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Aug 31st 2018
1/4 WHY WE CAN'T MAKE PROGRESS ON #ELECTIONSECURITY @CNBC!! Because of constant misrepresentation of facts by media outlets like YOU… "it's actually quite difficult for outsiders to directly manipulate votes/voting machines aren't connected to the internet"
2/4 Here, @SEGreenhalgh, an #ElectionSecurity expert debunks that myth. in an interview I did with her at #defcon2018.
3/4 See also this excellent article by @KimZetter The Myth of the Hacker-4Proof Voting Machine. The key word in that headline is #Myth.…
Read 4 tweets
Aug 1st 2018
Thread 1/7 WHY WE NEED #AUDITS. Professor Andrew Appel breaks down the #myth that someone can't #hack a #VotingMachine if it's not connected to the #Internet.… #PaperBallots #AuditTheVote
Thread 2/7 "The ES&S model #DS200 #optical-scan voting machine has a #cellphone modem that it uses to upload #election-night results from the #voting machine to the “county central” canvassing #computer." #PaperBallots #AuditTheVote
Thread 3/7 "The voting machine calls the county-central computer using its cell-phone modem... this connects ... to a cell tower ... near the canvassing computer." #PaperBallots #AuditTheVote
Read 7 tweets

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