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I went to bed feeling betrayed--perhaps even enraged. I woke up, still feeling betrayed--but resolved. I still believe #AnitaHill. I still believe #ChristineBlaseyFord I still believe #survivors #women They have knocked us down, but not out. I still believe in the power of us.
Our perpetrators tried to stifle our voices too--and, WE ARE NOT GOING BACK. We will not be silenced or moved. Today, survivors will keep organizing, sharing our painful and hard truths until the very last hour, and then we'll take our fight to the ballot box.
Survivors matter and we do vote--and run for office too! We have been ignored, but not silenced #midterms A vote to support #Kavanaugh confirms more than one man, to the highest court in the land, you are also confirming #privilege #entitlement #injustice
Read 7 tweets
Sortant de mon après-midi de khôlles et de cours et après avoir regardé le témoignage de #BlaseyFord, je vous le dis comme je le pense: #Kavanaugh est fini. Et ce tweet du très renseigné #Sherman sur #Trump me conforte.
2) Pourquoi #Kavanaugh semble être "mort à l'arrivée" pour la nomination? Car comment imaginer que 50 sénateurs puissent passer outre 1 témoignage précis et si émouvant donné déjà bien avant le choix de #Trump? Le "100% sûre"est insurmontable SAUF…
3) seule chance de #Kavanaugh est que les républicains du Sénat choisissent 1 immolation collective ultime pour verrouiller la #CourSuprême au prix d'1 désastre séculaire auprès de l'électorat féminin blanc aux #midterms...Mais ce suicide politique aurait 2 conditions...
Read 31 tweets
Meet Tim Graboski, aka whiterook6. He works for AggregateIQ as software developer. If that name sounds familiar, it’s because they helped #CambridgeAnalytica during the 2016 election. And apparently they’re still interested in our elections. #Midterms2018 #osint #infosec
We know that part of the seed data for the models used by CA came from Facebook surveys users filled in as part of an app. Well doesn’t this look familiar....this is a project called Campaign Pillar aka Check-In. “AIQ” is plainly visible. As are the targeted election questions.
Well this little gem comes to us courtesy of Tim’s GitHub repository, found here :… Currently available to the public (cloned in case it comes down).
Read 10 tweets
#SundayMotivation #BrettKavanaugh #PlannedParenthood A brief note of Deepest Appreciation to all who have my my thread/today’s work along with help from from @1776HotLips @RealBasedBlonde so may others (Bro @WhoWolfe 🤓) My work is to piece to together a puzzle. #TeamWork #MAGA
@1776HotLips Take the Deepest Appreciation from my Heart ❤️ unconditional support and constant love is greatly appreciated!! Shout out to Mary 💥🙋🏼‍♀️🤓😊💘 #BFF and #FriendsFest
Thank you @RealBasedBlonde .. threads are never done in isolation. Everything I do requires a teamwork approach. In fact, you know I don’t do threads 😂😂 but the #MidTerms are critical and we need each other more than ever. TY for picking up the slack.. #TeamTrump #LoveYa 🤓
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Sur le dossier #CoréeduNord, #Trump continue de se bercer d'illusions mensongères- et bientôt perdues?Oui, #KimJongUn est bien d'accord pour ce qu'énonce le président US...à condition que les #EtatsUnis fassent le 1er pas, c.a.d fassent 1 traité de paix pour la guerre de Corée.RT
2) Pour l'heure, la comédie se poursuit car les 3 protagonistes ont intérêt d'y jouer: avant les #midterms,#Trump DOIT entretenir le récit de négociations se poursuivant. #KimJongUn fait preuve de bonne volonté pour complaire à la Chine. Et le sud-coréen #Moon a son rapprochement
3) Depuis le début de ce dossier #CoréeduNord, 1 question par définition sans réponse: pourquoi #KimJongUn, instruit des précédents Kadhafi et Hussein, détruirait-il les armes nucléaires et les vecteurs que son régime a mis tant d'argent et de volonté à bâtir? Non sens.
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VOTE NOVEMBER 6, 2018 #Midterms
THREAD of all Democratic Candidates with twitter & websites
& VOTER INFO with Links

Register by October 9 in-person; October 16 by GEAUX
Early voting Oct. 23-30 (not Sunday)
Apply for Absentee Ballot by Nov 2
Register Online here:…
Find your Voter Precinct here:
Registration info:…

Democratic Candidates for #Louisiana #LA01
Lee Ann Dugas…

Jim Francis

Tammy Savoie

vs Steve Scalise (R)
Read 14 tweets
Hey #Massachusetts #MA
You need to register by October 17th to be able to vote in #Midterms2018 on NOVEMBER 6.
THREAD of all your Democratic Candidates with twitter & websites.
And VOTER INFO with all the Links you need!
#MA01 #MA02 #MA03 #MA04 #MA05 #MA06 #MA07 #MA08 #MA09
Register Online here:…
Check Registration here:…
Find Polling Place…
Send to Local Election Officials:…
Democratic Candidate for SENATOR for #Massachusetts
#MA01 #MA02 #MA03 #MA04 #MA05 #MA06 #MA07 #MA08 #MA09

DEM Incumbent
Elizabeth Warren

vs Geoff Diehl
VOTE November 6, 2018
Early Voting: Oct 22 - Nov 2
Read 20 tweets
Au vu des déclas de Conway et de l'histoire, #Trump et son staff auront posé 3 questions à #Kavanaugh: l'avez vous fait? Peut-il y avoir des preuves? Y a-t-il d'autres affaires ? La triple réponse fut nécessairement négative puisque la Maison Blanche a réaffirmé son soutien. RT+
2) Il faut bien comprendre le dilemme de la Maison Blanche et de #Trump: ils doivent être SÛRS que #Kavanaugh est propre, car s'il explose en vol face à cette accusation, ils ne pourront plus relancer 1 autre nomination avant les #midterms. Et perdraient 1 juge conservateur ultra
3) La Maison Blanche et #Trump font donc confiance à #Kavanaugh et au travail d'inspection préalable mené par l'avocat de la présidence, McGahn, dont Kavanaugh est le poulain. Mais on sait en France depuis #Cahuzac que le mensonge face à face avec 1 président n'est pas impossible
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#Breaking BADABOUM de dernière heure. L'accusatrice du juge Kavanaugh, nominé de #Trump à la #CourSuprême, se dévoile. Elle s'appelle Christine Blasey Ford. Ce qu'elle décrit est 1 tentative de viol collectif. Et ses accusations sont beaucoup plus étayées.…
2) En pleine vague du #Metoo, cette accusation ici détaillée dans le @washingtonpost devrait ébranler le processus de confirmation de #Kavanaugh à la Cour Suprême, même relative à des faits remontant à 35 ans. MAIS 2 gros bémols...
3) D'1 part, la majorité républicaine au Sénat (51 sénateurs/sénatrices contre 49 démocrates et indies) s'est toujours très bien accommodée des accusations d'inconduite sexuelle contre #Trump, qui est sorti indemne du #MeToo. Pourquoi alors, pour eux, tiquer sur Kavanaugh?
Read 10 tweets
Ca c'est 1 vraie "cagade" de #Trump, totalement incompréhensible et illisible en plein début de campagne des #midterms. En faisant du bilan humain abominable de #Maria à #PortoRico le produit d'1 théorie complotiste (ce serait les démocrates…), il franchit 1 ligne jaune...1/
Quand, comme hier, #Trump affirmait son mépris pour #PortoRico et son sous-développement,il pouvait séduire la frange identitaire blanche de son électorat cible. Mais là...pourquoi partir dans 1 telle controverse aussi indécente alors qu'il a 1 bon bilan économique à défendre? 2/
3) #Trump n'a que 2 chiffres à marteler d'ici les #midterms: 4,1%((de croissance) et 3,9% (de chômage). Et pourtant, sans cesse, par sa simple obsession d'avoir raison, toujours,partout, il met à la une des polémiques soulignant ses "traits" faibles: manque d'empathie, d'à propos
Read 7 tweets
Hey #NewHampshire #NH
VOTE NOVEMBER 6, 2018 #Midterms
Voting Day Registration.
Here’s a THREAD of all your Democratic Candidates with twitter & websites.
And VOTER INFO with all the Links you need!
Find Polling Place here:…
You may apply to your town or city clerk's office.
Election Forms here:
Find your Election Clerk here:…


Democratic Candidate for #NH01 #NewHampshire
Chris Pappas

vs Eddie Edwards
#Midterms2018 #VoteBlueNH
Voting Day Registration
Apply for Absentee Ballot by November 5

Read 8 tweets
Here’s a THREAD all your Democratic Candidates #Midterms2018!
with photos, Twitter & Websites
& VOTER INFO links to Registration, Absentee, ID, Poll Worker
Register by October 13
Voter Registration #DELAWARE
Register & Check Registration Online here:
•By mail…
Check Registration
#Midterms NOVEMBER 6
Register by October 13

No Early Voting, but you can apply for in-person absentee voting.
Apply for Absentee Ballot here:
OR Print form…
And send to your Election Office
Read 8 tweets
1) Problématique majeure à garder en tête d'ici les #midterms US. #Trump évoque ces aristocrates romains ralliés à la cause du "peuple" par opportunisme à la fin de la République et utilisant la fonction tribunicienne, d'où on exalte sa colère pour déstabiliser les institutions
2)...sauf que #Trump est 1 tribun exalté (et doué) ayant conquisl'exécutif qu'il entend faire fonctionner selon la seule vox populi, exprimée instantanément par le canal numérique. Et il est prêt à détruire toute institution qui "corsèterait", briderait cette volonté du peuple...
3) Il y a donc 1 tension croissante entre #Trump tribun aux paroles performatives (Make America Great Again, our country is doing great)et aux ordres impératifs ("tuez Bachar" sortie immédiates des traités) avec des institutions le contraignant à suivre des normes bureaucratiques
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We must demand @SenateDems, @SenSchumer use #NoQuorum to delay #SCOTUS confirm. hearings.
> @WhiteHouse is witholding 100K pages on Kavanaugh's time in Bush WH. What are they hiding?
> New guilty plea in #Mueller probe 8/31. We must block confirmation b4 probe is complete.
How to fight this...
1. Call AND write yr senators every day, whether Republicans or Dems. Ask others to do the same. Demand there be no confirmation hearings before we see where the criminal probe of @realdonaldtrump leads.

call 202-224-3121 or text resist to 50409 - it's easy
2. Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper voicing your opposition to Kavanaugh and explain your reasons why,
incl the new information about indictments in the ongoing criminal probe
the failure to release pertinent Kavanaugh files
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Support🕺Democrats Work For America💃

We're a people-funded pac committed to electing #Democrats by
✔️targeting winnable races
✔️registering, protecting, engaging, mobilizing voters
✔️building coalitions to maximize #GOTV efforts

Donate today!
We @DemsWork4USA are designed to overcome precisely this👇(and similar) well-funded machinery on the Right (read the article), with the help of large # of small $ donors like you.


#BlueWave #WinBlue #DemsWork4USA

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At @DemsWork4USA we are working hard & smart to organize, involve & channel grassroots activists to help #WinBlue, including assessing, vetting & early support of candidates, in a multi-layered strategy.

Please support our work. Give if you can.

Read 12 tweets
Deeply anti-Warren piece that is highly critical & dismissive of her. It totally hand waves Sanders through.Warren has beaten Sanders in several polls,so is this a check on her momentum?

Think Elizabeth Warren And Bernie Sanders Are The Same? She Doesn’t.…
As with coverage of Hillary Clinton in 2016, the verbiage here is to pit actual work, which Warren does, against Sanders' oeuvre of rhetorical flourish.

Warren is a worker bee, Sanders a gadfly.The false dichotomy of "socialism" when Sanders is not a true socialist feels forced.
I'm not sure what the function of this piece was other than to undermine the enthusiasm some are feeling about Warren and the work--in the Senate work--that she's been doing. Asserting that her battling Trump directly is meaningless is a bad take.
Also, it's not 2020.
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.@BBC reporting on "an historic day in American politics." The presenter notes "at a rally last night, the President led a chant of #LockHerUp, referring to Hillary Clinton, but it's Trump's closest people who are going to jail."

The presenter sounds incredulous about the chant.
18mins into the @BBCWorld broadcast, still talking about Trump, #Manafort, #MichaelCohen and #LannyDavis.

Now there is a US constitutional scholar discussing how the president can indeed be indicted and how there is "grounds for impeachment" after yesterday's events.

.@BBCWorld quotes #MichaelCohen's attorney #LannyDavis w/r/t #MuellerInvestigation.
Davis told @maddow last night that Cohen has "Knowledge on certain subjects" that he would be willing to transmit to Mueller. Davis said Cohen's knowledge "is...
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Seine Skandale holen ihn endlich ein: Donald #Trump wird von seinem Ex-Anwalt Michael #Cohen bezichtigt, mit ihm illegale Wahlkampffinanzierungen begangen zu haben. Ist das nun der Anfang vom Ende des US-Präsidenten? Nope. [THREAD] #CohenPleaDeal #TrumpRussia
To recap: #Cohen bekennt sich schuldig, dem Ex-Playmate Karen #McDougal und der Pornodarstellerin #StormyDaniels auf illegale Weise Schweigegeld gezahlt zu haben. „In coordination with and at the direction of [#Trump]" und „to influence the election“.…
#Cohen impliziert #Trump also in seinen Verbrechen. Das ist extrem brisant – und gewagt. Denn zwar hat Cohen ein Tape, in dem er die Zahlungen mit Trump diskutiert. Doch das gibt nicht 100% Aufschluss darüber, ob Trump illegale Finanzierungen bewilligte.…
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THREAD: by now, many of you have seen posts or articles re: @defcon’s @VotingVillageDC, and the ease with which machines and websites were attacked and exploited. And now, THIS is happening....#unhackthevote #infosec #ElectionSecurity
For YEARS, advocates of election integrity have been pointing out these issues. This isn’t new. After 2000, the Help America Vote Act was passed to modernize our elections, first proposed by Robert Ney (R-OH). Signed into law by George W. Bush. So much for this theory:
At the same time, Bush’s @TheJusticeDept began an investigation into alleged #VoterFraud. Guess what it turned up? No masses of non-citizens voting, nothing that could come close to altering an election.…
Read 15 tweets
Another history-making night for women and #LGBTQ people.
It's pretty fantastic.


🌊 🌊 🌊
We are moving more towards real representation in Congress thanks to women.

#IlhanOmar won #MN05.
She & #MI13 winner #RashidaTlaib will be the 1st #Muslim women in Congress.

Keep thinking we want a white man for POTUS in 2020 after 242yrs of no women.
I'm just so thrilled about these wins for women tonight, despite the usual suspects trying to change the narrative.

Work hard for these women candidates between now and #Midterms.
And stop dissing #Pelosi--she raised millions for these races and to win back the House from Trump.
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Gearing up for #Midterms? Checking your voter registration? Reading up on candidates?

That's great. But there's one more thing you need to do:

Prepare yourself for the barrage of divisive tactics that will be coming at us for the next ~90 days.

Every time you read a sensational news story/tweet/FB post/etc. attacking a Dem. candidate or an anti-authoritarianism activist, stop and ask yourself these questions:
1. Is it intended to pit us against each other?
2. Is it attempting to divide the Dem. vote?
3. Is it attacking an ally and/or the credibility of a major voice in the fight to defend democracy and the rule of law?
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1.) I was one of thousands of volunteers who worked tirelessly for Jon Ossoff's campaign during the 2017 6th district special election. What was SO frustrating about that loss (aside from the fact that he would have made a amazing congressman) was that the outcome didn't-
2.) - make any sense whatsoever - not with what I'd seen on the ground as a canvasser, not with the number of Democrats I saw streaming into my polling place when I was a poll watcher. I'm not an election integrity expert, but I, like many other Ossoff supporters, were thrilled -
3.) when @MarilynRMarks1 filed a lawsuit challenging the results. And then a few days later #BrianKemp wiped the server clean of data. So many people sacrificed so much during that campaign for someone to be our voice in the House, and now we couldn't even contest the results.
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Democrats Fight #GOP Culture of Corruption to Make Washington Work for the People/1 #VoteBlue2018 #Midterms #Democrats #DemsWork4USA #WhyIVoteDemocrat It’s a vintage button with a donkey kicking an elephant saying “Kick out Depression with a Democratic Vote”
This week’s indictment of #GOP Congressman Chris Collins shines a stark light on the rampant culture of corruption and self-enrichment among #Republicans in Washington today/2 #Collins #CorruptGOP #SwampThings
..and the story continues to widen as reporters unearth at least six other #GOP current and former Members of Congress who have recently owned or sold stock in Innate Immunotherapeutics, the Australian company at the center of the arrest of Rep. Collins./3 #GOPCORRUPT #Collins
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#Midterms #RedWaveRising2018 #QAnon plz RT

“We are now within 90 days of the most important midterm election of our lifetime and we need to fight with everything we have to create a red wave this November.”
“It's important that we start with the historical picture in mind. On average, the party that wins the White House loses 15 House Seats in the midterm election.

That's our starting point. Anything less than 15 lost seats is a victory and defies the average.”
“What we do in the next 90 days truly matters and can make a difference.

What will we do today to move us toward victory?”
#RedWave2018 #RedWaveRising2018
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