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Aug 6, 2018, 10 tweets

Finally able to set aside some time to watch Yuasa's latest film, The Night is Short, Walk On Girl! Right from the get-go it unveils some powerful imagery!
#MasaakiYuasa #湯浅政明

The film opens with the main character stating that she wishes "to plunge into the alluring world of adulthood" and "not be held back" by her peers.

In other words she wishes to come out of her shell and she is immediately served escargot ie cooked snails! Escargot is a popular appetizer in various cuisines of the world (strongest association with France). Obviously in order to enjoy it you gotta pull it out of the shell!

That's not all though. The escargot fades out and we see the serving plate which resembles both an imperfect wheel and a revolver chamber. We hear the sound of a train starting up and the wheel begins to spin.

This is a night of big hopes and dreams and hopefully catharsis!

The camera tracks out to reveal that all the other guests at the reception sitting in a circle also visually parallel the escargot and the turning wheel.

The camera tracks to another table, past an eyeball staring intently over at the first table, introducing yet another visual parallel. We then meet the second protagonist who is in love with the first and wishes to find the courage to tell her.

Less than two minutes in and Ive already got more to chew on than in the entirety of other films! This is why I love Yuasa so much!

In just a few seconds he gives you everything you need to know to piece together what the work will be about. It's so beautifully layered and GENEROUS!

Ok time to ACTUALLY WATCH THE MOVIE lol. See you all later!

Welp. That was one of the best movies I've ever seen. No surprise there!

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