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Aug 30, 2018, 13 tweets

It’s Wednesday and that means it’s time for the stupidest, most mind-numbing, most horrific, most moronic, most absurd events of the week, and this week was a virtual cornucopia of stupid. #theweekinstupid

1. Osteopath Doctor Kelli gets the top spot with her conviction that John McCain decided to stop treatment for his brain cancer to mess up her chances in her primary.…

2. Trump gets spot number two for not knowing what colors go on the flag. Watch out Dan Quayle, someone is stupider than you are.

3. This week we discovered that Allen Weisselberg looks just like Al Capone’s accountant in the untouchables. And that Donald Trump does not not have advanced syphilis like Al Capone did.

4. This week saw the White House counsel fired by tweet (just like Rexxon). Sorry Don, only room for one Donald in Trumpworld.

5. Tammy called John McCain a RINO for not maga-ing enough and then a few hours later he died. Obviously Tammy killed John McCain.

6. The @TexasGOP tried to shame @BetoORourke for being in a band. It didn’t work out so well.

7. Trump did a dinner with the evangelicals because nothing says Christianity like paying pornographic actresses to spank you.…

8. Speaking of being the most Christian president ever, it’s possible that the most Christian president ever has.... an illegitimate child.…

9. Papadopopaplee! Everyone’s favorite coffee boy is going to take the deal after all!…

10. We also learned this week that the president’s name isn’t real popular so don’t hold your breath for Trumpcare or (the highly ironic) Trumptax.

Honorable mention- Rudy golfing at trump’s club in Scotland musing about how impeaching Trump will cause a revolt of the people.…

2nd honorable mention- this very blurry photo represents Callista Gingrich and her helpful waiter Ted Cruz. You will notice Ted is wearing gloves to prevent the transmission of his lizardness to Callista.

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