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Oct 9th 2018
I don't think men really understand how different it is to be a woman out in the world and how quickly things can turn dangerous.
When I was living in New Orleans, I was walking home from work one night. It was fall--dark early & foggy.
A man came out of the fog toward me.
He said hi, I said hi.
As he started to pass me, he asked me if I had the time.
I looked at my watch, looked up, he had a gun pointed at me.
He hit me so fast I wasn't able to steel myself.
I fell to the ground.
He said, "I could rape you right now, but I don't have time."
He wanted my money.
I had the grocery money for the entire house (I lived with 3 other people) in my purse.
He took it and disappeared into the fog.
The whole thing was maybe ten minutes, start to finish.
I was shaking so hard I could hardly get up.
My head was bleeding.
Read 20 tweets
Oct 8th 2018
What do Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah & Washington have in common?

#VoterRegistration deadlines on 10/8 & 10/9 🚨
Your ABSOLUTE DEADLINE to register to vote in the #2018Midterms is Tuesday, October 9th! 🚨

You can't vote if you're not registered! If you are registered, check for purges. They happen.
#RegisterNow #BlueWave…

Your ABSOLUTE DEADLINE to register to vote in the #2018Midterms is Tuesday, October 9th! 🚨

You can't vote if you're not registered! If you are registered, check for purges. They happen.

#VoteBlue #IPledgeToVote
Read 20 tweets
Oct 7th 2018
This is a good article, talking about problems that we have to, that the GOP won't and that we CAN fix! But first, just #Vote damnit!
The Myth of the Lazy Nonvoter
2/"If history is any indicator, only around 40 percent of eligible voters will vote in the midterm elections. Most people assume that voter turnout remains this low because Americans are apathetic and simply don’t want to vote. But it’s more likely that most Americans do want to
3/"vote, and one of the root causes of low turnout is this country’s framework of restrictive voting laws. The United States is unique in allowing state laws to largely govern voting in federal elections. Ever since key federal protections were dismantled by the Supreme Court in
Read 41 tweets
Oct 6th 2018
#BrettKavanaugh is the ninth Justice of the Supreme Court. 1/
A man who has been proven to have lied under oath multiple times about his role in torture under Bush43 and about multiple details surrounding at least 2 (possibly 3) credible allegations of sexual assault made against him... 2/
A man who wrote that Native Hawaiians (and by extension Native Americans) are NOT due the terms of their treaties with the US—sovereignty over their own elections... 3/
Read 22 tweets
Oct 6th 2018
!!NEW Q DROP!! 10/6/18 00:05!! Last Chance To Save America!!
Justice K >>>Highest Court in the Land.
Law & Order [majority] [U.S. Constitution] safeguarded.
IT WAS OUR LAST CHANCE TO SAVE IT [Non-Force] #WeThePeople #TogetherWeAreStrong #QAnon @realDonaldTrump Cont.
Think HRC win >> SC appointments >> SC 'Corrupt' TILT [ex: LL]

Now comes the real PAIN.
Now comes the real TRUTH.
BOOM #QAnon #WeThePeople #TogetherWeAreStrong #TogetherWeWin
3. They want you DIVIDED.
TOGETHER YOU ARE STRONG. #QAnon #WeThePeople #TogetherWeAreStrong #TogetherWeWin @realDonaldTrump Cont.
Read 45 tweets
Oct 5th 2018
There are lot of considerations when evaluating the amendments on Florida's ballot this year. The League of Women Voters did some research and these are their recommendations.
Short thread.
Amendment 1 ❎

Oppose. The League has a position that “no tax sources or revenue should be specified, limited, exempted, or prohibited in the Constitution.”…
Amendment 2 ❎
The league opposes 2 for the same reason as 1.…
Read 15 tweets
Oct 2nd 2018
!!NEW Q DROPS!! 10/02/18 14:10 EST!! Q Says symbolism will be their downfall!! Seems Reddit is cabal owned!! #QAnon #GreatAwakening #DarkToLight #RedOctober @realDonaldTrump
!!NEW Q!! 14:11 EST Are you registered to vote on Nov 6th?
These people are SICK!…
Q #QAnon #ThesePeopleAreSick #Vote #RedWave #RedTsunami @realDonaldTrump
Anon comments regarding Q’s latest drops from the board!! #QAnon #GreatAwakening #DarkToLight @realDonaldTrump
Read 33 tweets
Sep 21st 2018
!!NEW Q DROPS!! 9/21/18 00:34 CDT Anon caught the [17] Second = Q Delta❤️ between President Trump’s tweet - AMERICA IS WINNING AGAIN and Q’s Drop with the LV picture!! Q says, “Nice Catch, Anon”!! #QAnon #QProof #Winning @realDonaldTrump
!!NEW Q!! 00:36 Q links to Anon graphic with the [17] second Delta!! #QAnon #QProof #AmericaIsWinningAgain @realDonaldTrump
Read 69 tweets
Sep 17th 2018
#1. Go to your Secretary of State’s website and check your voter registration…
#2. Vote early if you can, so if there’s a problem you have time to correct it.
Read 6 tweets
Sep 12th 2018
Had Al Gore been president on 9/11, I truly believe he'd have used the unbelievable unity we had in the wake of that tragedy to build support for a massive, New Deal style investment in renewable energy - wind, solar, infrastructure...
It would have done three things: 1) Freed us from our reliance on middle east oil & strengthened our hand in dealing with terrorism; 2) Created millions of jobs; 3) Helped with climate change.
Instead, we had George W. Bush, whose response was 1) to tell us to "go shopping," and 2) to invade the wrong country, at the cost of thousands of lives and trillions of dollars.
Read 4 tweets
Sep 10th 2018
!!NEW Q DROPS!! 9/10/18 11:39! Q posts his previous drop about them doing their part to protect the vote and us doing ours!!! #QAnon #Vote #RedWave #FightFightFight @realDonaldTrump
Anon comments/research related to Q’s - We will protect the vote drop!! From the board!! #QAnon #ProtectTheVote #Vote #RedWave #YourVoteCounts @realDonaldTrump
!!NEW Q!! 12:14 Q posts previous drop from 12/01/17 and says,”Why are 'powerful' [influential] people resigning due to 'past sexual misconduct' allegations?
Why are these 'allegations' now surfacing [10-month span]?
WHY NOW? #QAnon @realDonaldTrump Cont.
Read 87 tweets
Sep 9th 2018
#RubyBridges was the subject of this iconic painting by #NormanRockwell, "The Problem We All Live With," which memorialized her integrating the William Franz elementary school in New Orleans.

She turned 64 Saturday.

That's how close we are to #JimCrow.
#RubyBridges was six when US Marshals flanked her as she became the first black child to enter the all-white school.


Like Christopher Robin in House at Pooh Corner, if you need perspective on how small six is.

Today she is 64.

What a hero.
My parents were Civil Rights workers. My father was a Freedom Rider.

What #RubyBridges did seems so long ago, but she is nearly a decade younger than POTUS and because of Trump, #racism is nearly as central an issue as it was when Bridges made history.

We cannot go back.
Read 4 tweets
Sep 6th 2018
Thread 1. @BrianLehrer I am shocked to hear @JohnKerry admit that they suspected the algorithm of the voting machines in Ohio was manipulated in 2004 & yet they did not challenge the results. AND THEY SAID NOTHING.
2. Those of us who researched the 2004 Ohio election for years & concluded that the results were in all likelihood not accurate - needed someone of @JohnKerry's stature to speak out - yet he did not until now. He allowed ppl to call it a #conspiracytheory & said nothing.
3. An excerpt from my documentary demonstrating that in most counties in Ohio in the 2004 election the handcount did not match the machine count. Many activists & a few journalists have worked for years to get this message out. Where was @JohnKerry?
Read 5 tweets
Sep 6th 2018
Alright, let's break down this NYT Op Ed.

I'm not going to Speculate who wrote it

I do not think #Anonymous is a Hero

The 25th Amendment will not be Invoked against this *POTUS, it's a Distraction

First of all, this Op-Ed baits it's Audience by Stating they are part of "the Resistance" when #Anonymous is nothing of the Sort.

They are COMPLICIT. Grifting on a Failing *Adminstration in Order to have Power over the Policies being set at the White House.
#Anonymous admits this fact later after baiting us using "the Resistance" Title, all while Praising this *Admin's Policies

Most in the Cabinet know *45 is Unhinged & Dangerous, but they're willing to "Thwart" him long enough to get their "MAGA" Agenda Done

How Heroic! 🙄
Read 12 tweets
Sep 5th 2018
@AstorAaron @TheAtlantic @davidfrum That may feel good. In reality, the problem is US. It's apathy. We complain or sit out because we don't get our way. Congress is elected by US. If voter participation is < 50%, we deserve the congress we get. Unless we take power with 60-70% participation, it stays as is #vote.
@AstorAaron @TheAtlantic @davidfrum Things we can do to improve the situation:

1. Only have elections every two years
2. This includes all local ones too - city council, school board, etc
3. Make sure that local elections are in the same years as national ones
4. Then get out and vote every 2 years - no excuses!
@AstorAaron @TheAtlantic @davidfrum How do we do this?

1. 2020, we need to control the states that will give us the majority of the electoral votes
2. This means we need to win governorships and state legislatures
3. So we can determine redistricting
4. Be inclusive/aware of demographic trends for redistricting.
Read 6 tweets
Sep 5th 2018
Tonight I see the rule of law dying, the principles our country was founded on are being ignored, due process is being trampled upon.

I care very much about women's rights, LGBTQ rights, healthcare as we know it, and the possibility getting justice against an #IllegitimatePOTUS
The respect that I once had for elected officials has faded, the respect that I had for fellow Americans who were on the other side of the aisle disappears

No I don't hate them, I am disgusted by the fact that we have forgotten that while we may have differences we are Americans
As Americans, sure we make mistakes, but we also learn from our mistakes and fix it so that we don't repeat them.

In the current environment, I do not feel I can trust fellow Republicans, who once cared about 🇺🇸, blindly turn a blind eye towards atrocities and hate
Read 9 tweets
Aug 31st 2018
!!NEW Q Drop!! 8/31/18 9:56…
Q asks what the odds are of the NSA Data Center being located in Utah!! Remember, Huber is in Utah too!! #QAnon #NSADataCenter #WeHaveItAll #ItsHappening #GreatAwakeningWorldwide @realDonaldTrump
Read 73 tweets
Aug 30th 2018
If this message goes around 1M times, this man is the next Governor of Florida. Get up and do your part! #RT and #Vote #FLoridaPrimaries
Let’s make this the best and free political ad ever! Just click the button! #FloridaGovernor
.@AndrewGillum is a rising star! #VotingStyleNov6
Read 6 tweets
Aug 30th 2018
If you think
·Women’s Rights
·Civil Rights
·LGBTQ Rights
·Voting Rights
·Higher Wages
·Equal Pay
·Environmental Protections
·Consumer Protections
·Affordable Healthcare
·Saving Social Security

Are important, then in #69Days 👉 #VoteBLUE

There are #69Days left to help democratic candidates get elected.

What can you do to help them win?
🔹 Make Calls
🔹 Give someone a ride
🔹 Help someone register to vote

Here 👉…

Are you ready to vote in #69Days?

Do you know your state’s voter ID laws?
Do you have a ride to your polling place?
Do you know where your polling place is?

You can find out here:

Read 32 tweets
Aug 26th 2018
GOP is getting ready for hell. Thanks to their control of Congress, Republicans have blocked most of Democrats’ investigative requests. If House flips and the GOP loses its power, Trump Admin isn't ready for the investigatory onslaught that awaits them.…
For crying out loud #vote #vote #vote
The most dangerous thing right now is if Dems become complacent and take a win for granted. Please register to vote AND VOTE EARLY TO AVOID FRUSTRATION
Read 3 tweets
Aug 26th 2018
It’s happened again in Florida. At least 4 dead. At least 11 injured.

Florida’s primary elections are Tuesday. #Vote.

Honor these victims by voting for candidates that reject the @NRA.

Be a hero.

#JacksonvilleLanding #NoRA
Florida voters: find your polling place and check your voter registration here:…

#JacksonvilleLanding #NoRA
Read 3 tweets
Aug 25th 2018
So liberals & the deep State are calling for the impeachment of the President after they illegally spied on him & framed him on a fake Russia investigation. After no evidence they go after people around him for decade old crimes. Is this still America? This is a travesty.
It is important that we not only vote this November, but we must get involved by volunteering to knock on doors, tell friends & family to #VoteRed. The future of America hinges on this one election. I can not stress it’s importance enough. Please Vote, Get involved & PRAY
If Dems win the house like rabid dogs, they will impeach our President. They will block his every move to restore peace & prosperity to this nation & make sure his 2020 election is dead on arrival. Big Tech will shut down all conservatives speech & the country will be lost #Vote
Read 3 tweets
Aug 22nd 2018
#throwback to when Obama’s campaign was fined $375k by the FEC for violating finance laws. There are 2 rules of law in this country. One for hypocrite, establishment Dems and one for everyone else. Clean out this corruption, tear it all down. #Vote…
Jeez. I left out HRC's laundering of $84 MILLION in DNC donations to illegally finance her campaign.

Read 3 tweets

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