Lulu Friesdat Profile picture
Co-Founder & Exec Director @SMART_elections, TEDx Speaker Award-winning Journalist/Documentary Filmmaker #Elections #Neurodivergent
Sep 6, 2018 5 tweets 3 min read
Thread 1. @BrianLehrer I am shocked to hear @JohnKerry admit that they suspected the algorithm of the voting machines in Ohio was manipulated in 2004 & yet they did not challenge the results. AND THEY SAID NOTHING. 2. Those of us who researched the 2004 Ohio election for years & concluded that the results were in all likelihood not accurate - needed someone of @JohnKerry's stature to speak out - yet he did not until now. He allowed ppl to call it a #conspiracytheory & said nothing.
Aug 31, 2018 4 tweets 4 min read
1/4 WHY WE CAN'T MAKE PROGRESS ON #ELECTIONSECURITY @CNBC!! Because of constant misrepresentation of facts by media outlets like YOU… "it's actually quite difficult for outsiders to directly manipulate votes/voting machines aren't connected to the internet" 2/4 Here, @SEGreenhalgh, an #ElectionSecurity expert debunks that myth. in an interview I did with her at #defcon2018.
Aug 23, 2018 4 tweets 2 min read
1. The #SecureElectionsAct is being postponed & WATERED DOWN
"Blunt unveiled his amended version of the legislation last week, which removes the initial version's requirement that states conduct post-election #audits w/ paper records."… via @secureourvotes 2. #Audits are not an optional side issue to leave off, like deciding not to have fries with your burger. AUDITS are the central component of how we need to verify elections. This is like pizza with no cheese, and no crust. It is just tomato sauce.
Aug 1, 2018 7 tweets 7 min read
Thread 1/7 WHY WE NEED #AUDITS. Professor Andrew Appel breaks down the #myth that someone can't #hack a #VotingMachine if it's not connected to the #Internet.… #PaperBallots #AuditTheVote Thread 2/7 "The ES&S model #DS200 #optical-scan voting machine has a #cellphone modem that it uses to upload #election-night results from the #voting machine to the “county central” canvassing #computer." #PaperBallots #AuditTheVote
May 14, 2018 5 tweets 6 min read
Thread 1/5 On Friday a judge ruled that the destruction of ballots in @Tim_Canova race was illegal. The judge said that #BrendaSnipes the #BrowardCounty Supervisor of Elections' defenses were “without substance in fact or law."… 2/5 @MarcACaputo @politico is reporting that @FLGovScott says he will have #BrendaSnipes the #BrowardCounty Supervisor of Elections' office monitored.…