Will Chamberlain Profile picture
Senior Counsel at the @Article3Project.

Aug 30, 2018, 6 tweets

30,000 people have joined the movement to #StopTheBias and protect free speech online - in LESS THAN TWO DAYS. Outstanding!

Sign the White House petition here - and show your support for President Trump in his fight against Big Tech!


IMPORTANT! If you have already signed the petition, please check your email for a verification message!

That ensures you won’t have to tign it again.

Thank you again!


UPDATE: Closing in on 40K!


Update - this thing is just ripping it up right now. Over 46K.


We had 30,000 signatures at 9:45 this morning.

We have 60,000 signatures now.

This is getting insane. THANK YOU SO MUCH!


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