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Aug 31, 2018, 19 tweets

Suspended 800M bronze medalist Kipyegon Bett makes some sensational allegations about his management company, Golazo Sports. Kenyan runner is facing ADRV and EPO use charge.

Did Golazo Sports Group play any part or role in Kipyegon Bett's woes?

Suspended athlete Kipyegon Bett says a Kenyan representative of Golazo Sports told him to accept that he used EPO and "be done with the shame"

More on this startling revelation and other disclosures from my Kipyegon Bett's elaborate interview will air on Saturday at 18GMT on @cgtnafrica

Our exclusive interview with Kipyegon Bett airs at 18:00 GMT on @cgtnafrica. Hear what he says about his missed tests and what Golazo Sports Representative says about this particular case.

The Chief Executive Officer of the Anti Doping Agency of Kenya, @ADAK_KE , will also join us live on @cgtnafrica studios to discuss the recent developments in the fight against doping in the country.

Match Point sports show on @cgtnafrica Will be incomplete without a look inside the new WADA approved laboratory in Kenya, Lancet Kenya. The CEO @DrAhmedKalebi speaks to us from South Africa. @siasduplessis Got that chat on top of the hour.

Belgium-based Golazo Sports dismisses Kipyegon Bett's claims on doping and missed tests. Barnabas Korir says the athlete isn't entirely truthful. Whereabouts info on ADAMS is athlete's sole responsibility. Advises Bett to consider his options at the moment.

Surprisingly, it was Barnabas Korie, Athletics Kenya Nairobi branch official, who broke the news of Kipyegon Bett's EPO doping to the media. Not the legally-mandated ADAK or even Athletics Kenya. He denies being the representative of Golazo Sports in Kenya.

It then begs questions : on what grounds/whose authority did Barnabas Korir act in relation to Kipyegon Bett's EPO doping revelation? Did AIU copy him alongside Golazo Sports in the ARDV notification email to Kipyegon Bett? Why did he speak on behalf of Bett, Athletics Kenya?

Did someone at Golazo Sports Group deliberately fail to update the ADAMS whereabouts info for Kipyegon Bett, resulting in missed test entries? Did he fall out with key Kenyan Golazo Sports bosses? Why would Kipyegon Bett allegedly take EPO during off season?

Coincidentally, Ruth Jebet, ex-Kenyan runner now representing Bahrain, is a Golazo Sports Managed athlete who failed doping test on May. EPO, again.…

Appearing on @cgtnafrica sports show #MatchPoint, ADAK CEO Japther Rugut said his organization is currently pursuing athletes support agents involved in suspected doping activities in Kenya athletics. He did not mention names as probe is still underway.

Curiously, Barnabas Korir's name features prominently in the matter of contractual dispute between Celliphine Chespol, Golazo Sports and her new management. Just like Kipyegon Bett's , Chepsol has missed tests questions to answer by TOMORROW.…

Update : Athletics Kenya says it has no records showing Barnabas Korir is a representative of Golazo Sports Group in Kenya. AK chief Tuwei says Korir is Nairobi branch boss, "to the best of their knowledge". But is it entirely true?

If Barnabas Korir has nothing to do with Golazo Sports, why would the Athletics Integrity Unit include him in official & confidential correspondence involving Golazo Sports managed athletes? Is Barnabas Korir an Athletics Kenya official and Golazo Sports Agent at the same time?

BREAKING NEWS. Suspended world 800M bronze medalist Kipyegon Bett claims Barnabas Korir is the Golazo Sports Agent who asked him to "accept the AIU EPO" charge in an alleged meeting at Nairobi's Hilton Hotel.

Barnabas Korir says he has no affiliation with Golazo Sports or Kipyegon Bett. Says Bett has every right for defense as stipulated in ADRV charge protocol. Denies meeting took place.

Here is the report of my exclusive interview with suspended 800M bronze medalist Kipyegon Bett for @cgtnafrica. More will be aired this week.

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