Dr. Bashir (commentary)🗳️ Profile picture
#IAmAFictionalCharacter #IAmNotAlexanderSiddigISwear #Resist #Persist #Prevail #QuadrupledVaxxed #DemVoice1

Sep 2, 2018, 6 tweets

ONLY 63 days until midterms elections.

Are you ready to make #BlueWave2018 a reality?

Here are some actions you can take right now to help!

🌊 Action 2: Support justice at the highest level.

📱Call: Your two senators—red or blue—today.

Find them: contactingcongress.org

📜 Script: Hi. I’m calling from [ZIP] about Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination and to urge [name] not to confirm him. Past nominees have been subject to intense but necessary scrutiny...


📜 Script (cont):... The records Republicans have requested won’t be available until October. All senators, including [name], have a responsibility to the American people to thoroughly vet any nominee. I urge a delay....


📜 Script: (cont)....of a vote until there has been a complete review of Kavanaugh’s record.


🌊Action 2: Oppose unfit, unethical leaders.

📱Call: Your two senators by this Thursday.
Find them: contactingcongress.org

📜Script: Hi. I’m from [ZIP], calling to ask [name] to reject Kathy Kraninger's nomination to lead the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau...

📜Script: (cont)... She oversaw the budget of the current administration’s inhumane, zero-tolerance immigration policy, leading to family separation. I would like [name] to reject this unqualified, unfit nominee.

Learn more: latimes.com/business/la-fi…

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