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AVWAP Navigator : Options Mastery :

Aug 30, 2018, 10 tweets

This low in BNF should hold, gap support. Let's see

Checking the support

Bought the support, 28200 calls, full amount SL

Buying at day lows does not need nerves of steel, just an understanding of support and resistance. Entry is a function of process, not a function of courage/dum

SL for the 28200 calls now at 9. Either I lose Rs.3 or see where this bounce takes us. Expecting a bounce till 28115 as of now

SL to 11 for the 28200 calls #nolosstrade . I continuously do this on expiry days, guarding my money. When one large move comes, that's enough for the day

SL triggerd, trade closed

Understood the action correctly, sadly trailing Sl got hit, As of now cannot maintain above 28115

How the whole day played out

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