

Longtime fans of MMA will recall that during the 2000s Kid Yamamoto was an absolute killer in the ring.
Sep 16, 2018 7 tweets 3 min read
Found this big bad beetle boi on my porch the other night. It's a Xylotropes Gideon aka Thai fighting beetle (my fav animal)! Looks like our dogs had already found him and roughed him up a bit. He was writhing on his back covered in dirt, but these things are built tough! I put him in a plastic bin with a longan (we have longan trees in our yard and they're everywhere this time of year). I left the top open so he could leave at any time.
Sep 16, 2018 25 tweets 11 min read
Chiang Mai Zoo has world class facilities with happy active animals, an impressive aquarium and a kid's play center with one of the best collections of Seinen Manga I've ever seen. No joke! At the Chiang Mai Zoo Kid's Zone you can catch up on ultra violent martial arts classics like Fist of the North Star, Baki the Grappler and Tough.
Sep 12, 2018 10 tweets 9 min read
OK! Here's Part 3 of the Art-Eater Sekiro Premier Trailer Analysis! Tonight we'll dip our toes in Japanese bows, samurai helmet crests, and ancient Indian tridents!
#Sekiro #SekiroShadowsDieTwice #隻狼 In case you missed them, here's Part 1 (on Boddhisatvas and mourning the death of the Buddha):

and Part 2 (on Osamu Tezuka's Phoenix series):
Aug 14, 2018 13 tweets 11 min read
One and Yusuke Murata truly understand the wants and needs of today's youth.

Source :…
(The images in this tweet are heavily abridged, 👆go here for the real thing, free and legal to read!)
#OnePunchMan #ワンパンマン #CaptainMizuki #BestGirl Captain Mizuki's watermelon crushing antics were likely inspired by real life elite athlete and entrepreneur Kortney Olsen (@KortneyOlson) who can perform this feat of strength in real life!

See her in action and follow her here!…
#OnePunchMan #GRRRL
Aug 13, 2018 5 tweets 5 min read
I love how Yukito Kishiro still maintains a personal website!

No Twitter! No Facebook! Just a beautiful, informative, fun to browse HTML site full of awesome illustations and GREAT insights into his work!
#銃夢 #Alita #AlitaBattleAngel #Gunnm If you're a fan of Yukito Kishiro's work then you gotta head over to his gallery! Every Illustration has a detailed description of what went into it. For instance here he details his creation of the "bat-tuba," an instrument made for Cyborg Rock Music!…
Aug 13, 2018 4 tweets 6 min read
Did you know? In 2011, Yukito Kishiro, creator of Battle Angel Alita, did this TOTALLY AWESOME cover for the album "Revoltest" by cyberpunk techno metal band Valkilly!!! (@val_staff)

Get the full album here!…

#alitabattleangel #Gunnm #銃夢 #YukitoKishiro If you love #BattleAngelAlita/#Gunnm you should follow Valkilly (@val_staff)! The band's concept is that they are Earth's strongest cyborgs. They credit Yukito Kishiro's classic comic as their main inspiration!


Aug 6, 2018 4 tweets 3 min read
Growing up in the 90s, fighting games were the most diverse media out there. And they attracted the most diverse fandom I've ever been a part of. Nice to see the FGC community get some long overdue recognition for this from a wider audience. Btw I went to the most diverse High School in all of America (and possibly the world) circa 2000. National geographic did a story on us! Half our students came from 70 different countries. And a lot of us played fighting games!
Aug 6, 2018 10 tweets 7 min read
Finally able to set aside some time to watch Yuasa's latest film, The Night is Short, Walk On Girl! Right from the get-go it unveils some powerful imagery!
#MasaakiYuasa #湯浅政明 The film opens with the main character stating that she wishes "to plunge into the alluring world of adulthood" and "not be held back" by her peers.
Aug 5, 2018 7 tweets 5 min read
The English language version of Dragon Quest XI will change fan fav character Martina's name to "Jade." If you're upset about this, don't blame Square Enix. US law actually requires that all sexy raven haired Asian women martial artists who wear green must be named Jade.
#DQXI Martina is actually a really excellent name for a martial artist as it's derived from Mars, the Roman God of War.
#DQXI #DragonQuest
Aug 4, 2018 15 tweets 13 min read
Hey artist friends! Raise your hand if you know the special pain of juggling 4 or more sketchbooks at a time! How did it come to this?? Got any tips for organizing them?
#sketchbook #artlife #ArtistProblems I've ended up with a whirlwind of sketchbooks (10+) largely cos I just can't resist a good deal on a good sketchbook. Also several were gifts. And hey they're not for collecting, they're for drawing! I do try to keep them organized though!
Aug 3, 2018 13 tweets 8 min read
Happy #InternationalBeerDay! Here's a quick thread on notable beers in animation! Here's Misato downing a Yebisu in Evangelion! This shot really conveys the joy of downing a cold one and the end of a long day! Yebisu (#ヱビス) is a real beer and actually one of the oldest brands in Japan. In fact it's so old that the first letter in it's name (ヱ) is no longer in use in modern written Japanese!
Aug 1, 2018 4 tweets 3 min read
Sketching at local hedgehog cafe during lunch break. Nothing beats drawing from life!
#StudyStudyStudyStudy #Sketch Figuring out some Good Stuff that I probably wouldn't have noticed without the experience of actually handling a hedgehog in real life. For instance did you know their quills crisscross? This allows them to provide resistance from any angle!
Jul 29, 2018 12 tweets 6 min read
Doing some Bengus studies (oh man this is HARD lol)! Let me share some learnings with you! ...
#Darkstalkers #Art #MasterStudy #StudyStudyStudyStudy Something that Bengus does really well is that he primarily uses straight lines to convey everything. He rarely uses curved lines. Every line has a strong sense of direction that conveys the underlying mass. That's why his linework is so DIMENSIONAL.
#Darkstalkers #Art
Jul 28, 2018 15 tweets 13 min read
Messing around with Photoshop's video editing options. Just ripped this gif of Jamm's win pose from Golden Axe: The Duel! This game had REALLY GOOD ART!

Source video here:

#GoldenAxe #Sega #SpriteArt Cham Cham--I mean Jamm was born into a war torn land. She was abandoned by her parents during an enemy invasion, but was taken in by a wild spirit named Degas that raised her among the animals.

Here's a rad Moebius influenced illustration of Jamm!
#GoldenAxeTheDuel #Sega
Jul 28, 2018 6 tweets 4 min read
Apropos of nothing, man Magical Drop 3 had really nice animation! Hmmm last image is a bit too big for Twitter. Let's try again ... Man this game had such cool characters! Gotta love the screen filling sprite art too!
#MagicalDrop #SNK #NeoGeo #SpriteArt
Jul 28, 2018 17 tweets 8 min read
Octopath Traveller is Final Fantasy VI + Instagram Filters. Change my mind 😜 #OctopathTraveler #FF6 Octopath is a beautiful game in many regards. It has GREAT sprite art and designs and overall art direction. The team behind it are some of the best artists in the world. However, the color grading filters really flatten everything out.
Jul 27, 2018 4 tweets 3 min read
Some more beetle studies. If you are a character designer and particularly if you like to make creatures, armor or machines, you should definitely get to know and love bugs!
#StudyStudyStudyStudy Now to apply those learnings. Look at this good boi.
Jul 26, 2018 19 tweets 16 min read
Sirius the Jaeger is a new anime with chara designs by ex-Capcom luminary Kinu Nishimura (@nishi_katsu). It's about werewolves violently killing vampires in 1930s East Asia. Directed by Masahiro Ando (Sword of the Stranger). It's got everything I like!😃
Sirius the Jaeger has some compelling stuff going on! It's too early to tell, but I think the series might be drawing a parallel between Colonialism/Imperialism and Vampirism, which was also a strong theme throughout Blood: The Last Vampire.
Jul 23, 2018 4 tweets 3 min read
I see everyone dunking on that dude that thinks Amazon should replace libraries. Here's my 2¢:

I'm somewhat tech savvy. When I started writing articles for my video game blog, you know what I'd do for research? I'd go to the library! I would not have been able to write those Asura's Wrath breakdowns without access to the resources available at my public library. Libraries and the books within contain a lot of great, citable information that isn't readily available on the net!…
Jul 20, 2018 19 tweets 19 min read
Alright, let's take a closer look at some of these pencil tests from Akira! Look at this amazing tracking shot! That tunnel! I bet a lot of folks assume this was 3D CGI but NOPE. It was hand drawn!
#Akira #Akira30 #アキラ #PencilTest #2DAnimation #Sakuga This is such a complex shot. Everything is in motion and shifting in proper perspective so dynamically. The sense of speed and movement are incredible. This isn't a dry technical exercise either. Every frame is full of VITALITY!
#Akira #Akira30 #アキラ