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Humanist|BA Anthropology👣|Irrational Belief in Humanity🌎|ENFP| #SocialDem #M4A #TaxTheRich #ClimateChangeIsReal #BLM #ReproductiveJustice #FreePalestine

Sep 6, 2018, 12 tweets

Alright, let's break down this NYT Op Ed.

I'm not going to Speculate who wrote it

I do not think #Anonymous is a Hero

The 25th Amendment will not be Invoked against this *POTUS, it's a Distraction


First of all, this Op-Ed baits it's Audience by Stating they are part of "the Resistance" when #Anonymous is nothing of the Sort.

They are COMPLICIT. Grifting on a Failing *Adminstration in Order to have Power over the Policies being set at the White House.

#Anonymous admits this fact later after baiting us using "the Resistance" Title, all while Praising this *Admin's Policies

Most in the Cabinet know *45 is Unhinged & Dangerous, but they're willing to "Thwart" him long enough to get their "MAGA" Agenda Done

How Heroic! 🙄

They go on to Praise the Conservative Policies that only Prove to Harm most Americans, however the Credit does not go to *45, but to those "Insulating their Operations" from him.

Which Begs the Question, who are these UNELECTED Officals Steering Policy in the White House rn? 🤔

The Words offered here dont even Offer Cold Comfort, do not be lulled into a False Sense of Security!

Because wtf is a 2-track Presidency?
That's Unprecedented...
Who's running the other Track?

Are there only 2 Tracks or does Everyone have their Own "Track" in the WH? 🤷‍♀️

While of course most do NOT want *45 in Charge of our Government, this Demonstrates that our Executive Branch is Highly Fractured & Unstable with No Leadership, Letting Multiple Policy Agendas Fight for Supremacy.

This obviously makes America Weak Domestically & Internationally.

Again the sense of Security #Anonymous is trying to Instill here is False -there is Nothing Steady about this *Admin!

The 25th Amendment is dropped merely as more bait, there is 0 Chance this Cabinet would Invoke the Process when *45 is helping them Instill their Policy Agenda

So essentially, we are supposed to Trust #Anonymous & the "Two-Track Presidency" to Ride us through this Sh*t Show *Administration, all while they Happily Cut Taxes for the Wealthy, Slash our Healthcare, Deregulate Everything, & Fail to Reunite Families...

Uh, F*ck That!!

In Sum, There is no "Resistance" within this *Admin, even if #Anonymous believes as much.

They haven't put #CountryOverParty, they are simply Putting out Fires while they Desperately try to push through their Conservative Agendas.

But #Anonymous is Right about One Thing...

It's up to #WeThePeople to come Together & Fix the Mess that Exists in our Government

While Debunking Propaganda such as this Op-Ed is Important, in the end they are Distractions

#Midterms2018 & #GOTV should be our Main Focus.

Great Points Made Here:

Main Takeaway:
People like #Anonymous are Exactly why this *Admin is so Dangerous,

They're Unwilling to hold the *POTUS Accountable while they Silently Pursue their own Motives at the Harm of our Nation.

Elections Have Consequences!

#VOTE! 🗳


#Election2018 will be Pivotal to Securing our Democracy &Ensuring a Stable Path for America's Future

If the GOP & *45's Cabinet Refuse to put #CountryOverParty, its Time they Hear our Voice with our Votes 🗳

Find Great Tips to Help #BlueWave2018 Here 🌊…

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