Jason Thorne Profile picture
Canadian Urbanist and Chief Planner for the City of Toronto (now posting @JasonThorne.bsky.social)

Aug 25, 2018, 9 tweets

1/ In case we needed more reasons for building better cities, the evidence is growing that #mentalhealth is significantly affected by #urbanplanning and #urbandesign ... whether for the better or the worse is up to us ...

2/ Exposure to natural light is linked to better sleep, reduced stress, and better work/school performance bit.ly/2ORgMiw. A well-designed city ensures access to natural light on sidewalks, in public spaces, and inside homes and offices.

3/ Boring streetscapes, with monotonous, feature-less facades and lack of sensory stimulation, can increase sadness, addiction and disease-related stress bit.ly/2OWX5WD

4/ A study in BioScience found that living in urban areas w/ natural features such as trees, gardens, parks, birds, and water is associated with higher levels of mental well-being and reduced chronic mental illness bit.ly/2P1tgo2 #biophiliccities #biophilia

5/ @WHO has linked #noisepollution to #mentalhealth, cognitive impairment, stress, #depression and #anxiety. In EU cities, noise abatement action plans often include measures such as identifying quiet areas, promoting #LRT, and reducing speed limits bit.ly/2weWf0u

6/ A study in Philadelphia found that access to “greened” vacant lots reduced feelings of worthlessness and depression, especially in low-resource neighbourhoods bit.ly/2OTj4xR #mentalhealth #urbandesign

7/ Living in an area w/ lots of #greenspace can increase happiness and life satisfaction. How much? 18-year long @UniofExeter longitudinal study says it has as much as 1/3 the positive impact on happiness as getting married bit.ly/2OX7m59 #happycity #biophiliccity

8/ The Copenhagen-based firm Nord Architects is using the patterns of traditional city design as part of the treatment and care for patients with #Alzheimer’s and #dementia bit.ly/2OWZCjz #urbandesign #mentalhealth

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