Charlotte Clymer 🇺🇦 Profile picture
Writer. Lesbian. Texan. Veteran. Hoya. She. |Rep: @lynnjohnstonlit | @GUPolitics | @CFR_org | | subscribe: #BLM

Sep 4, 2018, 7 tweets

There is a LOUD rally on Capitol Hill right now against Kavanaugh. Folks have shown up ready to fight.


“Any woman who has faced a pregnancy she does not want knows how terrifying that moment is... you know who doesn’t understand that? The men sitting in that room considering a nominee for the Supreme Court.”


“Women have put their bodies on the line in this fight. We will WIN this fight!”



“We don’t want an individual who would strip American women of their rights!”



“We learned two weeks ago that Donald Trump is an unindicted conspirator... do we let common criminals pick their judges? Should we let Donald Trump pick the judge who will decide if he can be subpoenaed?”



“Republicans are doing everything they can to jam this nomination through the Senate... we are here to say: not on our watch.”



Ugh, had to head to class! But folks are still out here, and you’ll get the chance to hear @SarahEMcBride brilliantly lay out the case against Kavanaugh!


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