Stuart Coster Profile picture
Research & campaigns • Digital democracy • Election law • Director @DemocracyMovemt • Co-founder @PeoplesPledgeEU (2011-17) • Owner of broken cars.

Aug 15, 2018, 8 tweets

All the times the govt's own EU referendum pamphlet, delivered to every house, said that voting Leave meant "less access", "losing full access" & "uncertainty and risk" about the Single Market. But a majority voted Leave anyway.
#democracy @LeaveMnsLeave @DeborahMeaden

Here's the Remain campaign's widely distributed 'Europe & You' leaflet, stating that our votes "will decide your family's future" & "at risk" was being "free to trade with all EU countries with no barriers". A majority voted Leave anyway.
#democracy @Change_Britain @DeborahMeaden

Here's Will Straw, director of the Remain campaign, highlighting that Leave campaigners had "conceded" that outside the EU the UK would lose access to the Single Market. "We must be absolutely clear about what this means", he said. A majority voted Leave anyway
#democracy @montie

Here's leading Remainer, former chancellor Alistair Darling, on the campaign's website saying "Those wanting to leave the EU want to pull Britain out of the Single Market", talking about "Leaving the Single Market" and moving to "WTO trading rules". A majority voted Leave anyway.

Here's then Prime Minister David Cameron saying to @AndrewMarr9 on the BBC's @MarrShow that he would "pull the UK out of the single market after Brexit". A majority voted Leave anyway.
#democracy @DeborahMeaden @afneil

Here's a survey conducted by the Remain campaign on "leaving the EU and the single market", highlighting that 67% of economists recognised that leaving meant "loss of access to the single market”. A majority voted Leave anyway.
#democracy #BrexitReality @IainDale @NickFerrariLBC

Many other times the Remain campaign talks about being outside the single market, access risks and paying penalties, including a 'Get the Facts' page that highlights "British firms would have to pay tariffs to trade". A majority voted Leave anyway.
#democracy @PaulGoodmanCH

In short, even the Remain campaign made it clear that leaving the EU meant leaving the single market, possible trade penalties & paying tariffs. A majority voted Leave anyway. It's risible for them to now turn around under the guise of a #PeoplesVote & claim no-one voted for that

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