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There are lot of considerations when evaluating the amendments on Florida's ballot this year. The League of Women Voters did some research and these are their recommendations.
Short thread.
Amendment 1 ❎

Oppose. The League has a position that “no tax sources or revenue should be specified, limited, exempted, or prohibited in the Constitution.”…
Amendment 2 ❎
The league opposes 2 for the same reason as 1.…
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Every election is a choice and last night's Congressional primaries in Florida set up stark contrasts in #FL06 #FL16 #FL18 #FL25 #FL26 #FL27. #flapol #sayfie #RedToBlue

👇Let's go through them one at a time...👇
In #FL06 voters get to choose between @MichaelGWaltz who is already calling for Medicare & Social Security cuts & @nancysoderberg a #NatSec expert who sounded the early 🚨 on Bin Laden & has spent years teaching the next gen of leaders w/ @UofNorthFlorida…
In #FL16 voters get to choose between owner of @Vernsyacht, Vern Buchanan, and @Shapiro4FL16 who has stood with working Floridians against abuses from insurance companies & big corporations his whole career.…
Read 8 tweets
BREAKING: The Florida gunman who fatally shot a man over a parking spot dispute has been the accused aggressor in four road rage incidents. One involved the same Clearwater parking spot, one involved a shooting threat, and during two he showed a gun.…
In this case, the shooter was white and the victim was Black. Stand Your Ground disproportionately impacts communities of color in Florida. Florida Stand Your Ground cases are half as likely to lead to a conviction when the victim is a minority.
And when white shooters kill black victims, the shootings are deemed justifiable 11 times more frequently than when the shooter is Black and the victim is white.…
Read 7 tweets
“I don't make the law. I enforce the law," Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri said during a news conference today. "The law in Florida is that people have a right to stand their ground and defend themselves when they believe they are in harm." #flapol…
Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law allows residents to use force, including deadly force, if they "reasonably believe" they are at risk of death or great bodily harm. The law specifies that people have "no duty to retreat" from their homes or vehicles if they feel threatened.
In addition, people cleared of homicide under Florida's “Stand Your Ground” law cannot be charged with a crime if a bullet they fire during the same incident injures or kills a bystander.
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The new updated Blue list of Dem candidates running everywhere for everything:
Updated 7/6/18
Omar Vaid
Muslim-American union worker & dog dad of two rescues. Democrat running for Congress in NY-11 contributor:
Read 107 tweets
It’s official, FL bill HB 631 is now a law and could affect a beach near you even if you don’t live in Florida. Walton County residents were out in droves yesterday (July 1st) to protest this new law, signed by Governor Rick Scott last month.…
This new #Florida law invalidates local municipalities' #customaryuse ordinances and effectively locks the general public out of using the best parts of Florida’s beaches—unless they can afford to rent (or buy) beachfront property. Lawsuits are pending. #standyoursand
🚫HB 631 bans local municipalities from adopting ordinances to regulate public access to Florida’s beaches above the mean water line.

⁉️But first, where’s the mean water line?

💥In short, it's where everyone wants to sit when they're at the beach.…
Read 45 tweets
Last week, Alachua County became the third Florida county since the tragic shooting in Parkland - along with Leon County and Orange County - to require a background check on all gun sales occurring on publicly accessible property. #flapol…
Prior to the Parkland shooting, at least seven Florida counties had already taken this step. Thanks to the counties that have acted since Parkland, over half of all Floridians now live in a county that has passed a background check ordinance.
Florida has no statewide law requiring a criminal background check on unlicensed gun sales, making it easy for individuals with dangerous histories to purchase guns online or at gun shows. Nationwide, an estimated 22% of gun transfers take place without a background check.
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Dear #Miami Democrats

The movement to #AbolishICE - which #FL27 candidate @matthaggman supports - isn't just a symbolic maneuver and @Ocasio2018's victory on that platform isn't just a "mood."

ICE's most important agents agree.

"It says a lot about the mood in that district," former Health and Human Services secretary @DonnaShalala, a Clintonite

This is exactly what #Republican-lite looks like in #FL27





Obedience to the status quo…
#Miami voters don't need someone whose entire policy agenda is an unreasoning mood.

They need someone who will look under the hood of any problem and understand why it causes so much emotion.

And address it.

Trump broke ICE.

19 Top ICE Agents agree.


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BREAKING: For over a year, the Florida Dept of Agriculture failed to conduct background checks on tens of thousands of concealed weapons permit applications. As Commissioner of Agriculture, this failure should end @adamputnam’s gubernatorial campaign and career TODAY. #flapol
.@adamputnam’s office was unable to log into the system to perform background checks during the biggest spike in permit applications in Florida’s history. As a result, criminals may have received Florida permits to carry hidden, loaded handguns in public.…
.@adamputnam made it a priority to speed up issuing concealed weapons permits since his election in 2010. In 2012 he celebrated the state's one millionth permit, noting the time it took to process an application fell from 12 weeks to 35 days on his watch.

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